2016-2017学年第二学期8B Unit5 提优测试卷牛津译林版英语 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2016-2017学年第二学期8B Unit5 提优测试卷牛津译林版英语更新完毕开始阅读d74ee554a88271fe910ef12d2af90242a895abd0

8B Unit5 Good manners提优卷

(满分:100分 考试时间:90分钟)

一.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) 题号 答案 题号 答案 1 9 2 10 3 11 4 12 5 13 6 14 7 15 8 1. There was a big stone my way my way home yesterday.

A. at; by B. in; by C. on; in D. in; on 2. Anna dances , if not better than, Lily.

A. so well B. as well as C. so well as D. as well

3. Tom's mother is too busy housework him with his homework.

A. doing; to help B. to do; to help C. doing; helping D. to do; helping

4. ─He's already been back from Australia, ? ─ . He is on a visit to Shanghai. A. isn't he; No

B. hasn't he; Yes C. isn't he; Yes D. hasn't he; No

5. This exercise is difficult .

A. so; that few of us can do B. so; that many of us can do C. too; for any one of us to do D. too; for any one of us to do it

6. The tent is for a family of three .

A. big enough; to live B. enough big; to live in it C. big enough; to live in D. enough big; live in

7. My grandpa is studying computers. He says he's learn new things.

A. so late to B. old enough to

C. too old to D. never too old to 8. 一What a rain!

一It has rained since last night.

A. heavily; heavy B. hardly; hard C. heavy; heavily D. hard; hardly

9. The purpose of new inventions is to make life easier, it more difficult. A. not to make B. not making C. not make D. to not make 10. 一 turn is it to make our daily speech today? 一It's time for me to speak today, Mrs Lin.

A. Whose B. What C. Which D. Where 11. 一Just a minute, Tom. Is this the report you need to hand in today? 一Oh, yes, Mum. I thought I had put in my schoolbag. A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything 12. 一It's British people to queue for their turns. 一That's true. It's rude to push in before others in Britain. A. good of B. good for C. bad of D. bad for 13. 一We should give the elderly there as much help as we can.

一I agree. , we should keep in touch with them as often as we can. A. As a result B. Above all C. In all D. At all 14. 一Mr Green has decided to try a third time.

一I admire him very much. He isn't the kind of man who easily. A. gets up B. wakes up C. gives up D. opens up 15. 一Let's do more exercises for the coming Maths competition.

一Good idea. As an old saying goes, “ .” A. Many hands make light work B. The early bird catches the worm C. Practice makes perfect D. It's never too old to learn 二. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) 题号 答案 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I was always busy and had too many things to do. Whenever my daughter caused me to change my plans, I thought to myself, \

said to her were: 16 . The other day, the two of us rode to a 17 near our home. After shopping I bought her an ice cream, and she sat down at a table happily admiring the ice cream in her hand. Suddenly a 18 look appeared on her face. \ I nearly cried when hearing this─the pains of a hurried life influenced(影响)my poor girl so deeply! As she looked at me waiting to know if she could 19 her time, I knew I had to make a 20 . I thought of the times when I rushed(催促)my child through life. I began 21 what really matters in life....

\don't have to hurry. Just enjoy it, \I said gently. Her whole face brightened and her shoulders 22 . We sat side by side talking about things that interested us. When she got to the last bite(一口), she held it out to me. \ 23 the last bite for you, Mum, \ 24 . As the icy taste put out my thirst, I realized I just got the present of a lifetime. I gave child a little time... and in turn, she gave me the last bite and 25 me that things taste sweeter and love is easier to get when you stop rushing through life. 16. A. Keep quiet B. Take care C. Hurry up D. Work hard 17. A. station B. school C. office D. supermarket 18. A. worried B. tired C. satisfied D. surprised 19. A. waste B. take C. spend D. spare 20. A. mark B. plan C. wish D. choice 21. A. explaining B. forgetting C. discussing D. wondering 22. A. lifted B. relaxed C. turned D. raised 23. A. bought B. carried C. saved D. tasted 24. A. cheerfully B. calmly C. sadly D. wisely 25. A. supported B. promised C. reminded D. thanked 三. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共24分) 题号 答案 26 27 28 29 30 31 A

One Thursday afternoon, when I was in Grade 9, a new boy came into my classroom. He was short and thin. He walked up to the teacher and told her, very seriously, that he was new. His name was Christian. He sat down, took a look at me, and then looked away. I didn't think he was very nice and I was sure he wasn't the type I would like to become friends with.

During that year, I didn't talk to him much, but he smiled at me when our eyes met, always shyly. He never ate lunch with anybody, and he never talked to anybody but me.

But one day I joined those unkind kids who were making fun of him. We made fun of him though I thought it was wrong.

\ got any friends? \

32 33 34 35 36 37 down.

\me with the saddest dog eyes I had ever seen. I felt very sorry at that moment.

That night, I couldn't sleep because I couldn't get Christian's face out of my mind. In the weeks that followed, he never met my eyes in class and never smiled at me. It was really hard for me to decide to write him a note asking him to forgive(原谅)me. But I thought I should.

The next day in class I wrote him a note telling him how sorry I felt. About five minutes later, I turned and saw tears in his eyes. \道歉)has meant to me, Jimmly, \ he said to me. \

We had lunch together that noon and we had the best talk I had ever had. Over the years at high school, we were close friends.

When I think back, I realize that, if I had not apologized, I would never have known what a lovely person Christian was.

Apologies can really change your life, so never miss the chance to tell somebody you are sorry.

26. From the passage, we know Christian was a boy. A. tall and fat B. short and shy C. short and active D. lovely and fat 27. Jimmly didn't talk to Christian much at first because . A. he didn't think Christian was the type he wanted to become friends with B. Christian wasn't nice to people around him after he came to the new class C. Christian made friends with others D. Christian had the saddest dog eyes

28. Jimmly asked Christian to forgive him by . A. sending an e-mail B. wearing a smile C. eating supper together D. writrng a note 29. This article tells us that . A. we should make an apology when we hurt others B. Jimmly's apology was unimportant to Christian C. Christian wasn't lovely in fact D. it is impossible to say sorry to others


In most languages, a greeting is usually followed by \things we talk about at the start of a conversation. In English-speaking countries, people often make small talk about the weather: \ something special about small talk. It must be about something that both people have the same opinion about.