停车场管理系统设计与实现-外文翻译 - 图文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章停车场管理系统设计与实现-外文翻译 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读d54c0231cec789eb172ded630b1c59eef8c79a39

图5:RTL 视图停车系统

图上方显示 32 插槽及 RTL 视图停车系统。W2、 W3、 W4 是输入的信号,rest是控制信号,Clk 是系统时钟信号,Led,led_filled,led_reserv是输出信号,显示插槽的状态。识别和 new_member 也显示结果识别模块的输出信号。


目前,基于 FPGA 泊车系统被采用 Fsm Xilinx ISE 设计套件 12.4。 设

计验证容量 5 FPGA 工具包,状态机提高生产率、 降低成本并缩短上市时间。基于 FPGA 停车系统,给出了快速响应。所设计的系统可用于许多应用程序,可以轻松地提高插槽选项数目,利用设计系统使停车更方便。


Design and implementation of car parking system on FPGA


As, the number of vehicles are increased day by day in rapid manner. It causes the problem of traffic congestion, pollution (noise and air). To overcome this problem.A FPGA based parking system has been proposed. In this paper, parking system is implemented using Finite State Machine modelling. The system has two main modules i.e. identification module and slot checking module. Identification module identifies the visitor. Slot checking module checks the slot status. These modules are modelled in HDL and implemented on FPGA. A prototype of parking system is designed with various interfaces like sensor interfacing, stepper motor and LCD.

KEYWORDS :Finite State Machine; Parking System; Virtex- 5; 1. INTRODUCTION

Vehicle traffic congestion is a worldwide problem. In recent years, efforts have been made to introduce a method to reduce parking problems such as congestion, accidents and hazards.

Figure1:Congestion Trends in Urban Area

As shown in figure 1 congestion has clearly grown year by year. It creates a

number of problems. Congestion used to mean it took longer to get to from work in the \order to improve the ease and convenience of paying for parking. Now a day, Smart cards minimize transaction time by allowing a user to simply wave their card in front of a reader. Mobile devices can also be used in payment transactions. Public utilities need a parking system that can function efficiently and be integrated with the other urban city utilities. For allotment of parking slots there is no proper way thus parking management system fails in coordination and centralizing the information for an effective system. To avoid these problems, a design of an intelligent parking system is proposed,which will be implemented on FPGA to check its functionality.

Recently, a reconfigurable FPGA is efficient method to implement a design, because FPGA provides a compromise between general-purpose processors and ASIC. The FPGA based design is also more flexible, programmable and can be

re-programmed. FPGA based design can easily be modified by modifying design’s software part. 2. RELATED WORK

Gongjun Yan et.al, describes a novel, secure, and intelligent parking system (Smart Parking) based on secured wireless network and sensor communication. High parking space utilization and fast free spot finding time are the result of proposed research. Soh Chun Khang et.al, presents a parking system in which driver comes to know about the space availability in the parking lot with the help of SMS service. Driver can resend SMS in order to request new space if the previous one is filled. Driver can find nearest space for parking using wireless mobile based car parking system. Results, shows that the system efficiently allocates the slots and utilizes the full parking space. Ankit Gupta et.al, describes an efficient car parking algorithm for ackerman steering configuration. This algorithm uses geometric calculations for path planning. Result shows a fast, efficient and safer parking system]. Hua chun tan et.al, proposed an efficient car searching technique for larger parking lot. In this paper, cameras are installed in roads nearby parking lot and information regarding car like colour and license plate recognition is captured and saved in the database. S. V.

Srikanth et.al, proposed a parking system which eliminates problems regarding finding vacant slot for parking. Author uses wireless technology to enhance parking efficiency. Gongjun Yan et.al, proposed NOTICE based parking system. In this parking system, drivers can check and reserve the slot for parking. For security purposes encryption/decryption techniques are used. Simulation results are highly efficient. Insop Song et.al proposed FPGA based parking system using fuzzy logic controller (FLC). Reduction in computation time is its advantage. In this research work a robot car is made and tested in real environment using VHDL code. Design is simulated and tested on FPGA. 3. PROPOSED PARKING SYSTEM

The basic operation of the parking system is explained as: When a vehicle enters in the parking lot, LCD displays, if the space is available in parking lot or not.If the space is available then stepper motor rotates and door opens for vehicle entrance. RF module is used to transmit and receive slot availability information.According to RF Module’s output,LED’s glow.According to information driver can park the

vehicle.Block diagram for the parking system is shown in figure 2.Host computer acts as control unit.Once host computer program the FPGA.

Figure 2: Block diagram of the parking system

3.1 Hardware implementation

LCD is of 16 pin configuration. Vss is ground pin. Vcc is power supply pin.Vee is used to control the contrast. RS is register select pin.Command and data is select according to RS pin status.E is enable signal. DB0-DB7 are data lines.15 and 16 pins