(4份试卷汇总)2019-2020学年山东省日照市英语八年级(上)期末调研模拟试题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章(4份试卷汇总)2019-2020学年山东省日照市英语八年级(上)期末调研模拟试题更新完毕开始阅读dad51a292079168884868762caaedd3383c4b56c

12.— What kind of shows do you like? — __________. A.I like them C.I don’t mind them

B.I can’t stand them D.I like game shows

13.Don’t walk so fast, or you may _____ onto the wet ground. A.feel like B.fall down C.care about D.fell down 14.It’s important _______ us _______ before we exercise. A.of, to warm up

B.for, warming up

C.for, to warm up

15.一Hurry up, Mark! Let's cross the road as quickly as possible. 一No,you . Don't you see the light is still red? A.couldn't B.wouldn't C.mustn't D.needn't 16.Do you think people will have robots____________? A.at their homes C.in their homes

—OK. But a dress might be _________. A.good B.worse C.bad D.better 18.Would you another cup of tea?

A.like to have B.to like having C.likes have D.to like to have

19.─I'm __________, Mom. Can I have something to eat? ─OK. Here are some cakes. A.thin A.excellent 二、单词填空


1)If you want to be a s________, you should study science really hard.

2)My brother can speak three f________ languages—English, French and Japanese. 3)Miss Gao is a journalist. She has written many good a________. 4)The air is very f________ on the top of the mountain. 5)If you don't feel ________(舒服), please tell me. 三、句型转换


1)I want to study for the math test this weekend.(改为一般疑问句) ______ ______ ______ to study for the math test this weekend? 2)How do you like talk shows? (改为同义句)

________ ________ you ________ ________ talk shows?

3)Jenny likes this show because it's funny. (就画线部分提问) ________ ________ Jenny ________ this show?

4)My father plans to go camping tomorrow. (就画线部分提问) _______ _______ your father _______ to ________ tomorrow? 5)Cindy doesn't like sports shows. (就画线部分提问) _______ _______ Cindy _______ ________ sports shows? 四、完成句子



B.more excellent



20.He is one of _________ students in our class.

C.the most excellent D.most excellent B.in their home D.at homes

17.—Rosa, can I wear jeans and T-shirt to the evening party ?


Parents have ________ ________ than us. So we should talk with them. 2)这次我不能去游泳了,或许下次可以。

I can't go swimming this time. Maybe ________ ________. 3)如果他们今天去野餐,会发生什么?

What will________ if they ________a picnic today? 4)你能给我一些关于如何学好语文的建议吗?

Can you give me ________ ________ on how to learn Chinese well? 5)她爸爸说他自己有时候也由于粗心犯一些错误。

Her father said he sometimes ________ ________himself because of carelessness. 五、完形填空 24.完形填空


Lisa has a busy day today. In the morning, she has four classes. 1 are English, science, geography and P. E.. Geography is her favorite 2 . After school in the morning, Lisa has only half an hour to eat lunch, 3 she must go to the library. She will have a speech contest(演讲比赛)in the 4 , and she needs to find some 5 information (信息) for her speech in the 6 . The speech contest is 7 3∶00 p. m. to 6∶00 p. m. . Lisa’s speech is about health. After that Lisa must go home. Today is her 8 birthday. Her family will(将要) 9 a big dinner. Lisa buys a gift(礼物) for her grandpa and she thinks her grandpa will 10 it. 1)A.She 2)A.sport 3)A.but 4)A.morning 5)A.boring 6)A.school 7)A.with 8)A.mother’s 9)A.have 10)A.thank



1)I think this is a good idea, but my friend ______________(agree) with it.

2)New Year's coming. Tom looks forward to_____________(have) a party with his family. 3)Lily promised _____________(get) good grades in the final exam. 4)Stop making such____________(care) mistakes again.

5)The bus is always _____________(crowd) with people in the morning.


26. There are many kinds of robots. The Robot Research Center gave some small robots to students. Look!Four of the students are talking about their robots.

B.He B.game B.so B.afternoon B.useful B.classroom B.about B.father’s B.call B.think

C.We C.subject C.because C.evening C.healthy C.1ibrary C.at

C.grandpa’s C.sell C.eat

D.They D.picture D.after D.night D.difficult D.store D.from D.grandma’s D.finish D.like

It's cute and smart. It can help me get paper and books. Sometimes it can open the door for me. However,I don't like its noise. ─Peter I like it though it looks kind of ugly. It has caught lots of mice in my house. It never eats anything,but needs two batteries(电池). ─Lily I always think of the Spiderman when I see it. It scares me sometimes but it can kill many insects and pests(害虫)and keep my house clean. ─Mary It looks like a snake,and it's very useful. It helped me find my keys in the garden last month. A large snake-like robot can help look for people under buildings after an earthquake. ─Jack

1)What's Peter's robot like? A.It's kind of ugly.

2)What can Lily's robot do? A.It can get books for Lily. C.It can kill insects and pests. A.Peter's. A.It's useful.

B.Lilys. B.It's noisy.

B.It can open the door for Lily. D.It can catch mice. C.Mary’s . C.It's large.


B.It's cute.

C.It's big.

D.It's small.

3)Whose robot can help keep the house clean? 4)What does Jack think of his robot?

D.It's smart.

5)Which of the following is NOT true? A.Peter doesn't like the noise of his robot. C.Marys robot sometimes scares her. 27.


Dear Li Yang and Lu Ming,

You are invited to a party for our foreign teacher Miss Green's return to England for her holiday. She is leaving on June 21st. The best part of the party will be when we sing and dance together.

Party given by: Students' Union Date: Saturday,May 18th Time:6:30 p.m.to 10:00 p.m. Place: The Students' Dining Hall Reply by: Friday,May 17th

B.Lily has to feed her robot cat food.

D.Jack's robot helped him find his keys.


Food and drinks will be provided(提供)at the party. Wang Hong

PS: This event is NOT to be missed!We hope to see you there!

1)Why is Miss Green leaving?

A.Because she will return to England for singing and dancing. B.Because she will return to England for the party. C.Because she will return to England for her holiday. D.No one knows.

2)When will they have the party? A.On Sunday, May 12th. C.On Saturday, May 18th.

3)How long will the party last? A.For three hours.

C.For four and a half hours.

4)To whom was the invitation given? A.Miss Green. C.Wang Hong.

5)Who are Li Yang and Lu Ming? A.Wang Hong's teachers. C.Wang Hong's classmates.

八、书面表达 28.书面表达

假如你是Sandy,想邀请好友Amy来你家。根据下面提供的信息,用英语写一封邀请信。 要点:

1. 新家位于市中心,周围有银行、超市、医院,住在八楼;

2. 邻居们友好善良,经常帮助人们解决各种问题,大家就像一家人一样,你很高兴住在那里; 3. 有很多事可做。吃大餐、欣赏电影、玩游戏;

4. 路线:沿着幸福路走(Happy Road),在第二个十字路口向右转,直走,过桥,你会看见一个学校。我家在学校隔壁; 5. 很期待见到你。

要求:包含所有要点,不要逐句翻译,注意格式,80词左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Amy,I would like to invite you to my new home.


B.Wang Hong's students. D.Wang Hong's sisters. B.Li Yang and Lu Ming. D.Students' Union.

B.For two and a half hours. D.For three and a half hours. B.On Friday, May 17th. D.On Tuesday, May 21st.