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发布时间 : 星期一 文章软件测试综合题目更新完毕开始阅读d4653a2ca21614791711289c

D) S is presented at the late showing on Thursday. E) V is presented at the early showing on Friday.



1、PL/SQL Developer provides a multi session / multi threading environment.Multi session means that even though you logon only once in PL/SQL Developer, separate database sessions can be used for the Test Windows, SQL Windows and Command Widows. Moreover, program, unit compilations will also occur in a separate database session. After all, a compilation is a DDL statement and implicitly commits the current transaction. This could lead to unwanted effects if it shared the same session with other windows.Multi threading means that execution of Test Windows, SQL Windows and Command Windows can run simultaneously, without blocking each other. The advantage of this is that you can continue doing other work while long running SQL statements are executing, that you can break or kill a session, that you can test locking behavior of your program units, and so on.

2、A process instance is a specific occurrence of a business process. It differs from a process. A process is the model of the flow of work, while a process instance is an implementation of that model. You use one process to begin many process instances.

For example, a billing dispute is a process. The billing dispute of a specific customer is a process instance of the billing dispute process. When you begin a process instance, you perform the first step in the flow of work for that process instance.

3、Silverlight is a free plug-in powered by the .NET framework that is compatible across multiple browsers, devices and operating systems to bring a new level of interactivity wherever the web works. With support for advanced data integration, multithreading, HD video using IIS Smooth Streaming, and built in content protection, Silverlight enable s online and offline applications for a broad range of business and consumer scenarios.







4、什么是数据库?解释概念:主键,外键,索引 5、给下面这样的一个表的记录: 表名:products

------------------------------------ 购物人 商品名称 数量 A 甲 2 B 乙 4 C 丙 1 A 丁 2 B 丙 5



6、某字段有10条重复记录,请把对应标中的记录查询出来? 表名 appeal_base_info 字段 appeal_type(number)



? 学生表:Student(Sno, Sname, Ssex, Sage, Sdept)

Sno-学号,Sname-姓名,Ssex-性别,Sage-年龄,Sdept-所在系 ? 课程表:Course(Cno,Cname,Cpno,Ccredit)

Cno-课程号,Cname-课程名,Cpno-选修课号,Credit-学分 ? 学生选课表:SC(Sno,Cno,Grade)

Sno-学号,Cno-课程号,Grade-成绩 问题:

1)、求各个课程号及其相应的选课人数,按照选课人数的降序排列 2)、求所有学生的姓名以及其选修课程的课程名。注意有部分学生未选修任何课程

3)、求与“张三”在同一个系学习的学生学号和姓名 4)、查询没有选修1号课程的学生姓名


8、对教学数据库的三个基本表: S(S#、Sname、AGE、SEX) SC(S#、C#、GRADE) C(C#、Cname、TEACHER)

试用SQL语句表达下列对教学数据中三个基本表S、SC、C的查询; 1)、求DENG老师说授课程的每门课程学生的平均成绩; 2)、统计每门课程的学生选修人数(超过14人的课程才统计),要求输出课程好和选修人数,查询结果按人数降序排列,若人数相同,按课程号升序排列;

9、数据库,关于一个餐厅提供价格不等的咖啡,分大小杯,另有价格不等的食物,用户在餐厅的用餐也要根据消费时间来进行收费。服务员会拿着记账机到每一张桌子 进行结账,当用户结完帐后可以办理会员卡。会员卡信息包含消费总额,并根据不同的额度又不用的折扣率。针对这些信息设计相关数据库,并划出E-R图。




Function foo() { //在此处添加代码

return false; }

