基于CP430的MODBUS通讯程序设计 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章基于CP430的MODBUS通讯程序设计更新完毕开始阅读d1df46d580eb6294dd886cd6


二、完成后应交的作业(包括各种说明书、图纸等) 1. 毕业设计论文一份(不少于1.5万字); 2. 外文译文一篇(不少于5000英文单词); 3. 包含任务书、开题报告、中期检查和前三项内容的光盘 一张。 三、 完成日期及进度 2011年3月21日至2011年6月17日,共13周。 进度安排: 3.14-3.28, 熟悉任务要求,查阅资料,翻译外文资料; 3.28-4.18, 学习、理解MODBUS通讯的原理; 4.18-4.30, 学习、理解S7-300PLC软件的使用; 5.1 -5.30, 利用S7-300PLC软件,编写程序; 5.31-6.29, 撰写毕业论文、答辩。 IV


五. 主要参考资料(包括书刊名称、出版年月等): 1. MODBUS国标参考资料。 2. 西门子S7-300/400PLC编程与应用, 刘华波, 何文雪, 王雪编著. 3. 西门子S7-300/400PLC控制系统设计与应用,陈章平等编著 系(教研室)主任: (签章) 年 月 日 学院主管领导: (签章) 年 月 日 V











The rapid development of computer technology, makes the modern industrial production and control system is becoming more and more complexity while riding a reliability, real-time, and more and more is also high precision requirements. The Modbus technology for control system performance provides new ideas, improve the development of the Modbus technology intended to establish an open control communication network. Owing to historical reasons, the different systems Modbus agreement difference is very big. Different bus agreement application also different.

MODBUS agreement defines the controller can identify and use of information structure. Widely used in industrial communication field, its advantage is good real-time, high reliability, applicable to small to medium size of data transmission, such as the typical application in programmable controller (PLC). The protocol USES host polling mechanism, the main equipment and issue queries request, demand from equipment perform an action; After received from the device queries, identify whether some action local data execution, the organization response, will implementation status or related data feedback to the main equipment.

Based on the study, detailed analysis Modbus agreement rules the principle of Modbus agreement by Siemens, and then CP430 STEP7 software, using Modbus, slave station program do realize Modbus functions slave station accept inspection。

Key word: Modbus, CP430, slave station, the agreement