人教版新目标七年级下册英语Unit_2(_听说课) 联系客服

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Unit 2 What time do you go to school?

Period Two Section A( 听说课)

一.Learning Goals

1. Students learn to use the words and expressions:

never , usually, half, past, quarter, get up, get dressed, brush teeth, take a shower, on weekends. Students should learn to ask about and say times. For example: A: What time do you usually take a shower, Rick? B: I usually take a shower at six forty.

A: When does your friend go to school? B: He usually goes to school at eight .

2. Students should also learn to talk about daily routines freely. For example: I usually get up at seven o’clock.

They always go to school at eight o’clock. He is never late for work.

3. At the same time, students should master the use of adverbs of frequency

Such as, always, usually, never.

二.Teaching and learning steps:

StepⅠ Previewing and testing

Let students look at the pictures and say the phrases that the picture relates to.

get up get dressed

brush teeth take a shower

eat breakfast go to school


StepⅡ Warming up and leading in

1. Let’s come to 1a, can you match the words with the things? Do it,


1a Match the words with the things in the picture. After they finished,

share their answers


get dressed _b_ brush teeth _f_ eat breakfast _e_ get up __c__ go to school __d_ take a shower _a__

2.Give some Proverbs about the time to lead in.

Time is money. 一寸光阴,一寸金。 Time is life. 时间就是生命。 Time flies. 时光如梭

Time and tide wait for no man. 时不我待!

Then show some pictures and ask students to look at the pictures to say

out the time.

T: What time is it? / What’s the time? Ss: It’s….

4:05 four five 6:10 six ten

7:15 seven fifteen 9:20 nine twenty

6:25 9:30

six twenty-five nine thirty

3.Ask students to look at the pictures , ask and answer about the pictures

according to the example.

For example: What time do you usually get up?

I usually get up at six twenty