(新教材)[外研版]20版《高中全程学习方略》必修三课时检测·素养达标 Unit 2 Using language(英语) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章(新教材)[外研版]20版《高中全程学习方略》必修三课时检测·素养达标 Unit 2 Using language(英语)更新完毕开始阅读dd03e9a9a2116c175f0e7cd184254b35eefd1aac


Ⅰ. 单句语法填空

1. The problem being discussed (discuss) now has something to do with our work. 2. The problem discussed(discuss) yesterday has something to do with our work. 3. Nobody knows the topic to be discussed(discuss) tomorrow.

4. The foreign guests, followed (follow) by a translator, came out of the meeting hall. 5. Did you take part in the activity organized (organize) by our school?

6. In the past, some people used trained (train) monkeys to make money, travelling from one place to another.

7. The lost (lose) time can never be found again.

8. In the museum I saw a lot of paintings painted (paint) by some famous painters. 9. In some languages, 100 words make up half of all words used (use) in daily conversations.

10. I cannot accept an opinion offered (offer) to me unless it is based on facts. Ⅱ. 完成句子

1. The polluted air is bad for our health. 污染的空气对我们的健康有害。

2. Last weekend, Jane ate a nice breakfast cooked by her grandmother. 上周末, 简吃了一顿她外婆做的美味早餐。

3. The students encouraged by the teacher study even harder. 受到老师鼓励的学生们学得更努力了。

4. The building being built now is our classroom building.

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现在正在建造的楼是我们的教学楼。 5. The visitor came from a developed country. 这位游客来自一个发达国家。 【语法主题应用】

用含有过去分词作定语的句子结构简要描述一次参观画展的经历。 1. 一天, 我和同学们一起参观了一次由学校组织(organise)的画展。 2. 200多幅优秀的绘画作品在展览上展出(show)。 3. 那些同龄人画(paint)的作品令人惊叹。

4. 在这些作品的启发(inspire)和鼓舞(encourage)之下, 我打算更努力地学习绘画。

One day, my classmates and I went to an exhibition of paintings organised by our school. There were more than 200 excellent paintings showed on the exhibition. We were amazed by these works painted by those with the same age of us. Inspired and encouraged by these works, I decided to learn how to paint with more efforts.


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