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学科名称 单元名称 授课班级 授课日期 课 型 授课内容 会展英语 Introduction to The course and Exhibition Industry 2010级商务英语1班 地点 2-311 教师 张倩 2-311 2010级商务英语2班 2 1. 年 月 日 第 周 星期 午 第 节 授课 2. 年 月 日 第 周 星期 午 第 节 时数 3. 年 月 日 第 周 星期 午 第 节 理论加实践课 1. 课程简介。 2. 介绍中国会展业的发展和现状。 3. 帮助学生了解会展业的产生、特点、分类和发展趋势。 本学期会展英语开设的班级是2010级商务英语1.2班,学生先修过《基础英语》、《商务英语》、《商务英语函电》等课程,具备一定的英语基础,知识面较广,学习积极性高。在教学中,在掌握理论知识的基础上,对学生加大实训的力度,让学生体验真实工作的场景,利用多种渠道和资源,充实课本内容。 1. 知识目标:了解中国会展业的发展和现状 2. 能力目标:能够用英语对国内外知名展会进行介绍 3. 素质目标:提高自身的综合素质,与时俱进,培养团队合作意识。 1. 中国会展业的历史和现状。 2 掌握会展业基本的词汇、术语。 1. 教师的准备:通过网络手段搜集大量会展相关信息(如会展业的产生、发展、现状、特点等)。 2. 学生的准备:关注所在城市各种形式的会展。 课堂授课:教师介绍当前会展业的现状、发展等基本知识。 讨论教学:会展业对中国经济的影响。 1. 热身练习:学生介绍自己曾经参加过的展会。 2. 课程简介 (1) 学习本课程的意义所在。 (2) 本课程的主要教学内容 3. 会展业简介 (1) 中国会展业的发展。 (2) 中国会展业的产生、特点和发展趋势。 4. 小组讨论:会展业对中国经济的影响。 利用网络资源,完成以下题目: 1. What is the historical background of world exhibitions? What are the goals of exhibition? 2. Which parties are involves in an exhibition? What are their relationships like? 相关教材: 《会展实务英语》(蔡龙文、黄冬梅,对外经济贸易大学出版社) 《会展英语》(王铮,高等教育出版社) 《实用会展英语》(邱玉华,北京大学出版社) 《现代会展英语实务教程》(吴建华,广东世界图书出版公司) 网络资源:http://www.cantonfair.org.cn/cn/ 教学分析 教学目标 重点、难点 教学准备 方法、手段 教学步骤 作业习题 参考资料 课后分析


步骤 组织教学 教学内容 教师维持课堂纪律,调整好学生学习的情绪、状态 提出问题 教师活动 提前进入教室,将上课所用资料准备好,并简单与学生做一下交流 提问:同学们曾经参加过哪些展会,请简单介绍自己参与展会的经历。 深入到每个小组中,和学生一起探讨出现的问题,并帮助他们解决问题 学生活动 做好上课准备 时间分配 提前5分钟 热身练习 小组讨论 10分钟 小组展示 基础知识讲解 任务布置 任务实施 下次课任务 1. 要求每个小 组将讨论结果进行汇总 2. 选择其中一人进行展示发言。 1. 会展业现状。 2. 会展业的发展前景。 3. 国内外知名展会。 利用网络资源,了解并讨论会展业对中国经济的影响 每组选出代表,就“会展业对中国经济的影响”进行阐述。 国内外知名展会介绍。 每位学生都要积极发10分钟 言,阐述自己的观点,并将其加以归纳展示。 讲授 认真听课并做好笔记。 20分钟 布置任务,对学生进行分组、分工。 通过网络,查找相关资源,完成任务。 25分钟 教师评价,指出优点和不足之处。 小组展示 小组互评,其他小组成员提出改进建议。 15分钟 布置课后任务,鼓励学生自主学习 通过多种途径,获取信息。 5分钟

Introduction to the course and Exhibition Industry

Warm-up activity (about 10 mins) What are the importance of exhibition industry? Task 1 General introduction to the course

Step 1 Introducing the course (about 20 mins) 1.Discussion

Do you think what you will learn about “会展”? 2.Teacher’s introduction


模块 1.General Introduction 项目名称 General Introduction to The course and Exhibition Industry l. Promoting an Exhibition 2.Services beflore an Exhibition 2.Making Exhibiting Arrangements 3.Moving in an Exhibition 3.Services at an Exhibition 4.Receiving Clients 任务 1.Introducing the Course and Exhibition Industry 2. Introducing an Exhibition 1.Inviting to an Exhibition 2.Enquiring about an Exhibition 3.Choosing an Exhibition 1.Booking a Stand 2.Arranging Shipping 3.Handling Insurance 4.Making Travel Arrangements 1.Building the Booth 2.Decorating the Booth 3.Training Booth Staff. 1.Receiving Customers at a Booth 2.Socializing with Clients 3.Going Sightseeing with Clients 1.Presenting Products 2.Talking with Visiting Clients about New Products 3.Learning to Present Effectively 1.Negotiating about Price 2.Negotiating about Payment 3.Negotiating about Shipment 4.Negotiating about Packing and Insurance 1.Drawing up a Contract 2.Amending a Contract 3.Signing a Contract 1.Learning Exhibition Follow-up Strategy 2.Planning After-show Marketing Activities 3.Following up Sales Orders&Prospects 5.Presenting Products 6.Negotiating Business 7.Signing a Contract 4.Services Exhibition after an 8.Following up Business

1.Measuring the Success of an Exhibition 9.Analyzing Exhibition Results 2.Reporting Exhibition Results 3.Writing Reports on Exhibition Results Step 2 Introducing the exhibition industry (about 15 mins) 1.Teacher’s introduction

Nowadays, many experts in the field think in a narrow sense, “会展” is understood as convention & exhibition industry. In a broad sense, it is understood as MICE industry. 2.Practice

Watch a video about exhibition, and tell what exhibition it is. 3.Discussion

(1) How many exhibitions do you know in Weifang? (2) How many world-famous exhibition hall do you know? 4.Teacher’s introduction

(1) Famous exhibitions in Weifang (2) World-famous exhibition halls Task 2 Introducing an exhibition

Step 1 Vocabulary (about 5 mins) Match the words with their definitions.

(1) exhibitor (2) exhibit (3) venue (4) stand (5) session a. A product or service displayed at an exhibition

b. A small enclosed area where information and products are shown at an exhibition c. A period of time used for a particular activity

d. A company who exhibits its products or services at an exhibition e. A place where an organized activity takes place

Step 2 Discussion (about 10 mins) 1.Have you ever participated/visited an exhibition? If yes, describe your experience. 2.What kinds of people are involved in an exhibition? (visitors, exhibitors and organizers)

3.What are the benefits of exhibiting in an exhibition? (Why do exhibitors take part in an exhibition?)

(1)Ask for results of their discussion and give comments (2)Show students the teacher’s list. Open to a large market

Reinforcing your market position

Strengthening relationship with your customers