交通运输专业 毕业论文 外文翻译中英文对照 联系客服

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As can be seen, social justice is most difficult to address, and practices indicate that the revenue from road pricing plays a crucial role. If the revenue is recycle to permit investment in public transport, or maintenance of higher service levels, it helps to provide a clear alternative, which both reinforces the impact on mode choice and reduces the concern of those on whom the charge is imposed. If it is used to improve the road infrastructure, it can be seen that traffic diverted from the controlled area is being catered for. If it is used to pay for environmental improvements, it will help to reinforce the wider benefits of charging. How to use the revenue and improve the efficiency of urban transport system is play a key role in sustainable development. 5. Conclusions

With the continuing growth in traffic demand and decreasing scope for expansion of road infrastructure, traffic congestion is not a problem that will go away soon. Congestion pricing is proposed as an important demand- management strategy for tackling traffic, but still receives strong social and political opposition because of the uncertain impacts on economic development, environmental protection and social justice.

This paper reviews the relationship between congestion pricing and three goals of sustainable transportation system, and the results show that congestion pricing is a promising traffic management strategy, which can promote urban economic development, improve environmental quality and reduce inequity. Recent advances in electronic toll collection (ETC) technologies have made congestion pricing technologically feasible. It is safe to predict that coming decades will witness an increasing number of implement or attempts to implement congestion pricing. The design and evaluation of congestion pricing will require a deeper understanding of the direct and indirect impacts on sustainable development. Acknowledgement

This work was supported by the Young Talents Project of Fujian province (2007F3078). Appreciation is also extended to reviewers for their helpful comments and suggestions on improving this paper.
