零中介留学 托福考试中常用的名词 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章零中介留学 托福考试中常用的名词更新完毕开始阅读d25a75362b160b4e767fcf84


affable polite and friendly, easy to talk to affliction distress, suffering affluent wealthy, abundant agitate move, shake, stir up ambiguousshavingsmore then one meaning annex take possession of aqueous of or like water

arduous demanding great effort, strenuous

aroma quality or surrounding atmosphere considered typical atone make repayment avarice greed

bellicose inclined to fighting

calisthenics exercises to develop strong bodies captor person who takes smb captive concoct invent, prepare by mixing together dangle hand or swing loosely

deprive take away from, prevent from using diligent hard-working disrobe undress

docile easily trained or controlled
