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发布时间 : 星期四 文章广东省河源中国教育学会中英文实验学校八年级英语下册 Unit 7 Topic 2 Im not s更新完毕开始阅读db070183842458fb770bf78a6529647d262834f0

Unit 7 Topic 2 I’m not sure whether I can cook it well Section D



2、复习归纳whether/if 引导的宾语从句及表示顺序的副词 First...,Second...Next...Then...After that...Finally的用法,并能用英语描述如何制作鸡汤。

第一段:【短课导学】 模块一:自主学习

学习内容 Step1. Introduction (PPT) 1、Review .Talk about table manners for a formal western dinner party. 2、Learn some new words. Step2.听读---感悟短文 1、People around in the world have different eating habits. Read the passage and underline the different eating habits in different areas. 2、小声跟读录音1,然后大声朗读。 3、Retell the passage according to the key words.(复述课文) different eating habits North America, Australia, Europe, courses , knives, forks. Southern part of China, rice, north, noodles, central, western, don’t, seafood, chopsticks. parts of India, fingers, pick up. Thailand, spoon,fork, don't use knives. Korea, spoons, chopsticks, not polite, both. Step3.品读---读出理解 (自主学习:要求独立、安静完成) 一、语言点梳理 1、请看:People around /all over/ throughout the world have different eating habits. 全世界的人们有不同的饮食习惯。 【归纳】1)全世界 / / 2)不同的饮食习惯 __________________ 2、请看:1)...there are two or more courses for every meal and people use knives and forks to eat.... 每顿饭有两道或两道以上的主菜,人们用刀、叉吃饭。。 2)English, science, maths and history are basic courses. 英语、科学、数学和历史都是基础学科。 【归纳】course 译为1)___________ 2) 两道或两道以上的主菜______________________ ,基础学科___________________ 二、语法知识


摘 记

1、请看:1)I don’t know if/whether it is polite in Japan. 我不知道在日本这么做是否有礼貌。 2)① I can’t say whether this is true or not.=I can’t say whether or not this is true. ② I’m interested in whether she likes English.我对她是否喜欢英语感兴趣。 3)① I don’t know if it will rain tomorrow. 我不知道明天是否下雨。 ② I will go to the park if it doesn’t rain tomorrow . 假如明天不下雨我将去公园。 =If it doesn’t rain tomorrow , I will go to the park. 【归纳】观察1)我们可以看出,都是由 引导的从句,if译为: = , 放在谓语动词know, 后面,做它们的 (宾语/表语), 我们称这样的从句为 ,从句的语序为 ,即陈述句语序。即宾语从句是指充当宾语的句子。 观察2) 我们可以看出,在这两种情况下① , ② 只能用whether 不用 。 观察3) 我们可以看出,①句中if译为 , 只能用在 (句中/尾),如果主句用现在时,从句要根据实际情况,比如有将来时间tomorrow, 要用 (时态) ② 句中if译为 ,能用在 (句中/尾),如果主句用一般将来时,从句只能用 (时态),即主将从现。 【练一练】( ) 1. Mary asks if help her with Chinese tomorrow. A. me can B. can me C. can I D. I can ( )2. Can you tell me my decision is right or not? A. That B.if C.whether D.why 2、本单元我们学过,完成一件事情需要一连串的动作,这是我们可以用到表示顺序的副词有: First,.... ,.... ,... ,... ,... Finally,... 翻译:

第二段:【长课导学】 模块二:交流研讨

研讨内容 内容一:小组成员之间交换讲学稿,看看同学语言点梳理的答案及与你的有什么不同。学习组长组织,集中讨论解决,对学过程中未完成的问题,共同分享学习成果。 内容二:组长组织,全组同学合作,完成下题,并在白板上展示。 1、用自己的话总结whether/if的用法; 2、完成P70-2. 假如你是Beth, 根据例句及表格内容,报道采访的内容。

模块三:巩固内化 学习任务 2

摘 记 摘 记

任务一:请根据P70-3的图片,用表示顺序的副词first,...second,,...then...,after that..., finally写一篇如何煲鸡汤的文章。(P70-3)

课题:Unit7 Topic2 I’m not sure whether I can cook it well. Section D P 69-70 第4课时

授课时间:第9周周 姓名




1. I’m tired of ____________ ( watch ) television. Let’s go out for a walk. 2. It’s __________ ( polite ) to make a noise in the library. 3. Remember ___________________ (not play ) computer games too often, or you’ll fall behind others in your class.

4. It’s not easy to cut unlocked meat ___________ ( fine ). 5. What I need is ____________ ( chopstick ), not forks.

二、 单项选择

( ) 1. Do you know ______ or not it is polite to smoke during a meal in France?

A. if B. whether C. that D. what

( ) 2. I will send an e-mail to him _____ I have time.

A. that B. what C. whether D. if

( ) 3.—Could you tell me _____ she will come? – Sorry, I _____.

A. that; couldn’t B. that; can’t C. whether; couldn’t D. whether;

can’t ( ) 4. I don’t know _____ it will rain tomorrow. I am going to the park _____ it doesn’t rain.

A. if; if B. that; if C. if; whether D. whether; whether

( ) 5.—Do you know ______? – It’s hard to say. But I’m sure he’ll try his best.

A. whether he can win the game or not. B. whether can he win the game or not.


C. if can he win the game or not. D. if he can win the game or not.

( )6.Let’s go camping if it _____ this weekend. --- But nobody knows if it _______. A .is fine , will rain B. will be fine; rains C. will be fine, will rain D. is fine ,rains

( ) 7. The teacher said there ______ seven days in a week.

A. is B. are C. was D. Were

三、 阅读理解

An important question about eating out is who pays for the meal. If a friend of yours asks you to have lunch with him, you may say something like this, “I’m afraid it’ll have to be someplace cheap, as I have very little money.” The other person may say, “OK, I’ll meet you at Mc Donald’s.”

This means that the two agree to go Dutch, that is, each person pays for himself. He may also says,“Oh, no, I want to take you to lunch at Smith’s.” This means the person wants to pay for you. If you feel friendly towards this person, you can go with him and you needn’t pay for the meal.

American customs about who pays for dates(约会) are almost the same as in other parts of the world. In the old days, American women wanted men to pay for all the meals. But today, a university girl or a woman in the business world will usually pay her own meal. So as you can see, it is a polite thing to make the question clear at the very beginning. 根据短文内容,完成下列各题。 1. 将文中第一个句子翻译成汉语_____________________________________________________________ 2. What’s the meaning of “go Dutch”? ( ) A. 去饭馆 B. 订餐 C. 就餐 D. 各自付款 3 . In the old days ____ often paid for all the meals in America.

4. If you feel friendly to the person, _______________________________. 5. We’d better know who will pay for the meal ______________________.