【英语】人教新目标:七年级上册Unit2单元测试题(有答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章【英语】人教新目标:七年级上册Unit2单元测试题(有答案)更新完毕开始阅读e10f2f8582c4bb4cf7ec4afe04a1b0717ed5b309




________________________________________________________ 2.请写出(B)处所缺单词。_______

3.请写出(C)处画线单词的对应词。_______. 4. What grade is Emma in?

________________________________________________________ 5. How old is Mike?

________________________________________________________ VIII.书面表达(10分)



Dear Sally,

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Your friend, Mary


七年级上册英语unit 2单元检测试卷

一.单项选择。(每小题1.5分,共计15分) ( )1. is a picture of my family.

A. These B. This C. Those D.That’s ( )2. -Is this your ? -Yes, it is. Her name is Jenny.

A. brother B. father C.sister D.grandpa ( )3. Those her friends. A.are B. is C. it D. am ( )4. -Is Bill your brother?

- .

A. Yes, she is B. No. she isn ’ t C. Yes, he isn’t D. No, he isn't ( )5. He is my father’s brother and he is my . A. aunt B.cousin C.grandpa D. uncle ( )6. Her name is Tina and is my aunt. A. she B. her C. he D. his ( )7. -Are these Jeff and Jack?

A. Yes. he are B. No they aren’t C. No. he isn’t D. Yes, these are

( )8. Those are his .

A. friend B. a friend C. friends D. a friends

( )9. sister is twelve and is a student. A. His; she B Her; his C. They; she D. My; these ( )10. This is car. number is 25618. A.my; Its B. my; It C. an; Its D. a; It 二.完形填空。(每小题2分,共20分) Look at the picture of the Smith family.

Their clothes 1 nice. Mr Smiths shirt is white. His pants 2 blue. Mrs Smiths dress

3 red. The boy is son, 5 name is John. 6 sweater is green. 7 shoes are brown.

The girl is their daughter. 8 name is Ann. Pants are her favourite 9 .She likes

yellow pants. Yellow is her favourite 10 . ( )1.A.am B.are C. is D. he ( )2. A. is B. am C. be D.are ( )3.A.is B. be C. are D. am ( )4. A. their B. her C. his D. them ( )5. A. Her B. His C. She D. He ( )6.A.He B. She C. These D. His ( )7. A. His B. Their C. It D. He ( )8. A. Her B. His C. She D He ( )9. A cloth B. clothes C. colour D.colors