ºÚÁú½­Ê¡º×¸ÚÊеÚÒ»ÖÐѧ2019_2020ѧÄê¸ßÒ»Ó¢Óï12ÔÂÔ¿¼ÊÔÌâ201912200117 ÁªÏµ¿Í·þ

·¢²¼Ê±¼ä : ÐÇÆÚÒ» ÎÄÕºÚÁú½­Ê¡º×¸ÚÊеÚÒ»ÖÐѧ2019_2020ѧÄê¸ßÒ»Ó¢Óï12ÔÂÔ¿¼ÊÔÌâ201912200117¸üÐÂÍê±Ï¿ªÊ¼ÔĶÁd7fb8115b1717fd5360cba1aa8114431b90d8eeb


41. We must take _________(ÐÁ¿à) to face the difficulties in our life. 42. Not knowing how to operate the computer is one of the _______(ȱµã)

in finding jobs.

43. The newly-built school library will be a useful _________(À´Ô´) of

information for us.

44. The common people in every country is ______(¿ÊÍûµÄ)for world


45. We should speak English _________(¾­³£µØ) in order to improve our

spoken English.

46. Medicine should not be kept where it is a_________ to children. 47. I¡¯m sure he ignored you by accident and not by d_________. 48. Without the p_________ of the police, no one can enter this area. 49. C_________ with what you¡¯ve done, mine is far from satisfactory. 50.So as you can see from what I¡¯ve said, I¡¯m a n_________ kind of person.


51. The obvious one is money; eating out once or twice a week may be

_________(afford) but doing this most days adds up.

52. The discovery helps scientists to learn how plant life ______(change) in

the past 30,000 years.

53. After the interview, the employer concluded that she was fit _______

the job.

54. I have no _________(hesitate) in recommending Mr.Green for the job. 55. The reason why I was sad was ________ he didn¡¯t understand me. 56. With more attention _________(concentrate) on the teacher, the

students have made great progress in the past few weeks.

57. Thousands of works of art, _______(include) the most famous painting,

were missing during the war.

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58. Don¡¯t jump the queue, _________ other people will not be pleased. 59. I¡¯d rather he _______(go) there instead of me tomorrow.

60. I think children should develop the habit of working and living



61. Time permits, I expect to have more spare time to spend with my


62. Do you know how long it is before we last went to the cinema?

63. It you want more information about the design, please contact with us

online at any time.

64. An awfully accident did, however, occur the other day. 65. He is taller than any of the other boy in his class.

66. It was the culture, rather than the language, which made it hard for him

to adapt to the new environment abroad.

67. Either you or the headmaster are to hang out the prizes to these gifted

students at the meeting.

68. I don¡¯t know the exact date, but it was Sunday because everybody was

at church.

69. It was the second time that he have come to the mountain village to see

the homeless children.

70. I hate when people talk with their mouths full.

µÚÁù²¿·Ö Óï·¨Ìî¿Õ£¨¹²10СÌ⣻ÿСÌâ1.5·Ö, Âú·Ö15·Ö£© ÔĶÁÏÂÃæ¶ÌÎÄ, ÔÚ¿Õ°×´¦ÌîÈëÊʵ±µÄµ¥´Ê»òÀ¨ºÅÄÚµ¥´ÊµÄÕýÈ·ÐÎʽ¡£

As a child, I made the most ___71___(importance) decision of my life. I decided there was no reason that my ___72___(disable) would prevent me from realizing my dreams or stop me from being ___73___(true) happy with my life.

I ___74___(place) in a special school, together children ___75___ suffered from different diseases. However, I studied hard and finally entered an ordinary school

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with ordinary kids, ___76___(try) to enjoy my life like other kids of my age.

It wasn¡¯t easy, but I finally succeeded and ___77___(prove) that there was no goal that I couldn¡¯t achieve. Over and over again, I overcame difficulties and understood that there was no limit ___78___ the human spirit.

Today, I am the owner of a successful business. I have a lot of true friends. I travel around the world and teach people___79___(realize) their own dreams. My belief in my life is where there is ___80___ will, there is a way.

µÚÆß²¿·Ö д×÷£¨¹²Á½½Ú, Âú·Ö35·Ö£©

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2.Ö»ÔÊÐíÐÞ¸Ä10´¦, ¶àÕß(´ÓµÚ11´¦Æð)²»¼Æ·Ö¡£

I had a interesting dream last night. I dreamed that I took part in a race. At first, I could not to run very fast and fell behind. So I didn¡¯t lose heart and kept running. All the students on the playground cheer me on, ¡°Come on!¡± I was so encouraging that I ran faster and fast till I caught up all the other runners. I felt as if flying like a superman. In the end, I got to the finishing line first. I won the race. I felt very proudly of myself. Many of my classmate threw me up into the air. Just at that time, I woke up and found me still in bed!

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Èç½ñÈËÃÇÔ½À´Ô½¹Ø×¢ÉíÌåµÄ½¡¿µ¡£×÷ΪÖÐѧÉú,ÎÒÃÇÒ²Ó¦¸ÃÖªµÀÈçºÎ±£³ÖÉíÌ彡¿µ¡£ÇëÄã¸ù¾ÝÒÔÏÂÌáʾ,Ϊ¡¶21ÊÀ¼ÍÓ¢Îı¨¡·Ð´Ò»ÆªÌâΪThe way to keep healthy\µÄÎÄÕ¡£

1. ¾¡Á¿ÉÙ³Ôº¬Ö¬·¾ºÍÌÇ·ÖµÄʳÎï,¶à³ÔË®¹ûºÍÊß²Ë,±£Ö¤Òûʳƽºâ¡£ 2. ÿÌì²Î¼ÓÒ»¶¨Á¿µÄ»¬¶¯,ÒÔÔöÇ¿ÌåÖÊ¡£

- 11 -

3. ±£³ÖÁ¼ºÃµÄÉú»îÏ°¹ß¡£

ÒªÇó: 1£©Çë°üÀ¨ÒÔÉÏÒªµã,µ«²»ÒªÖð¾ä·­Òë;



Nowadays people pay more and more attention to their own health in daily life. As students, we should know more about how to keep fit.




1-3 BCA 4-7 BDAC 8-11 DBDA 12-15CBCA 16-20 DEGAC 21-25CBDAB 26-30CDBAC 31-35DADBC 36-40AABDC

41. pains 42. disadvantages 43. source 44. anxious 45.frequently 46. accessible 47. design 48. permission 49. Compared 50. normal 51. affordable 52. has changed 53.for 54. hesitation 55. that 56. Concentrated 57. including 58. or 59.went 60. independently 61. permit---permitting 62. before---since 63. È¥µôwith 64. awfully---awful 65. boy---boys 66. which---that 67. Are---is 68. was ºó¼Óa 69. have--- had 70. hate ºó¼Óit

71 important 72 disability 73 truly 74 was placed 75 who/ that 76 trying 77 proved 78 to 79 to realize 80 a ¸Ä´í£º

a¡úan È¥µôrunÇ°µÄto So¡úBut cheer¡úcheered encouraging ¡úencouraged fast¡úfaster allÇ°¼Ówith

proudly¡úproud classmate¡úclassmates me¡úmyself ×÷ÎÄ

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