高级英语试题10套 联系客服

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Test One

I. Vocabulary (30%)

Section 1: From the list of words at the top, select the correct word or phrase for each blank space. Use each word or phrase only once (15%). lashed undoing

scudded makings



derelict contemptuous smoldered

a catalytic agent sprees lucrative




1. Hurricane Camille _________ northwestward across the Gulf of Mexico. 2. Gray clouds________ in from the Gulf on the rising wind.

3. Most of Morocco is so _________ that no wild animal bigger than a hare can lie on it.

4. The burying-ground is merely a huge waste of hummocky earth, like a _________ building lot.

5. The Americans are unwilling to witness or permit the slow ________ of these human rights to which this nation has been committed. 6. Although she was not very smart now, she already had the _________ 7. The _________ of American industry no longer left any room for the code of the Victorian age.

8. Journalism was a mere ________ to commercialism.

9. The war acted as ____________ in this breaking down of the Victorian social structure.

10.Like most escapist _________, this one lasted until the money ran out. 11. Not hostile, not _________ , not sullen, not even inquisitive. 12. Back and forth, his head ________, desire waxing, resolution waning. 13.Maybe somewhere in the extinct crater of her mind, a few embers still __________.

14.Here was the very heart of industrial America, the center of its most _________ and characteristic activity.

15.It reduced the whole aspiration of man to a ________and depressing joke.

Section 2: From the list of words at the top, select the correct synonym

for the underlined words or phrases in each sentence (15%)



fell apart aimlessly

noticeable toughened industrious

crazy gap call forth

1. Hurricane Camille was certain to pummel Gulfport, Miss., where the Koshaks lived.

2. The group heard gunlike reports as other upstairs windows disintegrated.

3. But the blues did occasionally afflict all the adults.

4. Instantly, from the dark holes all round, there was a frenzied rush of Jews.

5. Still, a white skin is always fairly conspicuous. 6. The conversation moved desultorily here and there.

7. What al this tells us is of a deep rift in the culture of England after the Norman Conquest.

8. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life.

9. This new generation has been tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace.

10.Flaming diatribes poured from their pens denouncing the materialism. 11.Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors.

12.He was an enterprising fellow.

13.He called himself a perspicacious man.

14.I award this championship only after laborious research and incessant prayer.

15.Thus in a changing world youth was faced with the challenge of bring our mores up to date.

II. Paraphrase the following sentences. (20%) 1. We’re elevated 23 feet.

2. The place has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever bothered


ambitious perceptive

put an end to moral attitudes criticism

3. No one has any idea where it will go as it meanders or leaps and

sparkles or just glows.

4. And yet the same revolutionary belief for which our forebears fought

is still at issue around the globe. 5. And it is an activity only of humans.

6. Boy and man, I had been through the region often before.

7. The slightest mention of the decade brings nostalgic recollections

to the middle-aged

8. The place has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever bothered



All colonial empires are in reality founded upon that fact. ventures.

10. United, there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative

III. Translate the following sentences (using the expressions given in the brackets. (20%)

1. A moment later, the hurricane lifted the entire roof off the house and skimmed it 40 feet through the air.

2. In a tropical landscape one’s eyes takes in everything except the human beings.

3. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.

4. Fads, I submit, are the very negation of reason.

5. Here were human habitations so abominable that they would have disgraced a race of rally cats.

6. 暴风雨使旅客们处于孤立无援的处境。(maroon)

7. 他们个个都把一杯啤酒看成是一件难得的奢侈品。(look on) 8. 他有可能已经听说这个坏消息了。(chances) 9. 我问起他美国的生活,他马上警觉起来。(sit up) 10.一丝智慧的光芒闪现在他的眼中。(glimmer)

IV. Name the figures of speech used in the following sentences. (one in each sentence) (10%)

1. We can batten down and ride it out.

2. Instantly, from the dark holes all around, there was a frenzied rush of Jews.

3. Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us.

4. Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. 5. Otherwise you have committed a Dicto Simpliciter. 6. There is a limit to what flesh and blood can bear.

7. One blinked before them as one blinks before a man with his face shot away.

8. He is no mean opponent in the coming debate.

9. When we came back we found him in his armchair, peacefully gone to sleep — but forever.

10.Hopeful young writers, their minds and pens inflamed against war and Babbittry, came in great numbers to live in Greenwich Village, the traditional artistic center.


(30%) (1分1题) Section 1 1. lashed 2. scudded 3. desolate 4. derelict 5. undoing 6. makings 7. booming 8. adjunct Section 2 1. hit 2. fell apart 3. distress 4. crazy 5. noticeable 6. aimlessly 7. gap 8. put an end to 9. toughened

10. criticism 11. call forth 12. ambitious 13. perceptive 14. industrious 15. moral attitudes

9. a catalytic agent 10. sprees 11. contemptuous 12. swiveled 13. smoldered 14. lucrative 15. macabre