全新版大学进阶英语第二册第六单元答案备课讲稿 联系客服

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1. The more you give, the more you receive. 2. The more Mike earns, the more he spends. 3. The more you explain, the more confused I am/feel. 3.2

1. John waited at the doorway, his coat dripping water.

2. Diana stood at the end of the diving board, every muscle of her body anticipating action.

3. Jim slipped on the ice-coated steps, his head banged against the ground and his back bruised.

4. Comprehensive Practice 4.1 Cloze

Do you know what I’ve been doing? I’ve been interacting with a tree, getting it to talk. No, don’t laugh. It’s true. I’m not making it up. The tree is the creation of someone in the maker movement. I don’t know if you have taken an interest in the movement, but I find it fascinating. It’s very popular in America and now it is gaining ground in China. It is even receiving encouragement from the government, which hopes it will help to transform the economy. The maker movement brings together traditional craft skills with the very latest in electronic technology to create something new. It does so by providing places where makers can get together to learn new skills from one another. Makers also encourage the sharing of ideas, rather than working in secret. So why not give it a try? If you like tinkering with things you might end up inventing something even more surprising than a talking tree! 4.2 Translation

1. The Maker Faire in New York got together inventors of all ages. 2. Makers exhibited their latest creations.

3. Industrialized nations must take the lead in reducing their carbon emissions. 4. With the right tools and inspiration, makers have the capacity to change the




5. As far as I know, they are working on a project in secret.

6. This town has a booming tourist industry and (a flourishing) real estate market. 7. In the last decade, the digital revolution has stimulated people’s creativity in an unprecedented way.

8. At Xinchejian, China’s first formal makerspace, makers are tinkering with all types of materials, such as metals, plastics and electronic components.

Reading & Comprehending

Reading 1

1. Comprehension Check for Reading 1

1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. T 7. T 8. T 9. F 10. F

2. Translation

1. 让柴火与众不同的是它既与广义的创客运动有关,又同全球制造业正在经历的转型相关。

2. 一张巨大的木头桌子占据了创客空间的大部分地方,它是可以用于从焊接到编程到社交等多用途的工作台。

3. 当中国开始失去相对于其它国家的成本优势时,它再也无法依赖制造业中传统的低利润、高产量的经济模式了。

4. 正如其名称所暗示,潘希望通过各方协力,能够让中国刚刚兴起的创客文化的小枝条点燃创意之火。

Reading 2

Comprehension Check for Reading 2

1. a full-sized orange robotic giraffe named Russell that chewed, swayed, walked and even talked



2. a giant red weather balloon in the Rose Garden

3. a paper-crafted dinosaur head in the hallway

4. a 3-D-printed sculpture of President Obama’s State of the Union Address5. a 3-D-printed pancake

6. a microscope made out of folded paper

7. robots made by the Beatty sisters

Integrated Skills Practicing

I. Viewing & Listening

1. When I was very young, I was in love with animation. But I found myself flowing more into sculpture, because I realized from my own temperament, the effort and time involved to make the thing actually move was about the same as the effort and time involved to make an animation.



2. The stuff is all garbage. If it isn’t sorted in a way that makes sense to me, then I’m just warehousing garbage. If things have their place and I know where they are, then this is a stock pile of valuable material. These things are treasures to me, but not if I can’t access them and remember where they are.

3. I found myself in an interesting sort of gap between the maker movement and the art world. The majority of people are excited about it. But they want to know what’s it for. If you have to ask what’s art for, then chances are you will never need art in your home.

III. Writing

Model paper for your reference

There are many benefits of/to bringing the maker movement into the classroom. First and foremost it calls for students to turn from being passive users into active discoverers by stimulating their imagination and creativity. It also allows students to work on “real life” problems in a math or science classroom. This helps students realize the practical aspects of education and can transform their motivation. Moreover, students can learn how to interact with each other effectively, generating a sense of engagement and mutual acceptance. Added to all this, the completion of each project boosts the confidence of students in their capacity to build something useful. In short, the maker movement injects creativity, encouragement, the spirit of teamwork and a sense of achievement into the classroom, opening up a vast and exciting new frontier in the world of education. (137 words)
