2017-2018学年上海市普陀区曹杨二中高三第二学期周测试卷 含答案和解析 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2017-2018学年上海市普陀区曹杨二中高三第二学期周测试卷 含答案和解析更新完毕开始阅读e14df903fc4733687e21af45b307e87101f6f8cf

its support for an online database where such open peer review of papers takes place. The database was launched last year by the Wellcome Trust, meaning that the world’s two largest medical charities have thrown their weight behind it. Others should follow.

Finally, science needs to stop relying so much on journal publication as the only recognized credential for researchers and the only path to career progression. Tools exist that report how often a preprint has been viewed, for example, or whether a clinical data set has been cited in guidelines for doctors. A handful of firms are using artificial intelligence to assess the scientific importance of research, disregarding how it has been spread. Such approaches need encouragement. Journals may lose out, but science itself will benefit.

1. The passage primarily argues ________.

A. why scientists should timely make public their information with other peers

B. how a reliable system that promotes fast sharing of academic outcomes can be established C. how the scientific circle ensures the quality of those research papers published in journals D. what the difference is between the studies posted to preprint databases and the elite journals 2. Which of the following is NOT the reason why scientists hold back their findings? A. They want to climb up the career ladders.

B. They want to show their capacity of yielding great researches. C. They want to ensure the scientific validity before releasing them. D. They want to get funded for their study.

3. What does the underlined word “anonymous” probably mean? A. showing strong ability B. identified by many people C. unknown by name D. having great authority 4. What can help reduce academics’ dependence on journal publication? A. Using tools to report the frequency of a preprint being viewed. B. Firms using advanced technology to produce a research. C. Citing doctors’ guideline in processing a clinical data.

D. Finding methods to assess the way those studies are shared or spread.

5. Which one of the following statements will the author most probably agree with? A. Full trust can be put in elite journals like Science and Nature.

B. The prospect of scientific journals undoubtedly outweighs that of science.

C. The popularity of preprint will inevitably bring about a careless academic world. D. Organizations ought to employ an open measure to conduct the peer review. 【答案】1.B 2.C 3.C 4.A 5.D 【分析】

1.通读全文可知答案B。. how a reliable system that promotes fast sharing of academic outcomes can be established

2.细节题。根据文章第二段可知A B D正确。

3.词义辨析题。anonymous 匿名的。结合文章意思可知为C。 4.结合最后一段可知,使用工具去报道非正式样本被评论的频率。


Section C

Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there is one sentence more than you need. A. Supporters of the measure argue that hunters need them to protect their hearing. B. The idea would, at best, place the convenience of gun owners over the safety of the public. 9 C. Silencers don’t actually silence gunshots in the way they're portrayed in movies, but they do lower the sound. D. However, these are hardly the encouraging calls for change that ought to happen.

Gun laws in America are already so weak, it must be tough to find ways to make them even looser. But you have to give gun lobbyists(游说者) credit. They've come up with some new ideas and found friends in Congress to promote them, even as the nation is in deep sadness due to the 58 people killed at a music festival in Las Vegas.

At the top of the wish list: a push to make it easier to buy gun silencers. (1)__________. At worst, they would put innocent people and police officers in graver danger.

The changes are tucked(塞) into a measure called the Sportsmen's Heritage and Recreational Enhancement (SHARE) Act. The seemingly harmless title tries to hide its most controversial content. The proposal getting the most attention is a move to make it easier to buy silencers. (2)__________. But when opponents argue that silencers will make it harder to hear gunshots, those same supporters insist it isn't so. Sorry, but they can't have it both ways.

Silencers have been available to hunters and others under the current law since 1934. But the National Rifle Association thinks it takes too much trouble to buy one. Buyers must pass a criminal background check, turn over their fingerprints to the government, and pay a $200 fee. Silencers are registered, and transfers are tracked. (3)__________.

Two days after the Las Vegas massacre(屠杀), a group of House Democrats called on House Speaker Paul Ryan to ensure that the SHARE measure won’t be taken up by the House. But the best Ryan could know was, “I don’t know when it’s going to be scheduled.”

Ryan and other Republicans who have opposed every previous effort to pass gun measures said this week they'd consider banning %used to make his semi-automatic weapon even more dangerous. Also, the NRA talked favorably about \

Controlling gun violence should be at the top of Congress' agenda. Instead, according to the gun lobby's demand, it is looking at weakening existing restrictions. That is pathetic. 【答案】BAFD 【分析】

1 根据第二段第三句At worst, they would put innocent people and police officers in graver danger. 不难看出At worst 和选项B的The idea would, at best, place the convenience of gun owners over the safety of the public的at best相对比,故选B。

2.根据第三段第五句But when opponents argue that silencers will make it harder to hear gunshots, those same supporters insist it isn't so. 得知But when opponents argue 与选项A. Supporters of the measure argue that hunters need them to protect their hearing中 Supporters of the measure argue形成对比,故选A。

3.根据第四段But the National Rifle Association thinks it takes too much trouble to buy one. Buyers must pass a criminal background check, turn over their fingerprints to the government, and pay a


$200 fee. Silencers are registered, and transfers are tracked. 得知由于国家对枪支管控很严,不仅需要查犯罪背景记录,向政府提交指纹,支付200美元费用,还得登记和被追踪。而现在呼吁放宽枪支购买,无疑会让枪支容易落入犯罪分子手中。故选F。

4.根据第六段Ryan and other Republicans who have opposed every previous effort to pass gun measures said this week they'd consider banning \Las Vegas shooter used to make his semi-automatic weapon even more dangerous. Also, the NRA talked favorably about \得知反对通过枪支控制法的Ryan 和其他的共和党人,本周也发表看法禁用半自动步枪改造装置,这些无疑都不是鼓励枪支放松使用的做法。故选D。

Section D

Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Virginia is killing its U.S. history tests

As a history exam supporter, I have seen so many people appealing to the government to cancel it. Many students scored poorly in it and complained about hard work. In 2014, the Virginia legislature(立法) ordered a cut in the number of tests taken by the state’s children, and specifically eliminated the fifth grade and middle school U.S. history tests. The U.S. and Virginia history exam in high school is also about to disappear. Politicians seem to think the best way to reduce testing pressure is to abandon tests, no matter how important. I met Steve Constantino, now chief academic officer of the Virginia Education Department, and he told me, “even without tests, the course, requirements, standards, etc., are all still very much required and schools are accountable to ensure that students master the content. I believe what this does is move the course toward more of a deeper learning experience, like IB.” But when I met him the first time in the late 1990s, he was then the brilliant principal of Stonewall Jackson High School. He turned that school into a model for the demanding International Baccalaureate(IB) program. One of the reasons his IB program at Stonewall Jackson High School worked so well was that his IB students had to take the nation’s most difficult final exams, some of them five hours long. My suggestion is that Virginia replace its state history tests with IB exams. You can learn a great deal preparing for one of those even if you fail. But that’s not going to happen. Constantino’s dream of deeper learning without challenging tests has never been achieved in American schools. So we will muddle along, not learning much history, since despite what we say, we really don’t think we need it.


Few people share the author’s affection for history test, which has been canceled to ease students’ burden. The current chief officer, Steve, said without tests, students would learn as much and experience deep learning. But Steve’s previous successful IB program owed much to the hard exams. The author thinks history tests be substituted by IB tests but is pessimistic. 【分析】




V. Translation(3’+3’+4’+5’)

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1. 没有什么比网游更容易浪费你的时间了。(There)

2. 春运将不再会一票难求,这是所有人民的期待。(No longer)

3. 这部值得一看的佳片是否能摘得本次大赛的桂冠,仍需拭目以待。(remain) 4. 市长要求代表们讨论关于公交车要增加扫码支付的提议。(demand) 【答案】

1.There is nothing that is more likely to waste your time than online games.

2.No longer will it be hard to buy/get tickets for/during the Spring Festival transportation/travel, which is the expectation of all the people.

3.It remains to be seen whether this film worth watching can win the first prize of the competition. 4.Mayor demanded that the representatives discuss the proposal that paying by scanning code/ scanning code to pay should be applied on/to bus / available/used on bus. 【分析】

1.There is nothing that is more likely to(更可能做某事) waste your time(浪费时间) than online games。本题考查be likely to do something,there is nothing that is+比较级。

2.No longer(再也不) will it be hard to buy/get tickets(一票难求) for/during the Spring Festival transportation/travel, which is the expectation of all the people(非限定性定语从句)。本题考查No longer部分倒装,非限定性定语从句。

3.It remains to be seen(拭目以待) whether this film worth watching(形容词做后置定语) can win the first prize(摘得桂冠) of the competition。本题考查It remains to be seen的固定用法。

4.Mayor demanded that(宾语从句) the representatives discuss the proposal that paying by scanning code to pay(扫码支付) should be applied on/to bus / available/used on bus。本题考查demand后的宾语从句用(should)+动词原形

VI. Guided Writing (25’)

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.


注意:文中不得出现你本人的姓名、班级等真实信息。 【答案】 Dear Mike,

Hearing that you’ll go on a trip to China during Christmas, I’d like to share with you some personal advice on your arrangement.

In your schedule, the Bund in Shanghai, the West Lake in Hangzhou and the Great Wall in Beijing are your three favored destinations. But from where I stand, I don’t recommend the visit to the Bund,