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11. B

解析:摄取高热量食物,又缺乏运动,当然会长胖。故选B。 12. A

解析:keep up with the pace 跟上节奏。 13. D

解析:根据句义,这里说的是垃圾食品。 14. B

解析:avoiding doing sth 避免做某事。 15. B

解析:keep fit 固定表达,表示“保持身体健康”。

Ⅶ. 阅读理解,根据短文内容选择最佳答案

1. D

解析:由“For example, tomato is a kind of very delicious vegetable.”可以得出正确答案。 2. B

解析:19世纪以前,美洲人不敢吃番茄,认为有毒。 3. A

解析:细节理解题。由文章第二段可知正确答案。 4. C

解析:由their president可以看出,他们来自一个国家。 5. D

解析:由文章倒数第二句可知客人们并不知道他们喝的汤是由“毒苹果”做的。选项D是部分否定,与文义相悖。 6. A

解析:健康饮食、充足睡眠、适量运动都是为了保持健康,故选A。 7. C




8. B

解析:文章说到要保持充足睡眠,因此缺乏睡眠肯定对身体有害。 9. C

解析:根据第三段可知选项C错误,其他选项符合文义。 10. C


Ⅷ. 书面表达


Take notes while you read. This will help you understand and remember what you are reading. Informational materials, such as encyclopedia, newspapers, and magazine articles, nonfiction books, etc., contain a lot of information that may be hard to remember. Taking notes will help you identify and remember information that is important to you. When you take notes, you need not write complete sentences. You can simply note the most important ideas and information. Your note may be list of single words, concepts, phrases or quotes. You should group your notes into categories, however. A category may be suggested by a chapter title, a head or subhead of reading.
