江苏专版高考英语二轮复习增分篇专题巧突破专题一语法专题限时检测六情态动词和虚拟语 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期五 文章江苏专版高考英语二轮复习增分篇专题巧突破专题一语法专题限时检测六情态动词和虚拟语更新完毕开始阅读de9a9478905f804d2b160b4e767f5acfa1c783f8

解析:选C 句意:这是生活中一个悲伤的事实:谎言是谎言,而有时真相也可能是谎言。can“有时会,偶尔会”。

5.(2017·扬州高三二模)I think that conflict is unlikely to happen, but if it ________, the interest of both China and the US would be severely damaged.

A.would occur C.were to occur

B.had occurred D.occurs

解析:选C 句意:我认为冲突不太可能发生,但是万一发生了冲突,中美利益将遭到严重的损坏。在表示对将来的假设时,if从句的谓语形式用一般过去式或用“were to/`should+动词原形”,主句用“would/should/could/might+动词原形”。

6.(2017·连云港、宿迁、徐州高三三模)—Did you pass your driving test? —Yes, otherwise I ________to the picnic next month. A.couldn't drive C.won't drive

B.couldn't have driven D.wouldn't have driven

解析:选A 句意:“你通过驾照考试了吗?”“是的,不然的话我下个月就不能开车去野餐了。”对将来的虚拟,主句中用could/would/might+动词原形。

7.(2017·南京、盐城高三三模)If 53,667 people ________differently, Hillary Clinton would have keys to the White House.

A.voted C.should vote

B.had voted D.should have voted

解析:选B 句意:如果53 667人投了不同的票,希拉里·克林顿就可以入主白宫了。本句是对过去情况的虚拟,因此条件从句中用过去完成时。

8.(2017·常州高三二模) “But for the fact that you ______here for 3 years, I ______in this key high school now, facing its endless homework and exams!” the poor girl cried to her helpless father.

A.studied; wouldn't have studied B.studied; wouldn't be studying C.had studied; wouldn't have studied D.had studied; wouldn't be studying

解析:选B 句意:“要不是因为你在这儿上过三年学,我现在也不会在这所重点中学,面对无休止的作业和考试!”这个可怜的女孩向她无奈的父亲哭诉。第一个空格是一个发生在过去的事实,所以用一般过去时studied;第二个空格是与现在事实相反的含蓄型虚拟语气,再结合句意,可知表示与现在的事实相反的愿望,所以用wouldn't be studying。

9.(2017·苏州市高三期中考试) Housing prices _________ since the end of last year. Therefore, it's time the central government_________ some effective measures


to bring them under control.

A.have increased; would take B.have increased; will take C.have been increasing; takes D.have been increasing; took

解析:选D 句意:自从去年底,房价一直在上涨。因此,到了中央政府采取有效措施控制房价的时候了。第一空根据时间状语since the end of last year 可知用现在完成时或现在完成进行时;第二空It is time+从句,从句的谓语用should do或过去式表示虚拟语气。

10.(2017·苏北三市三模)—Where do you want to work after graduation? —It's not been decided yet. I ________ continue my studies for a higher degree. A.need C.might

B.should D.must

解析:选C 句意:“毕业后你想去哪里工作?”“还没有定下来,我可能会继续深造。”由答语中的第一句判断应选might“可能”,表示可能性不大的推测。need“需要”;should“应该”;must“必须”。

11.(2017·南京三模)His way of addressing one hard problem last Friday ________ lead to the rise of another.

A.would rather C.shall

B.may well D.need

解析:选B 句意: 他上周五处理问题的方式有可能会导致另一个问题的产生。此处may用来表示可能性,与well连用,意思为“很有可能”。

12.(2017·南通三模)She would be much healthier now ________ with that much pressure from work when young.

A.had she not burdened herself B.were she not burdened C.should she not burden herself D.were she not to be burdened

解析:选A 句意:如果她年轻的时候没有承受那么大的压力,她现在应该更健康一些。表示与过去事实相反的愿望,从句中谓语动词应该用“had+过去分词”;如果条件状语从句中含助动词had,可省略连词if,将助动词had提到句首。

13.(2017·扬州三模)If we hadn't been stuck in the traffic on the expressway, we ________ dinner at the table now.

A.are having

B.would have had


C.should have D.would be having

解析:选D 句意:如果不是被堵在高速路上的话,我们现在有可能正坐在餐桌旁吃饭。该句是混合虚拟条件句,从句是表示与过去事实相反,而主句根据时间状语now可知,表示与现在事实相反,所以用“would +动词原形”,此处用进行式表示动作正在发生。

14.(2017·南京、盐城二模)The desk that ________ clean so I could do homework was always surrounded with bowls of bad milk, old magazines and so on.

A.may have been C.must have been

B.would have been D.should have been

解析:选D 句意:那张本来应该被收拾得干干净净以便我在上面写作业的桌子总是堆满了过期的牛奶瓶和旧杂志等。根据主句的时态可知,从句表示与过去事实相反的愿望,should have been clean“本来应该干干净净的”,符合语境。

15.(2017·盐城三模)—With the failure of the experiment, we reach a dead end. —Cheer up! Many good things would never have happened if the bad events ________ first.

A.don't happen C.hadn't happened

B.didn't happen D.haven't happened

解析:选C 句意:“实验失败了,我们进入了死胡同。”“振作起来,许多美好的事情发生之前都经历过失败。”表示与过去事实相反的推测时,主句用would have done的形式,if从句用过去完成时。


1.—So boring and exhausted! I'd rather I hadn't been invited to the party. —Oh, no. If so, I ________ a quiet night at home. A.didn't enjoy

C.couldn't have enjoyed

B.hadn't enjoyed D.couldn't enjoy

解析:选C 句意:“真是令人厌烦和疲惫!我宁愿没有被邀请参加这个晚会。”“哦,不,如果那样的话,我在家里不可能享受到一个宁静的夜晚了。”此处是虚拟语气,表示与过去事实相反的假设,主句中用would/could/might+have+动词过去分词。

2.—What happened to the young trees we planted last week? —The trees ________ well, but I didn't water them. A.might grow C.would have grown

B.needn't have grown D.would grow

解析:选C 答句句意:树本可以长得很好的,可是我没有浇水。对过去事情的假设,用would+have done形式。

3.If you ________ yourself to doing everything in the order given, you would


miss an opportunity to be a unique individual.

A.commit C.have committed

B.committed D.had committed

解析:选B 句意:如果你致力于循规蹈矩地做每一件事情,你就会失去成为一个与众不同的人的机会。分析句子成分可知,本题考查if的非真实条件句。由主句的would miss可知,本题是对现在时间的虚拟,从句应用一般过去时,故committed符合题意。

4.If you talk to your children as if they ________ adults, you will strengthen the bonds and become closer friends.

A.are C.have been

B.were D.would be

解析:选B 句意:如果你像对待成年人一样跟你的孩子们讲话,你们之间的关系就会加强,并且成为更亲密的朋友。as if引导的状语从句常用虚拟语气,此处表示与现在事实相反的假设用一般过去时。

5.If he ________ to the teacher attentively in the past year, he ________ the answer to the question now.

A.had listened; would know C.listens; knew

B.listened; knew D.has listened; knows

解析:选A 句意:如果在过去的一年里他认真听老师讲课的话,那么他现在就能够知道这个问题的答案了。从in the past year判断前面条件状语从句是对过去进行假设,应该用过去完成时,而后面主句中的now则提示第二空应该是对现在的虚拟,应该用would+动词原形。

6.I would rather ________ to work after my graduation, but my father would rather I ________ abroad for further education.

A.go; had gone C.went; went

B.go; went D.went; will go

解析:选B 句意:我愿意毕业后参加工作,但我父亲却愿意让我出国进修。“would rather+动词原形”表示愿意现在或将来做某事,故第一空用动词原形;在“would rather+that从句”句型中,从句谓语动词需用一般过去时表示对将来的虚拟。故选B。

7.The upset mother thought to herself,“If only I ________ what's going on in my little boy's head right now.”

A.had known C.knew

B.know D.have known

解析:选C if only表示“要是……就好了”,谓语动词应使用虚拟语气。根据“right