(完整word)第4章 句子的英译(新编汉英翻译教程 陈宏薇)1 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章(完整word)第4章 句子的英译(新编汉英翻译教程 陈宏薇)1更新完毕开始阅读e1a9997e4935eefdc8d376eeaeaad1f346931182


Not until the invention of the jet engine could airplanes travel at supersonic speeds.

(25) 智者千虑必有一失。

Even the wise are not always free from errors.


An old elm before the house was hung with thick clusters of seeds and some bees just out of the hive were flying round it, keeping up a continuous hum.


Calcareous structure, water erosion and weathering contributed to many lofty peaks and deep secluded karst caves in Yangchun County, Guangdong Province.


①In front of my house there are a few stalls run by street vendors.②Street vendors all know the popular saying: “Locations make a difference in business.”③That is to say, even if your stall stands side by side with someone else’s in the neighbourhood, your neighbour may attract a constant stream of shoppers, but yours, unfortunately, is visited by few.


No doubt the rarer a thing the higher the value. When Beijing Cabbage is shipped to Zhejiang, it is hung upside-down in the green grocer’s by a red string tied to the root, and given the grand title “Shandong Vegetable”. When the aloe which grows wild in Fujian comes to Beijing, it is ushered into a hothouse and given the beautiful name \Tongue Orchid\In Sendai I too enjoyed such preferential treatment; not only did the school not ask for fees, but several members of the staff even showed great concern over my board and lodging.


When the holy fire of the Olympic Games of 2008 is lit, will you be at the scene of the opening ceremony?\


my physical condition permits, I will definitely be there.\


Tzu-kung said, \without cadging, rich without swagger. What of that?\delighting in the Way, rich, yet a student of ritual.'\


(4) 余曰:“唐以诗取士,而诗之宗匠必推李杜。卿爱宗何人?”


\was used,\I said, \a literary test in the imperial examinations of the T'ang Dynasty, and people acknowledge Li Po and Tu Fu as the master poets. Which of the two do you like better?\

\artistic refinement, while Li's poems are known for their freedom and naturalness of expression. I prefer the vivacity of Li Po to the severity of Tu Fu.\

(5) ①这个上帝不是别人,就是全中国的人民大众。②全国人民大众一齐起来和我们一道挖这两座山,有什么挖不平呢?

Our God is none other than the masses of the Chinese people. If they stand up and dig together with us, why can't these two mountains be cleared away?

(6) 大抵世上无难为的事,只胡乱做将去,自有水到渠成日子。如子髯之才,天下事何不可为?

All in all, nothing in this world is that hard to do -- just charge ahead and do it! A day will inevitably come when \dug and the waters flow through.\there is nothing in the world that is impossible.

(7) “把女儿当东西卖!”这句话是那样刺伤了她的心,又是那样地熟悉!是谁在女儿一样的年纪含着女儿一样的激情喊过?是谁?——唉唉!不是别人,正是她自己呀!……

Selling your daughter like some merchandise!\had deeply wounded her were, nevertheless, familiar to her. Who was it who at around Huangmei's age, and wiht the same outraged vehemence had uttered those very words? Who was it? -- Who! None other than herself! ...

(1) 母亲在盛饺子的时候,把这个大钱饺子盛在一个碗里,又偷偷把它拨在紧上边,然后把这碗饺子推到我面前:“①吃吧,②多吃,③趁热吃。”

When Mother scooped up the dumplings, she deliberately put the good-luck dumpling on top of the others in the bowl and pushed the bowl to me, saying, \yourself. Take as many as you like while they are hot.\


\know,\she continued. \murdered you. But a day of reckoning will come, Heaven will see to it. ①Close your eyes in peace. ... If you are really here, and can hear me, ②make that crow fly on to your grave as a sign.\

(3) 奏国歌,请全体起立。

a. Now it's time for the National Anthem. Please all stand up. b. Please rise for the National Anthem.

(4) 二十日,晓钟初动,即闻江口唤渡声。余惊起,呼曹同济。曹曰:“勿急。宜饱食登舟。”

On the twentieth, as soon as the morning temple bell had struck, I already heard the ferry-man crying at the bank for passengers to come aboard. I got up in a hurry and asked Ts'ao to go together. \hurry. We must eat something before going down to the boat,\Ts'ao.

(3) 我更爱躺在洁净轻柔的细沙上,静听着海潮的倾诉;当微风轻轻地从我的身边掠过,那种清凉又轻松的感觉,真是舒适极了,甜美极了!

I'm even more inclined to lie on the clean and soft sandy beach and listen quietly to the sea unbosoming itself. How comfortable and refreshed I will be to feel the cool gentle sea breeze brushing past me!

(4) 三月里刘熏宇君来信,说互生病了,而且是没有希望的病,医生说只好等日子了。四月底在《时事新报》上见到立达学校的通告,想不到这么快互生就殁了!

In March I heard from Mr. Liu Xunyu that Husheng was sick and hopelessly sick at that. The doctor said there was nothing he could do but to wait for the day to arrive. Toward the end of April, I came across an obituary issued by Lida School in the newspaper Current Affairs. How quickly the day had arrived!

(5)但我不能放歌, 悄悄是别离的笙箫; 夏虫也为我沉默, 沉默是今晚的康桥! But I cannot sing aloud: Quietness is my farewell music;

Even summer insects keep silence for me: Silent is Cambridge tonight!