中美会计准则具体差异案例分析 联系客服

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1. 完美世界



2007年7月26日,完美世界成功登陆美国纳斯达克股票市场(NASDAQ:PWRD),并于2009年1月2日登陆纳斯达克全球精选市场(NASDAQ Global Select Market)挂牌交易,成为中国最出色的互动娱乐企业之一。 2. 掌趣科技


公司主要业务包括移动终端游戏、互联网页面游戏及其周边产品的产品开发、代理发行和运营维护。 公司拥有员工近2000人,已自主研发和代理发行了200余款游戏产品。

公司确立了“精品化、泛娱乐化、平台化、全球化”的战略,在“内生增长”的基础上,加强“外延 发展”,持续投资、并购有发展潜力的公司及团队。动网先锋、玩蟹科技、上游网络、天马时空、晶合思动等行业领军企业先后加入掌趣大家庭,并战略投资了Unity Software Inc、筑巢新游、欢瑞世纪。

通过内生加外延的整合、协同,掌趣的手游及页游产品全面覆盖了卡牌、重度ARPG、休闲、竞速、 射击、体育、策略塔防等主流游戏类型,成为行业产品门类最全的研发、发行商。

公司 完美世界 掌趣科技

3. 选择原因

上市地点 纳斯达克 深交所

股票代码 PWRD 300315

所选年报 2014年 2014年


完美世界和掌趣科技一样,主营业务都是游戏开发和代理,因此他们的会计报表具有很多的可比性;掌趣科技是在国内上市,因此采用的是国内的会计准则,完美世界所采用的是美国的会计准则,通过这二者财务报表的对比,能够较清楚地展示出两种会计准则之间的差异。本文想通过以下四个方面来阐述两种会计准则之间的具体差异。 二、具体差异 1.固定资产


中国的会计准则会计估计的变更,采用未来适用法处理(即不调整以前年度报表),美国的会计准则规定会计政策的变更,采用追溯调整法(即调整以前年度报表)。 1.2固定资产折旧方法

两个公司都采用了年限平均法,但是各类资产的折旧年限不相同。掌趣科技的房屋及建筑物的折旧年限为20-50年,办公及电子设备的折旧年限为5年;完美世界房屋及建筑物的折旧为33-45年,电子设备的折旧年限为4年。 1.3即将处置的固定资产

中国会计准则规定即将处置尚未提足折旧的固定资产,继续计提相应折旧;而美国会计准则规定,当全部处置。若剩余使用年限大于1年,在处置前提足折旧。若剩余使用年限小于1年,继续计提相应的折旧。当部分处置。若剩余使用年限大于1年且净值大于l万美元,在处置前提足折旧。否则,继续计提相应的折旧。 1.4利息资本化费用

掌趣科技披露说明,符合资本化条件借款利息费用就资本化。完美世界披露说明,当项目预算金额大于两百万美元且建设期大于1年时:符合资本化条件借款利息费用+自有资金的资金成本。否则,不计算资本化利息。 2.商誉的减值测试:

完美世界在年报中披露:“Goodwill is not depreciated or amortized but is tested for impairment on an annual basis every November 30, and in between annual tests when an event occurs or circumstances change that could indicate that the asset might be impaired. Commencing in September 2011, in accordance with the FASB revised guidance on ‘Testing of Goodwill for Impairment,’ a company first has the option to assess qualitative factors to determine whether it is more likely than not that the fair value of a reporting unit is less than its carrying amount. If the company decides, as a result of its qualitative assessment, that it is more-likely-than-not that the fair value of a reporting unit is less than its carrying amount,


the quantitative impairment test is mandatory. Otherwise, no further testing is required. The quantitative impairment test consists of a comparison of the fair value of each reporting unit with its carrying amount, including goodwill. If the carrying amount of each reporting unit exceeds its fair value, an impairment charge equal to the difference between the implied fair value of the reporting unit’s goodwill and the carrying amount of goodwill will be recorded.”



主要反映了先对不包含商誉的资产组的账面价值与可收回金额比较。再比较包含商誉的资产组的账面价值低于可收回金额的部分,确认商誉的减值损失。可收回金额:资产组的公允价值减去处置费用后的净额与其预计未来现金流量的现值两者之间较高者。 4. 所得税差异


我国新会计准则规定,在时间性差异所产生的递延税款在借方的情况下,如在以后转回时间性差异的时期内(一般为3年),有足够的应纳税所得额予以转回,才能确认时间性差异的所得税影响金额,并作为递延税款的借方反映,否则,应于发生当期视同永久性差异处理。除特别限制外,要求企业“应当确认所有应纳税暂时性差异产生的递延所得税负债”和“应当以很可能取得用来抵扣可抵扣暂时性差异的应纳税所得额为限,确认由可抵扣暂时性差异产生的递延所得税资产。” 5.收入的确认:

完美世界:更多专门指导,尤其是关于专门问题和行业的特别应用(如软件业收入确认,应收账款不确定的收入确认,有退回权的收入确认,不动产问题,特许权销售等)。此外,上市公司必须遵循由SEC提供的更为详尽的规定的指南。具体以Online game operation revenues和Client-based online


PC games说明,可以从披露的详细内容看出美国会计准则对于收入的确认更加谨慎。

Online game operation revenues:“The Group earns majority of its revenue through providing online game operation services to players pursuant to two types of revenue models: a time-based revenue model and an item-based revenue model. For online games using the time based revenue model, players are charged based on the time they spend playing games. Under the item-based revenue model, the basic game play functions are free of charge, and players are charged for purchases of in-game items. For games which use the time-based revenue model, revenue is recognized based upon the actual usage of the game playing time by the players. For games which use the item-based revenue model, revenues from the sales of in-game items are recognized when the items are consumed by the customers or over the estimated lives of the items. The average period that players typically play the games and other player behavior patterns, which are affected by various factors such as acceptance and popularity of expansion packs, promotional events launched and market conditions, are utilized to arrive at the best estimates for lives of these in-game items .The Group assesses the estimated lives of in-game items for all the item-based online games periodically. If there are indications of any significant changes to the estimated lives of the in-game items, it would be applied in the period of change prospectively.

Client-based online PC games:“For the client-based online PC games, under both the time-based and the item-based revenue models, proceeds received from sales of online points to players are recorded as deferred revenues, while proceeds received from sales of online points to distributors and sales of prepaid cards are initially recorded as advances from customers. As the Group does not have the control over and generally does not know the ultimate selling price of the prepaid cards or online points sold by the distributors, net proceeds received from distributors after deduction of sales discounts are recorded as advances from customers. Upon activation or charge of the game cards or the online points, these advances from customers are immediately transferred to deferred revenues. The Group provides sales incentives in the form of rebates to major distributors that meet or exceed the sales target. Accrued rebates, which are settled in the form of additional free prepaid cards, will result in higher average discount rate on in-game points, and will partially delay the revenue recognition until the consumption of free prepaid cards”.





在具体确认原则方面指出:“(1)移动终端单机游戏在收到电信运营商或服务商提供的计费账单并经公司相关部门核对结算金额后,确认为收入。(2)移动终端联网游戏、互联网页面游戏公司官方网站上运营的自有网络游戏:道具收费模式下,在游戏玩家实际使用虚拟货币购买虚拟道具时确认收入。 公司官方网站上运营的合作网络游戏、公司与网络游戏平台合作运营的网络游戏:在取得合作方提供的按协议约定计算并经双方核对无误的计费账单后,确认为收入”。