2017年上海普陀区高三英语一模试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章2017年上海普陀区高三英语一模试卷更新完毕开始阅读d1e3cd0f3086bceb19e8b8f67c1cfad6185fe951

Section A 41-45 DCCCB CDDBA ABDAA Section B 56-59 ADBA 63-66 ADBC 60-62 CDC

Section C 67-70 FABD Summary:

It is reported that many secondary schools in UK have trouble enrolling young teachers due to the

low salary and the bad behavior of the youth in school. To change the situation, parents should be

strict with the kids to back teachers up and the governments are encouraged to improve teachers' income and publicize the positive image of teaching.

Secondary schools in UK experienced difficulties recruiting young teachers. The reasons are low

salary and the kid's bad behavior, which push talents to business occupations with twice income.

Therefore, poorly behaved students need to obey stricter rules and parents need to discipline them

at home. Also, government should increase teachers income and promote a teaching campaign to

'display teaching's bright side. Writing: 略12