(完整word版)外研社一年级起点五年级下册1-2模块测试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章(完整word版)外研社一年级起点五年级下册1-2模块测试题更新完毕开始阅读d7ce3ea4504de518964bcf84b9d528ea81c72f0b


一、 根据句子意思把单词补充完整,首字母已经给出,答案可能不唯一(每题2分,共12分) 1.She w__ a teacher before.

2.Where d___ your grandma work,Alice? 3.What did he h___? He had eggs. 4.D___Daming like English food? 5.She h___ lunch at 7.

6.She w____ fish. I want a hamburger.

二、 读句子,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空(每题2分,共12分)

1.She ____(love) me very much.

2.What did Amy drive? She_____(drive) a bus. 3.He can _____(play) the flute. 4.What _____(do) he do now? 5.She plays____(china) music. 6.What ___(do) they do ten years ago?


〔〕 ‘Lunch is usually at half past twelve’这句话所用的时态是___.

A. 一般将来时 B. 一般过去时 C. 一般现在时 〔〕 2. ‘He wants noodles.’这个句子中的 wants 是___ A. 动词过去式 B. 动词原形 C. 动词单三 〔〕 3. Sandwiches is ____ food. English B.Chinese C .china 〔〕 4. 你想知道他吃什么了,问:

A. What did he have? B. What did he do? C. What was he have? 〔〕5. What did she drive?_________

A. She drove a car. B. She drives a car . C. She had droven a car.

〔〕6. What music did she play?___________

A. He played Chinese music. B. She played Chinese music. C. She plays Chinese music.

〔〕7. What did your father _____? is. B. does. C. do.

〔〕8. Where did your father ______? A. work B. Works C. Work

〔〕9. ___did he do five years ago? He was a taxi driver. A. Where B. What C. How

〔〕10. I worked very hard in____sun and____rain. A. /,/. B. an,an C. the,the.

〔〕11. What did you____for dinner? do B. have C. has

〔〕12. He ____got an email from Lingling. A. has B. have C. does

〔〕13. _____she had an English breakfast. A. Tomorrow B. Now C. Yesterday 〔〕14. It’s a_______ English dish. A. traditional B. traditionall C. tradition

〔〕15. Does Lingling ____English food? A. likes B. like C. liking

四、 按要求填词或写句子(每小题2分,共12分) 1.My grandpa is a flute player before(句子改错)

_________________________________________________. 2.He worked ___ a hospital.(介词填空)

3.What ____(do) it say?(用所给的词适当形式填空) 4.What did you have for lunch?(请根据实际情况回答问题) I have_____________________________________. 5.today/But/has noodles/he/an egg/and.(连词成句)

_____________________________________________________. 6.had/Feifei/apples and bread/yesterday/for breakfast.(连词成句) ___________________________________________________. 阅读短文,选词填空,每词只用一次。(每题2分,16分) have at past are UK in and eat In the_____,people usually _____breakfast ___7 o’clock.Lunch__usually at half____twelve.Dinner is usually at half past six.

Sundays___special ___ the UK.Families usually ___lunch together.They eat chicken,potatoes _____other vegetables.

六、看图,为图片选择相应的句子,并把句子代号写在括号里 (每空2分,共12分)

A.This is my family. B. This is my grandpa,He worked in an office. C.This is my grandma.She worked in a factory. D.This is my

father,He works in a hospital. E.This is my mother,She works in a shop. F.And this is me.

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六.Writing 写作(6分)

提示:以“我最喜欢的季节”为题,写一篇小短文,介绍你喜欢季节的特点。 姓名:Amy 年龄:12 国籍:英国





春:放风筝等 夏:游泳等 秋:野餐等 冬:滑冰,滑雪等

Title :_______________________ My name is





