新概念第一册知识点整理 联系客服

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表示国家的名词:France(新增) Germany(新增) Japan Korea China Sweden America Italy(新增) England

副词:too either(新加的) 二、语法: 1、冠词

冠词不能独立使用,通常像“帽子”一样戴在名词前面,帮助说明名词的词义。冠词在英语中只有三个,a , an , the,这三个又分成两类,其中a , an属于不定冠词;the属于定冠词。不定冠词a , an表示“一”,“一个”的意思,通常放在可数名词单数前面,用法如下:

1.1 an用在以元音音标开头的单词前,如:

It is an egg. It is an umbrella. That is an old car. This is an American car. 1.2 其他情况下用a

如: He is a student. This is a handbag. That is a German car. It is a Japanese car. Here is an Italian car. 2、英语中表示国籍的名词用法

2.1 英语中,表示国籍的名词前通常不用冠词。我们常说 She is Chinese. 不说She is a Chinese. He is German. She is Japanese. He’s Korean. 三、作业



3.模仿第五课的课文用以下三句话介绍一新人。如:This is Xiao Ming. He is a new student. He is Chinese.

Lesson 5-6 小测试 Read and Choose

1. Look! ______eraser is on your desk. A. A B. An C. The 2. My student is ________ English man.

A. / B. a C. the D. an 3. Joe is from France. He is ________.

A. France B. French C. a French D. the French Read and Complete

Rose is _______ American. _______ name is beautiful. ______is ______English teacher. Her father and mother are in _______Germany now. Read and Translate


B: 不,不是。我的手表是红色的。 A:这是王小明,他是中国人。 B:见到你很高兴。 A:我也是。

Read and Correct.

1. Here your umbrella and your coat. 2. This not is my skirt.

3. This is my school. (变否定句)

4. This is your house. (改为一般疑问句) 5. Is this your watch? (改为陈述句)

Lesson 7-8 一、词汇

表示职业的名词: job operator engineer teacher taxi driver policeman policewoman postman milkman airhostess nurse mechanic hairdresser housewife 其他名词:nationality keyboard

疑问代词、形容词:what 二、语法:

1、What 构成的两种特殊疑问句


What 既可做疑问代词又可做疑问形容词.What 做疑问代词时可单独放在句子的开头构成特殊疑问句,不用和名词连用。作疑问形容词时,不能单独放在句子的开头,而是一定要和一个名词构成特殊疑问短语,一起来构成特殊疑问句。 疑问代词例句:What is your job?

疑问形容词例句:What nationality are you? 2、本课主要交际句型 2.1 询问国籍:A:What nationality are you (is he/ is she)? / Where are you from? /Where do you come from? B:I am (He is/ She is) Chinese. (Japanese/Korean----) (三个问句意思相同) 2.2 询问职业:A:What is your (his her ) job? What do you do? (What does he/she do? What are you? What is he? What is she? B: I am a teacher. He is a policeman. She is a nurse.

注:在表示职业前必须加不定冠词a / an。 而在国籍前什么也不加,要牢记在心。 三、作业


2.所学单词每词一行,要求熟练掌握。 3.做课课练。

4.背诵第七课课文。 Lesson 7-8 小测试 Read and Choose

2. Who is she? She’s _________.

A. a policeman B. a mechanic C. Mrs. Tracy D. an airhostess 2. What is your job?

A. I am nurse. B. Yes, I am C. I am the teacher. D. I am a policewoman. Complete the sentences with “am”, “is” or “are”. 1. I ______ a new student. My name _______Alice. 2. _______you a student ,too? Yes, I _______.

3. ________ Sophie German, too? No, she _______not. She ______French. 4. You ______my friend. She _______my friend, too. 5. What ______your job? I _____a keyboard operator.

6. ______his brother an engineer, too? No, he ______not. He ______a teacher. Read and Translate

A:他是教师吗? B: 不,不是。他是一名警察。

A:你是做什么工作的? B:我是一名护士。A:我也是。 A: 您是哪国人? B: 我是意大利人。 Read and Correct. 就划线部分提问。

1. He is a keyboard operator. 2. The lady is Tracy. 3. She is Swedish. 写出学过的所有国家及国籍。 Lesson 9-10 一、词汇

表示问候相关的词: hello hi well fine see goodbye thanks how today 名词:woman

形容词:fat---thin tall-short clean---dirty hot---cold old---young busy---lazy 二、语法:


1. 形容词在句中最主要的用法是放在名词或代词前面,对它们起修饰或限定作用,作定语。它用于说明人或事物的质量、大小、新旧、温度、形状、颜色或产地等。如: a fat man a fine day a lazy boy an old man 2. 形容词也在句中放在be动词之后,作句子的表语。如: She is tall. This window is clean. 2、本课主要交际句型 2.1 问候语:

问:How are you today?

答:Fine, thanks. / I’m very well. Thanks. / I’m OK. Thank you. 问:How is Tony?

答:He is very well. Thanks. / He is OK.

2.2 形容人的形容词用法。(以下形容词可以替换) 问:Look at that man! (祈使句) Is that man fat or thin? 答:He isn’t thin. He is fat.

2.3 用法区别:see look at watch

Look 用于强调看的动作。如:Look at the blackboard. See 用于强调看的结果。如:I can see a blackboard. Watch 观看,画面是移动的。如:I’m watching TV. 三、作业


2.所学单词每词一行,要求熟练掌握。 3.做课课练。

Lesson 9-10 小测试 Read and Choose

1. How _________ your father today? He ______fine, thanks.. A. is /is B. are / is C. am / are D. are / are 2. What nationality _____your wife? _____is French.

A. is / He B. is / She C. are / I D. are / You Complete the dialogue.

Mr. Ford: Good afternoon, Mrs Davis. Mrs. Davis: _________________________. Mr. Ford: How ___________you today? Mrs. Davis: Fine, ______ ______?

Mr. Ford: I’m fine, thanks. _____________ Mr. Davis? Mrs. Davis: He is fine, thanks. __________Mrs. Ford?

Mr. Ford: She’s very well too, Mrs. Davis. Goodbye, Mrs Davis. Nice to see you. Mrs. Davis: ______________, too, Mr. Ford. Goodbye. Read and Change

1. The young policeman is busy. (改为一般疑问句) 2. The busy nurse is lazy.(改为否定句) 3. Helen is fine. (特殊疑问句)

4. fat, mechanic, the , is, hot, cold?(连词成句,选择疑问句) Lesson 11-12 一、词汇

形容词性物主代词:my his her your our their its whose 服饰类名词:blouse tie

家底成员名词:father mother sister brother

表示颜色名词:blue white (red pink green brown purple orange?) 副词:perhaps 动词:catch 二、语法:



1. 用法和what类似,既可以作疑问代词,也可以作疑问形容词。

1.1 做疑问代词:在做疑问代词时,单独放在句子开头构成特殊疑问句,不和名词连用。如:Whose is your favourite? 注意:whose一定要在下下文环境中使用,即前面提到的一些话题使用,否则听话的人不知其从哪儿来。

1.2 做疑问形容词:在做疑问形容词时,不能单独放在句子开头,而是一定要和一个名词构成特殊疑问短语,一起来构成特殊疑问句。 Whose watch is this? Whose umbrella is that? 2、名词所有格


A teacher’s book 老师的一本书

注意:单数名词后加’s ,复数名词后没有s,也要加’s。The Children’s classroom 孩子们的教室 如果名词已有复数词尾又是s,只加“’”。如: the workers’ boss 工人们的老板 ’s的名词所有格多用于有生命的东西。但表示天体的名词除外。如:the sun’s heat 三、作业:

1、背写第九课课文。2、背诵第十一课课文。3、每个单词写一行。4、做课课练。 Lesson 11-12 一、词汇

形容词性物主代词:my his her your our their its whose 服饰类名词:blouse tie

家底成员名词:father mother sister brother

表示颜色名词:blue white (red pink green brown purple orange?) 以前学过的可能再复习一下。 副词:perhaps 动词:catch 二、语法:


1. 用法和what类似,既可以作疑问代词,也可以作疑问形容词。

1.1 做疑问代词:在做疑问代词时,单独放在句子开头构成特殊疑问句,不和名词连用。如:Whose is your favourite? 注意:whose一定要在下下文环境中使用,即前面提到的一些话题使用,否则听话的人不知其从哪儿来。

1.2 做疑问形容词:在做疑问形容词时,不能单独放在句子开头,而是一定要和一个名词构成特殊疑问短语,一起来构成特殊疑问句。 Whose watch is this? Whose umbrella is that? 2、名词所有格


A teacher’s book 老师的一本书

注意:单数名词后加’s ,复数名词后没有s,也要加’s。The Children’s classroom 孩子们的教室 如果名词已有复数词尾又是s,只加“’”。如: the workers’ boss 工人们的老板 ’s的名词所有格多用于有生命的东西。但表示天体的名词除外。如:the sun’s heat

三、作业:1、背写第九课课文。2、背诵第十一课课文。3、每个单词写一行。4、做课课练。 Lesson 11-12小测试

Answer the questions, using the words given according to the examples. 例:Is this your sister? (no / Tim’s)

No, she isn’t. She isn’t my sister. She’s Tim’s sister. 1. Is this Sophie’s dress? (no/Emma’s) 2. Is this his umbrella? (no / her) 3. Is this your father? (no / Helen’s)

Complete the sentences with ―my‖, ―your‖, ―his‖ or ―her‖. 1. This is Mary’s book. It’s ________book.