2015-2016学年度第二学期冀教版七年级期中考试英语试题、答案及听力 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期四 文章2015-2016学年度第二学期冀教版七年级期中考试英语试题、答案及听力更新完毕开始阅读e127e9db90c69ec3d4bb757d

( )10.A. Welcome to B. Go away from C. Stay to D. Play with IV. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共20分)


Different countries have different customs in giving presents.

In China you must never give a clock to a Chinese person, because the sound of the word for “clock” is similar to the sound of “death”. Also, don’t wrap(用……包裹) a present in white, black or blue paper, because they are the colours for funerals(葬礼). Don’t give a knife, because something sharp can cut a friendship.

座号 题 答 要 不 内 线 封 密 In Russia if you give flowers as presents, you have to give an odd number of them (one, three, five, etc.) because even numbers of flowers are for funerals.

In Germany if you are invited to dinner, flowers are good presents to take to your dinner hostess (女主人), but don’t take her red roses because it means you are in love with her. Don’t take thirteen of anything because it’s an unlucky number. Don’t take an even number of anything, either. Don’t wrap your presents in white, brown, or black paper.

( )1. According to the passage, ___________ must never be given to Chinese people as presents.

A. flowers B. clothes C. food D. clocks ( )2. People don’t wrap presents in black or white paper in __________. A. Germany B. China

C. both China and Germany D. both China and Russia ( )3. What does the underline word “even” mean in Chinese in the passage? A. 偶数的 B. 奇数的 C. 甚至 D. 平坦 ( )4. What presents can you take to your dinner hostess in Germany? A. Thirteen of something. B. Flowers except(除了) red roses. C. An even number of something. D. Something wrapped in brown paper. ( )5. Which is the best title of the passage? A. Foreigners’ presents. B. Giving flowers as presents. C. Different customs in giving presents. D. Don’t give thirteen of anything as presents.


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七年级英语期中试题第 5 页 共 10 页

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