10套A级(三级)英语考试真题及答案(05年12月~10年6月) 联系客服

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50.【答案】shortness of breath

【解析】短文最后一段第一句话说“Stomach discomfort or pain,worsening of asthma or shortness of breath”,由此可知,此处应该填写shortness of breath。

Task 4

51.【答案】(N),(D) 【解析】guide(指南), outgoing(外出), passengers(旅客);getting(领取,得到), boarding(登机),Pass(通行证)。 52.【答案】(O),(B)

【解析】goods(物品), prohibited(禁止), exit(离去,离开), country(国家);luggage(行李), delivery(递送)。 53.【答案】(A),(H)

【解析】waiting(等候), boarding(登机);goods(物品), prohibited(禁止), handcarried(携带的)。 54.【答案】(K),(Q)

【解析】quantity(数量), allowed(允许), take(带);detection(侦查,探测), passage(通道)。 55.【答案】(J),(I)

【解析】customs(海关), declaration(申报), form(表格);dutyflee(免税), articles(物品)。

Task 5


【解析】在你选择人寿保险的时候,你要考虑你的所需是什么?短文第一段第三句话说“Next,you need to decide how much money you can afford to pay”即要考虑的另外一个问题是能负担得起多少钱,所以此处可以填写costs。 57.【答案】coverage goals

【解析】保险种类和你的财政计划之间是什么关系呢?短文第一段第四句话说“Finally,you must choose the type of policy that meets your coverage goals and fits into your financial plan”,根据这句话,此处应该填写coverage goals。 58.【答案】An agent

【解析】谁能帮助你从保险公司处购买合适的保险种类呢?短文第一段最后一句话说“Once you have completed these steps,you will be able to move ahead and contact several life insurance companies through all agent who will shop for the right type of policy for you”,由此可知,答案是代理商(an agent)。 59.【答案】family members

【解析】被保险人死亡后,谁将会成为人寿保险的受益者呢?短文第三段说“Insurance to provide family protection and financial security to surviving family members upon the death of the insured person”,由此可知,人寿保险的受益者是死者的家人(family members)。 60.【答案】other debts

【解析】购买人寿保险的第二个目的是什么呢?短文最后一段说“Insurance to cover a particular need upon the insured’s death such as paying off a mortgage or other debts”,由此可知,人寿保险的第二个目的是付抵押或别的债务(other debts)。

Part Ⅳ Translation — English into Chinese 61.【答案】D

【解析】本句中的条件状语“If you are taking care of an aging parent or know someone who is”后面省略了相同的部分“taking care of an aging parent”,即“如果你在照看年迈父母或知道有人在照看年迈父母”, be of great help意为“有帮助的”,故只有选项D翻译正确。 62.【答案】C

【解析】bidding documents是主语,谓语动词是被动语态,a non-refundable payment意指“不可归还的付款”,故只有选项C翻译正确。 63.【答案】B

【解析】the meeting held in Brazil last month指“上个月在巴西召开的会议”,本句的主语是the supporters of free trade,即“自由贸易的支持者”,these economic policies could benefit all nations(这些经济政策会使所有国家都受益)是动词argued的宾语从句,故选项B翻译正确。 64.【答案】C

【解析】本句的主语是the game industry(游戏产业),as part of the entertainment business在此做状语,catching up with是固定搭配,意为“赶上”;in terms of也是固定搭配,意为“在??方面”。 65.【答案】7月10日,该公司将召开第一届全球电视会议。所有的20套设备将通过卫星广播系统连接在一起,这样,雇员们就可以互相看得见,并且可以互相对话。布莱克先生将首先致辞,并告诉我们下一个五年的目标。接下来,每一位经理将谈论当前的挑战。最后的一个小时用于反映各地的问题。如果会议成功主办,我们希望安排全球电视年会。

Part V Writing 【参考范文】


To:All Staff Employees From:Ruth Crawford

Re:Update telephone system Date:June 24,2007

On account of the need of business, our company is planning to update the current telephone system.There arc three communication companies having offered updating plan(see attachment).Please read it carefully and give your own opinions by the end of this month.The company will place an order at the early of next month.


Part I Listening Comprehension (15 minutes) Directions:This part is to test your listening ability.It consists of 3 sections. Section A Directions:This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues.There are 5 recorded

dialogues in it.After each dialogue,there is a recorded question.Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once.When you hear a question,you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper.Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

1. A. A week ago. B. Two weeks ago. C. Three weeks ago. D. Four weeks ago.

2. A. Linda and Peter are good friends. B. Linda and Peter want to work together. C. Linda and Peter live in the same house. D. Linda and Peter work in different offices. 3. A. Tom is coming for dinner. B. Tom won’t be able to come. C. Tom will give a dinner party. D. Tom won’t be away on business. 4. A. In the bank. B. In the office.

C. In the hospital. D. In the travel agency. 5. A. To fax the report. B. To write the report. C. To copy the report. D. To email the report.

Section B

Directions:This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations.There are 2

recorded conversations in it.After each conversation,there are some recorded questions.Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times.When you hear a question. you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A,B,C and D given in your test paper.Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Conversation 1

6. A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. 7. A. Book a room. B. Fill out a form.

C. Show his passport. D. Take away the suitcases. Conversation 2

8. A. Movie tickets. B. Concert tickets. C. Museum tickets. D. Opera tickets. 9. A. Front seat tickets. B. Back seat tickets. C. Box tickets. D. Standing tickets.

10. A. 8 pounds. B. 16 pounds. C. 30 pounds. D. 60 pounds.

Section C

Directions:This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages.You will hear a

recorded passage.After that you will hear five questions. Both the passage and the questions will be read two times.When you hear a question,you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase (in not more than 3 words).The questions and incomplete answers are printed in your test paper.You should write

your answers on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.Now listen to the passage.

11. Why are more and more people able to work at home? Because of the increasing use of . 12. What are the advantages of working at home?

It saves time and money and enables people to be their own . 13. What is another advantage of working at home? It reduces . 14. What is the problem with working at home only?

There isn’t enough interaction.

15. What conclusion can we draw about working at home from the passage?

Working at home is getting popular, but most people need to meet their colleagues .

Part Ⅱ Structure (15 minutes) Directions:This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences.It consists

of 2 sections.

Section A

Directions:In this section,there are 10 incomplete sentences.You are required to complete each

one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A, B,C and D. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

16. Although he did not feel well,he insisted going there together with us. A. to B. on C. at D. for 17. I’ll ask Mr.Smith to ring you up he comes back to the office.

A. when B. where C. because D. although 18. They regard as their duty to provide the best service for their customers. A. this B. what C. it D. that 19. Not until the day before yesterday to give a speech at the meeting.

A. he agreed B. does he agree C. he agrees D. did he agree 20. up at the clock on the wall,the secretary found it was already midnight. A. Looking B. Look C. To look D. Looked

21. The first textbook for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.

A. writing B. written C. to write D. to be written 22. Young he is,he has proved to be an able salesman.

A. that B. who C. as D. which 23. I don’t doubt the stock market will recover from the economic crisis. A. if B. what C. that D. which 24. In our company, great changes since the new manager came. A. took place B. take place

C. will have taken place D. have taken place

25. News came from the sales manager the new product had been selling well in the local market for three months.

A. whose B. what C. which D. that