毕业设计-土木工程-桥梁工程-设计摘要 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章毕业设计-土木工程-桥梁工程-设计摘要更新完毕开始阅读d19c232b2af90242a895e59c


摘 要

根据桥址处的具体情况,并结合设计要求,拟定出三个比选方案。分别是预应力混凝土连续梁桥、钢筋混凝土简支梁桥、钢筋混凝土连续刚构桥。根据安全、适用、经济、美观的原则确定预应力混凝土连续梁桥为推荐方案,桥梁总长136m(40m+56m+40m)。主梁采用单箱单室箱形截面。施工方法采用满堂支架施工法。使用midas6.71程序进行结构计算。计算结构的恒载内力,求得恒载内力下结构的弯矩图及剪力图;计算各控制截面内力影响线,并按最不利情况进行加载,求得活载作用下内力包络图。定义基础沉降组,按最不利组合求得基础沉降引起的内力。施加温度荷载,求得温度荷载下内力。并进行荷载组合,根据各控制截面内力进行了估束和配筋计算,并对梁体进行具体的钢束布置。最后,对各控制截面进行了强度、抗裂性、应力和变形验算。 关键词:预应力混凝土;连续梁桥;荷载组合



According to the specific situation at the bridge site, combined with the design requirements, to work out more than three alternatives. Are continuous prestressed concrete beam bridge, bridge of reinforced concre beams reinforced concrete continuous rigid frame bridge. According to security, application, economic, aesthetic principles of prestressed concrete continuous beam bridge to determine the recommended program Bridge length 131.1m (32.55m+48m+32.55m). Single box girder single-cell box sections. Full Support Construction Methods Construction Law. Structure calculation using midas6.71 program. Calculate the structure dead load internal forces, internal forces obtained under the structure dead load bending moment diagram and shear diagram; calculate the internal force control section of line, according to the most adverse conditions to load, internal forces obtained under live load envelope. The definition of foundatio settlment group, obtained by the most unfavorable combination of internal forces caused by foundation settlement. Applied thermal load, internal forces obtained under temperature loading. And the load combination, according to Section Analysis of the control beam and reinforcement estimates werecalculated, and a concrete beam steel beam layout.Finally, the control section for the strength, crack resistance, stress and deformation checking. Keywords: prestressed concrete; continuous beam bridge; load combination