【最新】外研版七年级英语下册Module 2 Unit2教案 联系客服

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Module 2 Unit2教案

一、教学内容:Unit 2 I can run really fast. 二、课型:Reading and writing 三、教学目标:

1、能够正确使用下列单词和词组:monitor,start,get on well with sb,be ready to do sth,promise to do sth,fast,fit,ball games, team, best, score,tidy,sure,everybody,just like,beautiful 2、能够读懂有关班委竞选的文章。 3、能够描述某个班委的能力。



信息,完成任务。(重点) 2、能够描述某个班委的能力。(难点)

五、教学准备:PPT课件、教学挂图、录音机、课堂联系表格、奖品。 六、教学过程:

教学步骤 教师活动 Lead-in 1、Get the Ss to talk about what they can do.. 2、Pair-work about “Which monitor would you like to be for your class?And why?” 学生活动 1、Talk about what they can do in pairs. e.g. S1: I can cook. Can you cook? S2: No, I can’t. But I can… 2、Have a discussion:I would like to be the class/PE/cleaning monitor for my class. Because I can … 设计意图 Step1 Warming-up 通过这个环节既能活跃课堂气氛,又能为以下教学内容作好铺垫 引导学生直观谈论New words learning:Show 图片,训练学生的Ss some pictures and have a Step2 Learn new words and phrases 口头表达能力,在free talk between T& Ss, Pre-reading by free talk. 描述和谈论图片的teach the new words and 同时学习新单词和expressions. 新句型。 1、Scanning Ask the Ss to scan the 1、Scan the passage and Step3 passage and answer: How find out and answer: How many While-reading many paragraphs are paragraphs are there?. there?


2、Skim the passage and 2、Skimming match what Daming, Tony and Ask the Ss to skim the Ling would like to be. passage and match. 1. Daming A. Class monitor 2. Tony B. PE monitor 3. Lingling C. Cleaning monitor 让学生带着任务3、Careful reading 3、Careful reading (问题)去阅读课文、(1)Paragraph 1: (1)Paragraph 1: ①Choose the best ①Read Paragraph 1 and 去找答案,有助于answers of the two choose the best answers of the 学生更加准确地获取信息,提高阅读questions.. two questions.. 效果和阅读技巧。 1、Lingling is _______. 而分层阅读文章更 A. kind B. active 2、She is ready to help 能把知识点和对课 others. A. never B. sometimes 文内容的理解得以 突破;小组活动能 C. always ②Let the Ss read ②Read Paragraph1 in 通过学生间的自Paragraph1 in groups of groups of four and then find out 主、合作学习,让学生充分地实践运four and then find out the the difficulties. 用语言,并激发学difficulties. ③Solve the ③Solve the difficulties 生创造性思维的发展。 difficulties. together. (2)Paragraph 2: (2)Paragraph 2: ①Present Ss some ①Go through the statements and ask them to statements and write “T” or write “T” or “F”,also “F”,also correct the wrong correct the wrong sentences sentences after reading after reading Paragraph 2. Paragraph 2. 1、The boy wants to be the PE monitor.( ) 2、He can run really fast.( ) 3、He usually gets the best score in some matches.( ) ②Ask a student to be ②A student to be “a little “a little teacher”to check teacher”to check the answers. the answers. ③Let one team ③One team students read students read Paragraph 2 Paragraph 2 and the other and the other students listen students listen carefully to point


Step4 Post-reading carefully to point out the importance and difficulties. ④Solve the difficulties. (3)Paragraph 3: ①Let the Ss fill in the blanks after reading Paragraph 3. ②Ask a groups of six students to read Paragraph 3. and let the other students listen carefully to point out the importance and difficulties. ③Solve the difficulties. (4)Ask the whole class to read out the whole passage, make sure that they understand it better. 1、Retell ①Let the Ss fill in the blanks according to the passage. ②Call back the answers from two students then the whole class read the short passage together. out the importance and difficulties. ④Solve the difficulties. (3)Paragraph 3: ①Ss fill in the blanks after reading Paragraph 3. A good cleaning monitor is at cleaning.And they often their mothers At home.And they also would like a clean classroom, home. ②A groups of six students to read Paragraph 3. and the other students listen carefully to point out the importance and difficulties. ③Solve the difficulties together. (4)Ask the whole class to read out the whole passage, make sure that they understand it better. 1、Fill in the blanks. A good class monitor with .And he at school, he is kind and always to help .And he also to help you. 适量的口头训练,A good PE monitor 让学生加深对课文 sports and is usually 内容的理解,巩固.They often play 语言知识点。 Or other sports in the school .They always try to get the best in a match. A good cleaning monitor is


Step5 Summary Step6 Homework 2、Speaking Have the Ss choose the best class/PE/cleaning monitor in their class,and tell why? 1、Get the Ss to sum up the language points. T:What have we learned today? Ss:…… 2、Let the Ss choose the best group in this lesson. Have the Ss write a passage to choose the best class/PE/cleaning monitor in their class,and write down the reason. at .They make the classroom , home. 2、Speaking Choose the best class/PE/cleaning monitor in their class,and tell why? 1、Sum up the language points. 2、To choose the best group. Finish the homework. 此环节能培养学生自主总结的良好学习习惯;小组评价更能激发学生的学习兴趣,树立学习英语的信心。 巩固已学知识。写作是阅读的拓展,让学生最终完全掌握语言,实践运用语言。 七、板书设计:

MODULE 2 What can you do? Unit 2 I can run really fast.. get on well with sb. be ready to do sth. promise to do sth. help sb (to) do sth. just like

小组评价 T1 T2 八、达标训练题

一、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1、He is ready (get)on the bus. 2、Everybody (want)to go to the park. 3、Can you help me (tidy) the room? 4、He is getting on (good) with his friends. 5、Jim’s homework is (good) of all.


( )1、I want to help the old something.

A、do B、doing C、does D、did

( )2、The man is kind he often helps the poor.

A、and B、so C、but D、or