江苏职校高二年级英语第四册Unit-2-That-Must-Be-hard-on-You 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章江苏职校高二年级英语第四册Unit-2-That-Must-Be-hard-on-You更新完毕开始阅读deb860f8bdd126fff705cc1755270722182e5940


Later I will ask two of you to share your opinions.

Activity 3:Read the paragraph B again and circle the best answer.

Activity 4: After reading , work with a partner .discuss and complete the following table based on passage B.

注:是学生了解段落主要大意,把握文章细节,发掘作者的表达意图与技巧,训练学生概括段落大意的能力。 Common Myths Author’s Suggestions

Activity 5: Lead ss to read the text carefully again, and try to complete the outline of passage B. Outline:

Part one Introduction :_________________________________________________

Part two: Body

Myths 1: ____________________________________________________ Myths 2:____________________________________________________ Myths 3:____________________________________________________

What does the myth mean? Why is it not true? Suggestion

Part three:

Conclusion :________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Activity 6: Three kinds of common myths are introduced in passage B. Do you know any other common myths about relationships? Make an outline and write a

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passage based on it.


Activity 7: Write a short passage based on the outline you’ve made in Activity 6. (This is homework)

Activity 8: Lead students to consulate the key points and languages. k.

In my practice as a relationship counselor, I come across people nearly every day who believe common myths about relationships. 作为一名人际关系顾问,我几乎每天都碰到一些人,他们对人际关系的理解都存在误区。 Come across 遇到,碰到 who believe common myths about relationships. 这是一个定语从句 :对人际关系存在误解 l.

Many people believe that finding a partner who is very different from themselves is a great relationship match. 许多人认为找一个与自己截然不同的伴侣是绝配。 a great relationship match.绝配 m.

But while it may be exciting at first to be with someone not like you, in reality, once the early excitement wears off, you may find that the things you used to find unusual about that person now annoy you.


be exciting to be with :对 兴奋 in reality:事实上 wears off,:渐渐消失 the things you used to find unusual about that person :这是一个定语从句 find the things unusual : 发现 不同寻常; used to find 过去发现 ; 此句的真正结构:the things now annoy you. n.

Eventually, the different attitudes, values ,and interests can become a source of conflict for couples. 最后,不同的态度,价值观和兴趣变成夫妻双方冲突的源泉。 o.

Instead, stop focusing on finding your opposite and find someone who has a approach to life similar to yours. 相反,不要倾心于寻找与你完全不同的人,寻找

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p. It’s a constant surprise to me how many people saw their partner from across the room and “just know” they were to be together.

一直令我惊讶的是多少人从房间的另一边看他们的伴侣,并且“就知道”他们将会在一起。a constant surprise :持续的惊讶 across the room:房间的另一边 n. In actuality, there are many complex reasons why people are attracted to one another at the beginning, but remember that the attraction can often fade as quickly as it arrives. 事实上,也有许多复杂的原因人们为什么起初彼此吸引,但是记住,这种吸引来得快去的也快。

o. It’s a common belief that healthy couples have no secrets from one another, but in reality honesty can hurt.普遍的观念认为,健康的夫妻间彼此没有秘密,但是,实际上坦诚也会带来伤害。

that healthy couples have no secrets from one another 由that 引导的同位语从句,是a common belief 的同位语从句,解释这个观念

p. First of all, telling your partner about things in your past that you know are likely to be upsetting is not going to do you or your relationship any good, and could be hurtful to your partner. 首先,告诉你的伴侣一些你过去的,你也知道有可能带来苦恼的事情这将不会给你们和你们的关系带来好处,并且有可能伤害你的伴侣。

telling your partner about thing 这是动名词做主语 的结构;that you know are likely to be upsetting 这是定语从句,先行词是things ;be likely to do sth 有可能干什么 do you or your relationship any good :短语 do ….. any good 对 有好处 ;be hurtful to 对 有害

q. More importantly, don’t tell your partner that he or she looks terrible in a favorite outfit, even if your partner asks you to be honest. 更重要的是,不要告诉你的伴侣她穿着最喜欢的着装却看起来很糟糕,即使你的伴侣要求你诚实的说。 r. It’s important to look at how relationships work in a clear and logical way and to believe facts instead of myths.


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s. Remembering what works in a relationship is just as important as stopping the things that are bad for it. 请记住经营人际关系与阻止破坏关系的事一样重要。 Step IV Writing

Activity 7:Read the paragraph below and write a topic sentence for it. Then exchange your topic sentence with others. And then, you write down your views on the text.

Step VI Homework

Write down the complex sentences from the text, and try to translate and understand them.

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