2014-2015学年八年级英语(新目标,上册)Unit2+测试题(单项+完型+阅读+词汇+书面表达,含答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2014-2015学年八年级英语(新目标,上册)Unit2+测试题(单项+完型+阅读+词汇+书面表达,含答案)更新完毕开始阅读d6f537dfd0d233d4b14e69bc


Class: Name: Marks: (满分100分)

一. 选择填空 (15分)

( )1. — What?s on the wall of the living room, Wendy?

— There is television. television is very big.

B. an; A

C. a; The

D. an; The

A. a; A

( )2. — What can you see the mist (薄雾)?

— Three people.

B. through

C. of

D. about

A. for

( )3. — Why do you like running so much, Mr. Green?

— Well, it?s good for my .

B. time

C. idea

D. health

A. diary

( )4. — Who will go to the for teeth cleaning with you, Mark? — My father.

A. guide

B. dentist

C. writer

D. musician

( )5. — There are so many wonderful gifts in the shop. Which one do you want to buy? — . They are too expensive for me.

A. Not

B. Never

C. None D. No

( )6. — You look so tired, Sue.

— I slept last night. I feel very terrible now.

A. hardly B. already C. usually D. almost A. twice

B. second

C. two

D. secondly

( )7. Tina goes to the movies at least a month. She loves movies very much. ( )8. — Can you help him the living room, Amy? — No problem.

A. cleans

B. cleaned

C. cleaning D. to clean

( )9. — Do you know Nick, Lucy?

— Sure, he?s so famous. he has no arms and legs, he can look after

C. Although; / D. Because; so

himself well and travel all over the world.

A. Although; but B. Because; /

( )10. — How often your father , Mary? — Once a week.

A. did; exercised B. do; exercise

B. relaxing

C. does; exercisesD. does; exercise C. relaxed

D. relaxes

( )11. I think the best way is taking part in (参加) outdoor activities. A. to relax

( )12. Tom asked Peter to the party last Sunday.

A. comes

B. coming C. to come D. came

( )13. — times did you go climbing last year?

— Twice.

B. How many

C. How much D. How often

A. How long

( )14. — do you watch TV? — Almost every day.

A. How long

— .

B. How often

C. How much D. How old

( )15. — How often do you go swimming, Alice?

A. In two weeks C. One or two weeks

B. Three times

D. Once or twice a week

二. 完形填空 (10分)

How often do you exercise? I?m sorry to say that I exercise 16 than once a week. I know it is not a 17 way of living for a 17-year-old boy. 18 , I really don?t have much time to exercise. I love 19 . I used to be (过去是) a member of the swimming team and the 20 team in school. I 21 every Monday and Thursday, and I played volleyball every day after school. But I 22 the teams in September last year, because I had to spend much more time 23 my study. Now I have little time to do sports or have fun. I 24 watch TV or play computer games either.

The summer holiday is coming. My father asks me to play sports with him. He thinks 25 is very important. I hope I have time to exercise with him. ( )16. A. less ( )17. A. bad ( )18. A. So

B. more

C. better C. wrong C. And C. sports C. golf

D. much D. different D. However D. school D. volleyball

B. healthy B. Although

( )19. A. housework B. books ( )20. A. basketball B. tennis ( )21. A. played football

B. went swimming C. went online D. went to the movies

B. disliked B. at B. food

( )22. A. joined ( )23. A. on

C. left C. about C. often C. mind

D. waited D. for D. always D. health

( )24. A. hardly ever B. usually ( )25. A. study 三. 阅读理解 (30分)


Lisa has some balls. She has a big orange ball. It is a basketball.

She has a black and white ball. It is a soccer ball. She has a little yellow ball. It is a tennis ball. Lisa likes a lot of sports. But, she likes soccer most of all! 阅读上面的诗歌,选择最佳答案。 ( )26. What color is her basketball? A. Yellow.

B. Orange.

C. Black.

D. White.

( )27. Lisa doesn?t have a .

A. B. C. D. ( )28. Which sport does Lisa like best? A. Swimming. B. Running. ( )29. How many balls does Lisa have? A. Four.

B. Three.

C. Two.

D. One.

( )30. What?s the main (主要的) idea of the poem? A. Lisa?s friends. C. Lisa likes sports.

B. Lisa likes going shopping. D. A sports meeting. B

Joy loves instant noodles (方便面). She eats them at least once a week. She has a way to make this dish more delicious. She writes:

“Although instant noodles are not healthy food, I still love them. They are cheap, delicious, and I can cook fast. I often add (加) something to make them more delicious.”

“I discard their flavorings (调味品). I make the ?flavoring? myself. When I cook the noodles, I always put an egg into them. I love eggs. They are one of my favorite foods. Sometimes I put some pieces of meat. I also put some vegetables, sometimes cabbages and sometimes broccoli. Yesterday I tried tomatoes. It was great! Next time I?d like to try some beans. After I eat instant noodles, I often go out for a walk and then have an apple. I feel great.” 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。

( )31. What does Joy think of instant noodles?

A. Hot.

B. Delicious.

C. Expensive. D. Long.

C. Basketball.

D. Soccer.

( )32. The underlined word “discard” means “ ” in Chinese. A. 制作

B. 选择 B. Meat.

C. 发明

D. 丢弃

( )33. What does Joy always add to her instant noodles? A. An egg.

C. Beans. D. Cabbages.

( )34. What does Joy often do after eating instant noodles? A. She drinks water.

C. She has a walk.

B. She has a rest. D. She goes shopping.

( )35. Which is the best title of the article? A. The best place to eat vegetables and fruit

B. How to eat more delicious instant noodles C. How to buy instant noodles

D. The best time to eat vegetables and fruit


In the past, women spent hours a day in doing housework but men did less.

But a survey (调查) in the UK shows that now men do housework as much as women in 40% of the families. (A) Now men do more housework than before. And in about half of the families women and men do housework together.

The survey also shows that 2/3 of women will be happy when men help with housework, although they often end up doing the work themselves. Some of them said, “Men just don?t care as much as women. (B)或许因为男人不知道怎么做家务。”

From another survey in Canada we can find that women at the age of 20~30 spend more time on their work and less time on housework. 根据短文内容,完成下面的小题。

36. In the past spent less time on housework.

37. Now women and men do housework together in about percent of the families. 38. The underlined word “themselves” refers (指) to “ ”. 39. 将文中(A)处划线句子翻译成中文。

40. 将文中(B)处划线句子翻译成英文。 四. 单词拼写 (10分)

A. 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示,填入恰当的单词。

41. My father doesn?t like drinking (咖啡) but he often drinks green tea. 42. Tom?s grandpa often reads (杂志) in the living room after dinner. 43. My brother?s favorite p is Happy Camp.

44. Lots of children often go o to play computer games on weekends. 45. My garden is f of different flowers.