PEP六年级下册英语Uniastweekend单元测试题 联系客服

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? ________________________________________________ 2.all , I , home , weekend , stayed , at .

? ________________________________________________ , happy , I’m , you , feel , better . ? ________________________________________________ 4.have , did , a , he , cold , yesterday ?

? ________________________________________________ 5.TV , she , either , didn’t ,work .

? ________________________________________________

九、Choose the words to finish the passage.(用所给单词完成填空)(10分) Last weekend , it?______?a sunny day . My mother and I?______ my grandparents . We went there??_______?bus . We?_______?many things . My grandparents? _____?very happy when they_______?us . Grandma?_____?fish . After lunch , I played_______?my cousin . He is one year_____?than me . We_____a good time .

十、Read and fill in the blanks.(读一读,根据图片补全句子。)(10分) 1. ---What did Mike do yesterday ? -- He .

2. John yesterday, so he didn’t go to school. http://w ww .x k b1. com

3. Chen Jie all day. 4.The boy was ill , he for two days last week.

5.---Did she last weekend? ---Yes, she did.

十一、(A)Read and judge.(阅读短文,判断正误,正确的T,错误的F)(15分) Mike is a student .He likes travelling.

He goes to many paces . Last weekend , he visited Beijing . On Saturday , he went to the Great Wall .He took many photos . The next day , he did some shopping with his friends in Beijing . He bought a pair o sunglasses . His friends bought many presents for him . Because it was his birthday that day . They had a big dinner . After that , they went to the cinema .They all had

a good time .

( )1.Mike is going to Beijing . ( )2.Mike likes travelling . ( )3.Mike bought a pair of shoes . ( )4.Mike didn’t take any photos . ( )5.On Sunday , they did some shopping . (B) Read and answer.(阅读短文,回答问题。)

Zhang Peng had a long holiday last month. He went to Hangzhou and visited her grandparents. He went there by train.

Zhang Peng played with his cousin on the first day of the holiday. The next day, he visited the West Lake. It was very beautiful. He went boating. He climbed a mountain, too. He stayed in Hangzhou for five days. For the last day of the holiday, he came back home and did his homework, then prepared to go back to school.

1. Where did Zhang Peng go on his holiday? 2. How did he go there? 3.What did he do there?

4. When did he go back home?

5. Did Zhang Peng visit his grandparents last month? 十二、Read and write.(写作乐园。)(10分)

根据图片提示,以“My Last Weekend”为题,写一写自己上周末的活动,注意条理清晰,表达准确,字迹工整,不少于5句话。

My Last Weekend

I had a busy weekend. __________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 附:听力材料绿色圃中小学教育

一.Listen and number. (听音,给图片排顺序。)

1. Chen Jie washed her clothes for her family . 2. John had a cold yesterday.

3. Alice saw a film with her parents.

4. The boy visited his grandparents last weekend.