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2012-2014高考英语试题分类解析 代 词

(2014安徽卷)24.You can ask anyone for help. ______ here is willing to lend you a hand.

A. One B. No one C. Everyone D. Someone 【答案】C

【解析】考查代词。句意:你可以向任何人求助,这里的每个人都乐意帮助你。one意为“某一个人或物”,代替可数名词单数,表示泛指;no one相当于nobody意为“没有人”;everyone意为“每个人”,强调全体;someone意为“某一个人”。根据句意可知,空格处用everyone,强调所有人都愿意帮助你。故C正确。

(2014山东卷)4. Susan made______ clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself.

A. that B. this C. it D. her 【答案】C

【解析】考查代词。句意:苏珊向我讲清楚了希望有自己的新生活。It可代替不定式、动名词、从句做形式宾语,而将真正的宾语移至句末。句中it作形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的宾语从句that she wished to make a new life for herself。故C正确。

(2014福建卷) 21. In some countries, people eat with chopsticks, while in______, knives and forks.

A. another B. others C. both D. all 【答案】B


【解析】考查代词。句意:在一些国家,人们用筷子吃饭,而在另一些国家里,人们使用刀叉。Another泛指指三者或三者以上中的另一个;others泛指其他的人或物;both指两者都??;all指三者或三者以上都??。句中用others指代其他国家。故B正确。 (2014江苏卷)34. Good families are much to all their members, but______ to none.

A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing 【答案】C


(2014江西卷)32.—When shall I call, in the morning or afternoon? —______. I’ll be in all day . A. Any B. None C. Neither D. Either 【答案】D


(2014全国大纲卷)28. I think Mrs. Stark could be ______ between 50 and 60 years of age.

A. anywhere B. anybody C. anyhow D. anything 【答案】A

【解析】考查代词。我认为Mrs. Stark可能是在50岁至60岁之间的一个年龄。anywhere意为“在(限定范围内的)任何一点上”;anybody意为“任何人”;



一点上”。如:During the hottest season, a deep watering may satisfy a tree for anywhere from ten days to four weeks.在最热的季节,浇透一次可以满足任何地方的树木十天到四个星期的需求。故A正确。

(2014陕西卷)21. I’d appreciate ______ if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will come.

A. it B. you C. one D. this 【答案】A

【解析】考查代词。句意:如果你能提前让我知道你是否要回来我会感激不尽。I would appreciate it if/when?为固定句型,句中it模糊地指代其它的内容。再如:I hate it when people speak with their mouth full of food. 我憎恨人们说话的时候嘴里充满食物。

【语言学习】 in advance

You'll have to book (up) well in advance if you want to see an excellent floor show. 如果你想看夜总会精彩的系列文娱表演,你得提前很多预订座位。

(2014四川卷)1. She’d lived in London and Manchester, but she liked ______ and moved to Cambridge.

A. both B. neither C. none D. either 【答案】B



(2014浙江卷)3. An average of just 18.75 cm of rain fell last year, making ______ the driest year since California became a state in 1850.

A. each B. it C. This D. one 【答案】B

【解析】考查为代词。句意:去年加利福尼亚平均降雨量仅为18.75厘米,成为加州自1850年成为州以来最干旱的一年。根据语境可知空格处用it指代last year。故B正确。 (2014重庆卷)1. A smile costs ______, but gives much.

A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything 【答案】C

【解析】考查代词。句意:微笑不计成本,但给与别人很多。nothing意为“极低的价格, 极低的价值”。根据语境可知C项正确。

【语言学习】cost 1. 花费;价格为;值

It must cost a good deal to live here. 住在这里一定要花很多钱的。 2. 使付出;使损失,使失去

Careless driving cost him his life. 开车不小心使他丧了命。 3. 需(努力);费(事)

Courtesy costs little and means much. 礼貌不费事,意义却很大。 1.【2013陕西】22. Although Rosemary had suffered from a serious illness for years, she lost______ of her enthusiasm for life.

A. some B. neither C. none D. all