人教版新目标英语七年级下册全套教案Unit 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章人教版新目标英语七年级下册全套教案Unit更新完毕开始阅读d71db6f059fb770bf78a6529647d27284a733776

Practice students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. 三、教学过程

Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision 1. Greet students

2. Show students new words in page 70, write on the blackboard. Make the students read. Ⅱ. Presentation Work on 1a.

Call attention to the pictures. Ask students to point to and use the past tense to describe as many of the activities as possible. Point to and describe any activities they can't describe. For example, I played the guitar.

Point to the numbered activities described in the list. Name the activities and ask students to repeat each one,

After that, ask students to match each numbered phrase with a picture by writing the letter of each picture in the blank in front of the correct phrase. As students work, move around the room answering questions as needed. Check the answers:1d ,2 c ,3 f ,4 e ,5a ,6 b. Ⅲ. Thinking

Work on 1b:

This activity provides reading practice using the target language.

Draw pictures of the happy face and unhappy face on the board. Write the words fun under the happy face and the words not fun under the unhappy face.

Ask students to name some activities they think are fun and some that are not fun. For example, a student might say studying for a test is not fun. Point out the happy face under the pictures in la.

Say, He sang and played the guitar. It was fun. The happy face shows it was fun. Say, draw a happy face or an unhappy face for letters a, c, and a,

Review the answers. Students may have different answers for some items- For example, went to the library may be fan for some students and not fun for others. Ⅳ. Listening 1c

This activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language.

Call attention to the names Jim and Sally and the write-on lines under each name. Say, Now you are going to hear a conversation between Jim and Sally. They are talking about what they did over the weekend. Listen to the conversation and write what each person did.

Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Point out the sample answer, did her homework.

Play the recording again. Ss listen and check their answers.

Remind students that they can look back at earlier activities in this unit to get spelling help, if they wish. Ⅴ. Pairwork Work on 1d:

This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

Call attention to the example in speech bubbles. Ask a pair of students to read the dialogue to the class.

Say, Now practice talking about what Jim and Sally did over the weekend. Practice in pairs- Use the dialogue as an example.

Help students find partners. Then say. First read the dialogue together. Read both parts. Then make your own dialogues like that one. Tell what Sally and Jim did over the weekend.

As students practice, move around the room monitoring progress. Ask pairs of students to present their dialogues to the class. Ⅵ. Pairwork Work on 1e:

This activity provides open-ended oral practice using the target language.

Point out the example in speech bubbles. Ask two students to read the dialogue to the class.

With a student, say a conversation about what you did over the weekend. You may wish to write two or three activities on the board for students to use in their conversations.

Help students find partners. As they practice their conversations, move around the room monitoring progress and giving language support as needed.

Ask some pairs to present their real-life conversations to the class. Ⅶ. Thinking Work on 2a:

This activity provides writing and oral practice using the target language. Show some photos of animals on the screen. Ask the class to answer the questions 1. what kind of animal are you afraid of ? 2. Why?

3. Make a list. Ask students to say the words by themselves. Ⅷ. Reading Work on 2b:

This activity provides reading practice using the target language. 1. Fast reading

Read the article and find the answer to this question: What did they see near the fire the next morning? (They saw a snake sleeping near the fire)

Ss read the article quickly and find the answers to this question. Then check the answers with the class. 2. Careful reading

Read the article and find the answers to the questions on 71. Ss read the passage and find the answers to the questions. Check the answers. Ⅸ. Reading Work on 2c

Read the instructions again, put the phrases in order according to the passage then use then to retell the story.

1. Ask the student to read the story in 2b again, put the sentences in order. 2. 阅读指导:(见课件部分) 3. Check the answer. Answer: 6 2 8 4 7 5 1 3

3. Ask the students retell the story using the phrases. Homework

1. Review the article in 2b.

2. Ask Ss. Write down your own last weekend. 板书设计: Section B 1a-2c sing-sang study –studied have –had go-went fly- flew swim-swam Did you go anything interesting last weekend? Not really, but I visited my sister. My sister finished high school two weeks ago.

Section B 3a-Self Check

一、教学目标: 1. 语言知识目标:

1)复习一般过去时态的用法及动词的过去式。能正确叙述过去发生的事情。 2)通过不同形式的练习题来练习谈论过去发生的事件。 3)学会谈论自己节假日的活动。 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 1) 能积极主动学习,合作学习。 2)温故知新,养成复习总结习惯。 二、教学重难点

1. 教学重点:1)复习一般过去时态的用法及动词的过去式。 2)通过不同形式的练习来熟练运用所学的知识。 2. 教学难点:
