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发布时间 : 星期三 文章大学英语4作业册更新完毕开始阅读d9d33e3e524de518964b7de0

A) debate B) dispute C) argument D) quarrel 6. We can take the train or ______ go by bus.

A) compulsorily B) suitably C) alternatively D) selectively 7. We will ______ our predecessors, and future generations will certainly ______ us.

A) improve B) succeed C) advance D) surpass 8. You cannot ______ from your responsibility in this affair.

A) reverse B) retire C) repeal D) retreat 9. She believed she was ______ of discovering a cure for cancer. A) on the brink B) on the brick C) on the border D) on the edge 10. As soon as she saw George arrive, she just ______. A) took after B) took off C) took in D) took over 11. To avoid family disgrace, Frank was ______ to India.

A) taken off B) brought off C) packed off D) caught off 12. I know it’s boring, but we’re just going to have to ______ it. A) sit on B) sit out C) sit off D) sit in

II Translation (40%)

1. He repented of his wrong doing and tried to___________________________________(补救).

2. ___________________________________,(为了维护社会治安) every one of us is supposed to get a law education. 3. ______________________________________(谋事在人) but god disposes.

4.His argument __________________________________________(不是依靠推理或者实验), but on authority. 5. __________________________________(除了其他罪行), Larsen was accused of attempting to bribe court officials.

Unit 9

1. The most basic reason why dialects should be preserved is that language helps to _____ a culture.

A) retain B) remain C) remark D) review 2. The house was very quiet, ______ as it was on the side of a mountain. A) isolated B) having been isolated C) being isolated D) isolating 3. During the lecture, the speaker occasionally ______ his point by relating his own experiences. A) displayed B) hinted C) cited D) illustrated 4. We shall probably never be able to ______ the exact nature of these sub-atomic particles.

A) assert B) impart C) ascertain D) notify 5. I hate people who ______ the end of a film that you haven’t seen before. A) rewrite B) reveal C) revise D) reverse 6. If you don’t ______ the children properly, they'll just run riot.

A) mobilize B) warrant C) manipulate D) supervise 7. We are doing this work in the ______ of reforms in the economic, social and cultural spheres.

A) context B) contest C) pretext D) texture

8. His use of color, light and form quickly departed from the conventional style of his as _____ he developed own technique.

A) descendants B)predecessors C)successors D)ancestors 9. The glass vessels should be handled most carefully since they are ______.

A) intricate B) fragile C) subtle D) crisp 10. The damage to my car was ______in the accident, but I have a lingering fear even today.

A) insufficient B) ambiguous C) negligible D) ignorant

11. Mutual respect for territorial ______ is one of the bases upon which our two countries develop relationships.

A) reliability B) unity C) entirety D) integrity

12. Fiber-optic cables can carry hundreds of telephone conversations ______.

A) simultaneously B) spontaneously C) homogeneously D) contemporarily

II. Translation (40%)

1. As far as hobbies are concerned, Jane and her sister nearly ___________________________(几乎没有什么共同之处). 2. I would take care of a dog________________________________________.(除非有人付我钱)

3. There are always people who believe that simplified characters _______________________.(不能保留传统文化的精华) 4. Those in favour of traditional characters are unable to ______________________(提出足够的理由来支持他们的观点). 5. If we went back to traditional characters, it would be very likely to _________________ _________________(侵害大多数人受教育的权利)and damage the unity of Chinese society.

Unit 10

1. The most basic reason why dialects should be preserved is that language helps to _____ a culture. A) retain B) remain C) remark D) review

2. He raised his eyebrows and stuck his head forward and _ _ it in a single nod, a gesture boys used then for O.K. when they were pleased. A) shrugged B) tugged C) jerked D) twisted 3. Military orders are ______ and cannot be disobeyed.

A) defective B) conservative C) alternative D) imperative 4. I told him that I would ______ him to act for me while I was away from office.

A) identify B) authorize C) rationalize D) justify 5. She remains confident and ______ untroubled by our present problems.

A) indefinitely B) infinitely C) optimistically D) seemingly 6. Please do not be ______ by his offensive remarks since he is merely trying to attract attention.

A) distracted B) disregarded C) irritated D) intervened

7. She had recently left a job and had helped herself to copies of the company's client data, which she intended to ______ in starting her own business. A) dwell on B) come upon C) base on D) draw upon 8. Diamonds have little ______ value and their price depends almost entirely on their scarcity.

A) subtle B) eternal C) inherent D) intrinsic

9. They are ______ investors who always make thorough investigations both on local and international markets before

making an investment. A) indecisive B) implicit C) cautious D) conscious 10. The cut in her hand has healed completely, without leaving a ______.

A) defect B) wound C) sign D) scar 11. The ______of our trip to London was the visit to Buckingham Palace.

A) highlight B) height C) peak D) summit

12. It is no ______ that a large number of violent crimes are committed under the influence of alcohol.

A)coincidence B) correspondence C) inspiration D) intuition II. Translation (40%)

1. ____________________________________________(在我所有的朋友中) she is the kindest. 2. These volunteers had proved that_____________________________________.(他们是称职的)

3. The professor was suspicious when two students turned in _____________________________(完全相同的研究论文) 4. Their work had prevented this storm from _________________________________(避免了更大的灾难)the residents. 5. Only after many failures ______________________________________(我才认识到仅凭运气是不能成功的)

Test One

I. Multiple Choice

1-5 ACABD 6-10 BDCAB 11-12 AB II. Translation

1. have turned down four applicants 2. his wife banged on about his job 3. interact with the teacher properly

4seek out more efficient means of production 5. withstand the poor condition of the place or not

Test Two

I. Multiple Choice

1-5 CDDCA 6-10 ADBDC 11-13 DAD II. Translation

1. associated with heavy drinking 2. chanced upon a very rare book 3. prone to diseases

4. omitted to tell the managing director

5. could boil down to it that he felt sorry for his absence

Test Three

I. Multiple Choice

1-5 CBDDD 6-10ADDCC 11-13DAC II. Translation

1. Helen’s question caught John off guard 2. didn’t take his wife’s wishes into account 3 In order to keep law and order

4.does not rest on reasoning or on experiment 5. Among other things

Test Four

I. Multiple Choice

1-5 CADAD 6-10 DBDCD 11-13 BBA II. Translation

1. no one will keep company with him 2. stand back and look at it objectively 3. so much the better

4 accomplished in his own right rather than by inheritance 5. setting aside some money

Test Five

I. Multiple Choice

1-5 AABDA 6-10BCABC 11-13 DDD II. Translation

1. only if someone paid me

2. fail to retain the essence of our traditional culture. 3. provide sufficient evidence for their assertions. 4. infringe on the majority’s right to education 5. Out of all my friends

Unit 6

1-5 DCDCB 6-10 CDDAB 11-12 CB 1. make amends

2. In order to keep law and order 3.Man proposes

4.does not rest on reasoning or on experiment 5. Among other things

Unit 9

1-5 AADCB 6-10 DABBC 11-12 DA

1. have nothing in common / hardly have anything in common 2. only if someone paid me

3. fail to retain the essence of our traditional culture. 4. provide sufficient evidence for their assertions. 5. infringe on the majority’s right to education