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(1) 摘译



Translated version 1: Cambridge University Press is the printing and publishing house of the University of Cambridge. It is an integrate part of the University and also share with it the similar objectives, that is to enhance knowledge, to advance education and to improve learning and research. For centuries the Press has extended the research and teaching activities of the University by making available worldwide through its printing and publishing a remarkable range of academic and educational books, journals, examinations papers and Bibles.

Translated version 2: As the printing and publishing house and an integrate part of the University of Cambridge, Cambridge University Press shares similar objectives with the University in advancing knowledge , education, learning and research. For centuries, the Press has extended the research and teaching activities of it by making available worldwide a remarkable range of publications.



Antistine is a medicine for the treatment of allergic affections. It either attenuates or suppresses the effect of histamine which plays a major role in provoking allergic disorders. It is upon this experimentally confirmed ability to antagonize histamine that the indications for Antistine are based. It can be taken ether orally or by injection such as Intramuscularly, Intravenously, and Subcutaneously. The indications of this medicine is Urticaria; food allergies; hay fever; vasomotor rhinitis; itching duo to skin diseases, including eczema; pruritus; and serum sickness.

Translated version 1: 安替司丁是用于治疗过敏性病症的抗组胺剂。它可减弱或抑制组胺作用,组胺在激发过敏性病症中起主要作用。本品的适应症正是根据这种实验证明的抗组胺作用来确定的。此药可口服,亦可通过肌肉注射,静脉注射,和皮下注射。其适用症包括荨麻疹、食物过敏、枯草热、血管舒缩性鼻炎;由于皮肤病症引起的瘙痒包括湿疹、搔痒病和血清病。

Translated version 2: 安替司丁是一款治疗过敏性病症的抗组胺剂。可口服,也可注射使用。本品主要适用于荨麻疹、食物过敏、枯草热、血管舒缩性鼻炎以及皮肤病症引起的瘙痒。


(2) 编译



Shanghai is strategically located on the tip of Yangtze Delta. Averages about 4 meters above sea level, it has a favorable tropical monsoon climate. With 14 international sea routes, 2 international airports, the biggest port in China, and about 100 railway lines, Shanghai boasts as an international city with excellent transports links that benefited its relationship with the rest of the world.




The problem we are facing is structural and very acute.

Currently, domestic oil supply is increasingly falling behind. Imports are increasing every year and the proportion of natural gas has fallen below.

The energy industry stills works with outdated technology and equipment. There is much room for improvement in sage production practices.

There is very little clean and highly efficient energy. As our economy develops, substantial environmental issues emerge and threatened people’s life, thus the demands for energy development are reaching a new level.



解析: 例文取自部分介绍我国能源问题的论文摘要,根据编译所采取的分段取义的方法,


(3) 改译


渣打银行是国际领先的新兴市场银行 渣打银行的总部设在伦敦

渣打银行在业务中努力达到社会在道德、法律、商业对我们的预期 渣打银行的目标是让所有利益相关者受益

Translated version 1: Standard Chartered is the world’s leading emerging market bank. Standard Chartered’s headquarter is in London.

Standard Chartered strives to operate in a manner that meets or exceeds the

ethical, legal, commercial expectations of society.

Standard Chartered’s objective is to benefit all of our stakeholders.

Translated version 1: Standard Chartered is the world’s leading emerging market bank with its headquarter is in London. While striving to meet the ethical, legal, commercial expectations of society, it aims to benefit all of our stakeholders.




Unless you’ve an ace up your sleeve, we are dished. 除非你有锦囊妙计,否则我们是输定了。


者了然其中的意味,就应当采用改译的手法,改变原文的内容,风格或者形式来取得翻译传神的效果。例文中,“an ace up your sleeve”是一个极富英语文化韵味的俗语,如果采取字对字的翻译,那么汉语读者就会不知所云,但是采用改译的手法,用汉语成语“锦囊妙计”来代替,不但使得汉语读者明白了原文的意思,也使得译文在形式和风格上与原文有异曲同工之妙。

(4) 缩译



国酒。 (茅台酒广告)

Carefully Brewed Pure and Mellow

With a Long-Lasting Aroma

(China Pictorial)

解析: 缩译是采用精确的文字来传达原文的主旨要义。例文中的汉语广告正文以词组形式



Correspondence Course Available

The Correspondence Department of Shanghai International Studies University will provide a variety of Correspondence Courses: Basic English, Foreign Trade English, International Economy and Trade, Basic Japanese, Basic Russian. The courses are open to applicants all over the country. The duration of the each course is one year, one and a half years or two years. A certificate will be issued upon successful completion of a course.






解析: 作为通知,原文在内容,格式上明显复杂,通过缩译,将原文每句话要表达的意思


(5) 阐译



When you know a thing, to hold that you know it, and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it—this is knowledge.

(孔子 《论语》,James Legge译)

解析: 句中一连出现了五个“知”字,前四个“知”的词性和指称意义相同,都做动词“知



My first teaching job was at a high school in Georgia. Having been born and raised in the North, I had some initial difficulty in understanding my student s’ accents. Jokingly, I said to one girl, “I do

wish you Southerners would speak English!” “We do.” She replied.

“Well, it’s not King’s English,\

“Sure it is,\ was a Southerner.\

我的初次执教始于佐治亚的一所高中。由于生长在北方 , 我起初难以听懂我学生的口音。我对一个女孩子开玩笑地说“真希望你们这些南方佬都讲英语 !”“我们是说英语呀 ,”她答道。“可是 , 不是标准英语。”我反驳道。“当然是标准英语 ,”她说 ,“别忘了 , 埃尔维丝(Elvis是美国 60 年代著名的流行歌称“猫王”)。可是个南方人。”

解析: 这样的译文虽然忠实流畅 , 但是弥漫在字里行间的文化气息让读者如云雾。那么久

可以通过阐译的方法使用文外加注 , 使译文忠实地传递源文的意义。上段中的女学生聪明调皮, Elvis是南方人 , 同时又被称为“王” (king) , 那么她讲的英语当然就是 King’s English(标准英语,规范英语)。这样一来,译者通过加入自己的解释性语言,使得目的语读者清对原文的文化内涵清楚明白。