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If you like, you can say: Our school life is happy or enjoyable. ? Do you think our school life is enjoyable enough? Of course no.

I think most students would like to see some changes in our school life, do you agree with me?

2. What changes would you like to see in our school? I?d like to see…

Step2: While-task procedure

1. First Miss Guo wants her students to conduct a survey. Let?s listen to the dialogue, then complete the table.

Changes Have a swimming pool in our school. Reasons It?s too hot to run and jump in PE lessons in summer. Have computer lessons. Be interested in computers. Have more children?s magazines to There aren?t enough books in our read. Sit in groups in the classroom. school library. Don?t need to move desks before we have a discussion in class. Study in an air-conditioned classroom. Too many students in one classroom. Feel very uncomfortable in summer. Have less homework. It takes me more than two hours to finish my homework.

2. Please read after the tape.

3. Ask some students to read the dialogue in different roles.

Step 3 —— Post-task procedure

1. Just now, we?ve known Miss Guo?s students? opinions. What do you think about your school life?

? What changes would you like to see in our school? I?d like to see…

? Now, I give you some minutes to conduct a survey in our class too. Please

make a survey and collect your information. Later please make a report. ? Please report your information.

Homework: Grammar book P52 Board words:

E. What changes would you like to see in our school? F. I?d like to …

G. It would be impossible/ possible/ necessary/ unnecessary to … H. Could you make some of these changes yourselves?

Teaching comments:

It’s easy for the students to talk about their school life, but it’s hard for them to think their school is enjoyable. Students can make good suggestions and wishes, but some of them still can’t use the sentence pattern “It would be … to do …” correctly.

Module 2 Better future

Unit 8 A more enjoyable school life

Period: Second Period Aims and Demands: Students are required to

p. Ask classmates about their project

q. Write a letter to the place you would like to visit Main points:

A. What changes would you like to see in our school? B. I?d like to …

C. It would be impossible/ possible/ necessary/ unnecessary to … D. Could you make some of these changes yourselves?

Teaching strategy: kk. Learn-in-situation ll. Learner-based mm.

Ask and answer

nn. Introduce

Means of Teaching: Multimedia / discussion / role-play Teaching aids: Tape-recording / slide Teaching procedure: Step1: Pre-task preparation

1. What changes would you like to see in our school?

2. Yes, we?ve given much good advice. But not all of them are possible. 3. Some of them are fun, some are nice, some are necessary, but some are unnecessary.

4. Let?s look at the table on our books. There are so much advice. Let?s read them first.

Step2: While-task procedure 1. Let?s discuss about the advice.

2. The first one, What do you think about this suggestion? It would be fun to have a swimming pool in our school. 3. What do you think about the second suggestion? It would be possible to have a science laboratory.

4. Now, I give you some minutes to discuss these suggestions with your deskmate one by one. Please use this structure:

A: What changes would you like to see in our school? B: We (I)?d like to …

B: What do you think about this suggestion? A: It would be (n./adj.) to…

Step3: Post-task procedure

Let?s look at the ask and answer on P63

According to the pictures, let?s make a longer dialogue. Homework: Workbook P31 Grammar Book P53

Board words: It would be impossible/ possible/ necessary/ unnecessary to …