2017-2018学年外研版八年级英语下册Module 8 单元测试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章2017-2018学年外研版八年级英语下册Module 8 单元测试题更新完毕开始阅读d9751a6a951ea76e58fafab069dc5022abea464f

特色 行 程 安 排 下午 晚上 上午 以美丽的风景而著称 先参观南海观音像( the Guanyin Statue of Nanhai),然后去天涯海角(Tianya Haijiao) 去亚龙湾(Yalong Bay) 7点钟在饭店吃海鲜(seafood) Welcome to Sanya. My name is Liu Mei and I'm your guide.

. After that, we'll go to the hotel and finish our trip. I hope everyone can have a good time! OK, please come with me now.



Ⅰ. 1-5 DADAB 6-10 CACAC 11-15 CCBBDⅡ. 16-20 BDACA 21-25 BACDB Ⅲ. 26-30 CGABDⅣ. 31-35 FFTTF

36. Comfortable and fast.

37. Because the screen was very small and the sound was very bad.

38. Taking pictures. 39. His brother. 40. Yes, he did.

Ⅴ. 41. humans 42. sights 43. pull 44. shape

45. path 46. make any noise 47. stay with

48. point out 49. climbed up 50. go for a swim

Ⅵ. 51. It was a pity (that)

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52. (that) she was cooking 53. at the top of 54. so excited that 55. moved about

Ⅶ. 56. lived 57. till 58. myself 59. hiding 60. Minutes

61. something 62. decided

Ⅷ. One possible version:63. looked

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64. teeth 65. even