黄石市第十四中学2019届九年级12月月考英语试题含听力及答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章黄石市第十四中学2019届九年级12月月考英语试题含听力及答案更新完毕开始阅读d6f20bd158eef8c75fbfc77da26925c52dc5910f



听力部分 (共20分)

第一节 听句子,选出与句子内容相符的图片。(句子读一遍)

( ) 1. A. B. C.

( ) 2. A. B. C.

( ) 3. A. B. C.

( ) 4. A. B. C.

( ) 5. A. B. C.

第二节 听对话,根据对话内容和所给问题,选择正确答案。(对话读两遍)

( ) 6.What kind of music does the woman like?

A.Pop music. B.Country music. C.Rock music. ( ) 7.What does Vince's mother ask him to do?

A.To wash his hands. B.To paint a picture. C.To have his hair cut. ( ) 8.When is the party?

A.On Thursday night. B.On Friday night. C.On Saturday night. ( ) 9.Where was the computer made?

A.In New York. B.In Berlin. C.In Taiwan. ( ) 10.How does Ben improve his spoken English?

A.By talking with foreigners.

B.By practicing conversations with his friends. C.By talking with his English teacher.

第三节 听长对话,根据对话内容和所给问题,选择正确答案。(对话读两遍)


( ) 11.Where did Anna find the pencil box?

A.In the school shop. B.In the classroom. C.In the school library. ( ) 12.Whose pencil box is this?

A.Amy's. B.Dave's. C.Anna's.


( ) 13.What did Ted use to look like?

A.He was short. B.He was tall. C.He was of medium height.

( ) 14.What does Ted's hair look like?

A.Long. B.Straight. C.Curly. ( ) 15.What color does Tara like?

A.Green. B.Red. C.Brown.

第四节 听短文,根据短文内容完成表格。(短文读两遍)

What to Do When You Get Angry Count to __16__ Talk to someone Get some __19__ Say something __20__

It really works. You can realize the __17__ for getting angry and improve your __18__ to deal with your feelings. It may make you relaxed. You will feel better. 笔试部分(共100分) Ⅰ.单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)

( ) 21.—I don't like Mike at all.He is really a bad boy.

—But we can't give him up.We should regard him as ____ friend not _____ enemy. A.the;a B.a;the C.a;an D.the;the

( ) 22.For your own ________,you should follow the traffic rules while crossing the street.

A.safety B.position C.purpose D.chance ( ) 23.—What do you think of Mark?

—He is a ________ student.He does well in his lessons. A.handsome B.hard-working C.stupid D.lazy

( ) 24.Eight children had a picnic near the lake.Jenny was the only girl ________ the picnic.

A.for B.with C.into D.at

( ) 25.This yellow coat ________ be Judy's.She doesn't like yellow at all.

A.must B.can't C.mustn't D.can

( ) 26.Helen ______ a gift from her friend yesterday morning,but she didn't ______ it. A.accepted;receive B.received;receive C.received;accept D.accepted;accept ( ) 27.In the cartoon Tom and Jerry,Tom always ________ Jerry,but he seldom succeeds

in catching Jerry.

A.takes after B.turns down C.slows down D.runs after ( ) 28.—Have you talked back to your mother before?

—Yes. But now I realize I was wrong.I really regret ______ that silly thing to my mom. A.do B.doing C.to do D.did ( ) 29.—Do your hobbies ________ your schoolwork,Linda?

—Yes,sometimes.I think I should learn to plan my time carefully. A.play a part in B.have to do with C.get in the way of D.take the place of ( ) 30.—What's the meaning of the activity “Let's Save”?

—Paper ________ in everyday life.

A.should waste B.shouldn't waste C.shouldn't be wasted D.should be wasted ( ) 31.—How do you like English?

—It is very useful.It's ________ used all over the world. A.mostly B.widely C.probably D.quickly

( ) 32.In order to avoid ________ the child,the driver made the car ________ the tree. A.hit;hitting B.hitting;hit C.hit;hit D.hitting;hitting ( ) 33.—________ Tom ________ Peter has got an invitation to the party.

—Oh,they are both very lucky.

A.Either;or B.Neither;nor C.Both;and D.Not only;but also

( ) 34.Messi is a popular football star and a lot of young people ________ him. A.look up to B.look for C.look up D.look forward to ( ) 35.—Your school looks really beautiful.

—Thank you.Trees and flowers ________ in our school every year. A.plant B.planted C.are planted D.were planted


For more than a century,people have wondered whether there is life on Mars.Scientific searches for this began in the 19th century,and they __36__ today with development of research methods and space science.

In the late 19th century,the American scientist Percival Lowell thought he saw rivers on the surface of Mars,and __37__ this was true,it might prove(证实) that our near planetary neighbor might have life on it.

__38__,in the 1960s and 1970s,the spaceship sent to Mars found that the rivers didn't exist(存在).Instead,it showed a cold __39__ world.Even so,people were still excited to watch the first pictures sent __40__ the surface of this mysterious planet by spacecraft.

Is it possible that there is life on Mars?

For there to be life,there needs to be fresh __41__.Evidence for that has been growing and NASA seemed to have found that there was a little water in earlier research.In 2000,NASA discovered gullies(冲沟) that might have been caused by running water.But the temperatures were so low that water would __42__ ice,so many people gave up the idea.For now,the latest __43__ reported earlier has found different kinds of salts on the crater(火山口) walls.That's important because salt can melt(融化) __44__ and make it flow.The discovery proves that Mars is still active and it __45__ the possibility that it may have simple living creatures(生物).

We can look forward to having closer contact with unknown friends away on Mars in the future. ( ) 36. A. share B.follow C.stop D.continue ( ) 37. A. if B.because C.unless D.though ( ) 38. A. Instead B.Also C.However D.Usually ( ) 39. A. beautiful B.wild C.perfect D.happy ( ) 40. A. for B.with C.from D.on ( ) 41. A. air B.fruit C.food D.vegetables ( ) 42. A. turn around B.turn out C.turn off D.turn into ( ) 43. A. book B.newspaper C.picture D.study ( ) 44. A. ice B.water C.snow D.rain ( ) 45. A. lifts B.doubts C.increases D.believes



Inventions make the world better,smarter and a little more fun.

The folding bike helmet(头盔) People hate to wear a helmet because it's thick and heavy. Morpher is a bike helmet made from plastics. It is just as strong as the traditional ones, but flexible(灵活的) enough to fold almost totally flat.Also it is much easier to carry.