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生表演。并向其他同学提问 (2)教师提问全体学生:What do you do on the weekend ?让学生根据热身部分的表决结果来回答。 (3)教师播放Let’s talk部分的录音,学生跟读,然后学生分两组分角色朗读。 Let’s find out I usually read books and do homework on Sundays. What about you? I often play the piano and do homework too. What do you often do on Sundays? I usually go shopping and visit grandparents. And you? I usually watch TV. But sometimes I go shopping too. I usually …. I often … Sometimes I … 跟读 朗诵 学生四人一组,互相询问,并写下答案。 Homework * Listen to the tape Read the passage ** Recite the passage Make a new passage. Board design Unit 1 part B Let’s talk

What do you do on the weekend?

go hiking.

Often go shopping.

I usually climb mountains. Sometimes (I) visit grandparents. play the piano.

The Third Period Content Read and write Process Teacher’s activity Student activity Warm up 教师说一组句子, 如:Usually I watch 听老师说句子 TV and go 复述副词 shopping. Sometimes I visit my grandparents . 要求学生立即说 出句子中出现的 频度副词,并指向 教室墙上所贴该 词的位置。 Revision 联系let’s talk 部学生复述课文 分的对话 背诵课文 Presentation Read and write (1)教师呈现本 部分挂图,引导学 生仔细观察配图, 提问学生: 观察配图 What does Zoom often do on the weekend? What about Zip? 引导学生看图回 答 Zip, what do you Zip: do on the weekend? Usually I watch TV and go shopping. Sometimes I visit my grandparents. Suggestion Homework Zoom, what about Zoom: you? I often play football. Sometimes I go hiking. 2)教师让学生自Read the passage 主阅读本部分对and find the 话,找出不理解的problems. 生词和句子,可请 教教师或其他同But not this 学,共同商讨解决weekend. 问题。 The weather report says… Either (3)教师帮助学 生理解对话中的 句子。 (4)教师放Read 学生跟读 and write 部分的 录音 (5)教师选几组play the passage 学生带上 Zoom/Zip的头饰 表演对话。 (6)教师引导学write down the 生填充对话后的sentences 表格,并书写四会 掌握句子。 学生听、做 Let’s check 学生自己校对 教师放三遍录音, 第一遍 第二遍 第三遍师生一起校对。 * Read the passage Recite the words and sentences ** Recite the words and sentences Follow them make some new sentences and write down. Board design What do you do on the weekend?

Usually I watch TV and go shopping.

Sometimes I visit my grandparents.

I often play football.

Sometimes I go hiking. Reflection:



Part C


1、Pronunciation:学习字母组合 ai,ay,gr,gl的发音规则,朗读例词。 2、Task time:要求根据自己了解的情况填出父母的作息时间。 3、Let’s sing:学唱歌曲“Weekend”

4、Good to know:日常的一些行为习惯用英语的表达方法。 5、Story time:初步理解故事的内容。

6、Let’s check:填写作息时间并选出周末活动练习。 学习目标:

1、Pronunciation:能够总结字母组合 ai,ay,gr,gl的发音规则,并能朗读Pronunciation部分的例词。

2、Task time:根据自己了解的情况天出父母的作息时间,并用英语表达出来。 3、Let’s sing:能够听懂并学唱歌曲“Weekend”

4、Good to know:理解日常的一些行为习惯用英语的表达方法。 5、Story time:初步理解故事的内容。

6、Let’s check:能够完成Let’s check部分填写作息时间并选出周末活动练习。 教学重、难点: 重点:

1、能够总结字母组合 ai,ay,gr,gl的发音规则,并能朗读Pronunciation部分的例词。

2、Good to know:理解日常的一些行为习惯用英语的表达方法。 难点:

1、能够总结字母组合 ai,ay,gr,gl的发音规则,并能朗读Pronunciation部分的