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汉英段落翻译练习(1) 刘伟 高翻学院 20141210029

1. “竹子长得愈高,垂得愈低。”这句格言的意思是说伟人总是很谦虚;一些自负傲慢的人常常被人看不起。历史上大多数伟人虽然有很大成就,可是他们却表现的很谦虚,因此他们能赢得世人的敬仰。所以在我们的日常生活中,我们的言行愈谨慎愈好。 “The taller a bamboo is, the lower he bends down.”This motto tells us that the greatest are often the most modest and warns us that the conceited and arrogant are often despised. Historical giants earn people’s admiration because, though achieving a lot, they still remain modest. So, the more discreet we are in daily life, the more we will gain.

2. 一位好老师具备三个要素。首先,为了成为一位好老师,他必须献身于教育。同时,也应对他的学生有耐心。第二,他应该是个正直的人,而且须具有正义感,来帮助他的学生解决问题。最后,他应该具有丰富的知识,以便能教他的学生如何去独力学习。因此,当个好老师不是件容易的事。

A good teacher should possess three qualities. First, to be a good teacher, he should be willing to devote himself to education and be patient to the students. Second, he should be an upright person who has the sense of justice to get his students out of confusion. Third, he should be rich in knowledge so that he can teach the students how to study independently. Therefore, to be a good teacher is no easy job.