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Part I Vocabulary & Structure

Directions: Choose the ONE that best completes each sentence from the four choices given below.

C 1.A good newspaper story must come right to the ________ and save the details for later. A) aim B) summit C) point D) purpose A 2. This article deals with the natural ________which is most interesting to everyone. A) phenomenon B) phenomena C) phenomenons D) phenomenas D 3. On no account _______ rudeness from his employees.

A) the manager will tolerate B) the manager will not tolerate C) the manager tolerates D) will the manager tolerate

C 4. The shop does not have any brown sugar in __________ at the moment, but it expects to have some tomorrow.

A) purchase B) sale C) stock D) trade C 5. We regret _______ you that you are to be dismissed next week.

A) to have informed B) informing C) to inform D) having informed A 6. The room is partly ________ with a few old bed stands.

A) furnished B) beautified C) decorated D) provided B 7. It is advisable that she __________ for Madrid as soon as possible. A) will leave B) may leave C) leaves D) leave A 8. They always give the vacant seats to _________ comes first.

A) whoever B) whomever C) who D) whom B 9. Children are very curious __________.

A) at heart B) by nature C) at birth D) from the beginning B 10. She was so _______ in her job that she didn’t hear anybody knocking at the door. A) attracted B) absorbed C) drawn D) concentrated B 11. He _______ his job for a better position.

A) stopped B) quitted C) parted D) withdrew

A 12. I arrive at nine o’clock, teach until twelve thirty and then have a meal; that is my

morning ______.

A) routine B) regular C) order D) regulations

C 13. There is no reason to hold the belief ______ humans have no direct moral responsibility

to safeguard the welfare of animals.

A) which B) what C) that D) in which A 14. His manners are beyond ______, and I have never met anyone so polite.

A) reproach B) reproaching C) approach D) blame

D 15. The husband and wife were never in ________ or agreement about anything for ten

minutes together.

A) pity B) symphony C) sympathy D) harmony

A 16. School teachers have to have a great deal of ______ in order to deal with difficult


A) tolerance B) standing C) bearing D) still

A 17. The new apartment built a few months ago is large enough to ___ over two hundred


A) contain B) provide C) reside D) accommodate B 18. I think she hurt my feelings ______ rather than by accident as she claimed.

A) virtually B) deliberately C) literally D) appropriately C 19. Have you seen the glass walls with ______ fish behind?

A) huge tropical B) lovely huge tropical C) lovely tropical huge D) tropical lovely huge C 20. Shoes of this kind are __________ to slip on wet ground.

A) feasible B) appropriate C) apt D) fitting A 21. What he said is ______ to a true understanding of this book.

A) basic B) fundamental C) elementary D) primary

D 22. _______ by a strange loud noise downstairs, the two girls jumped from their bed and s


A) Stunned B) Amazed C) Promoted D) Startled A 23. The falling inflating rate is _ to a decrease in the amount of borrowing. A) attributed B) referred C) subjected D) submitted B 24. Peter will _________ what his parents expect of him.

A) watch for B) live up to C) stand up to D) get along with C 25. You ought to have been told, _______ as old friend of the family. A) who are B) to be C) being D) since were D 26. Among her ___________ were sewing, cooking, plying the piano and dancing. A) obligation B) fulfillment C) assignment D) accomplishments B 27. The clothes a person wears express his ________ or social position. A) curiosity B) status C) determination D) significance A 28. It’s a pleasure for him to _____ his energy and even his life to research work. A) dedicate B) delicate C) decorate D) direct

C 29. _______ at the station _________ we met a man carrying a copy of The Time. A) It was … where B) It was … at which C) It was … that D) just … that

B 30. Each variety of melon has its ___________ flavor and texture.

B A) individually B) individual C) private D) personal

D 31. When I _____something, I’d like to make it clear by means of examples and drawing.

A) illustrate B) expound C) explicate D) interpret D 32. To pass the text, ____________.


A) this book must be studied B) this book should be chosen C) this book can be studied D) we should study this book

A 33. I can’t thank you ______ much for you kindness, because without you help, I would not

have fished the work so quickly.

A) too B) very C) quite D) that A 34. A body weighs _______ from the surface of the Earth. A) less, the father it gets B) the father it gets, less C) less, the further it gets D) the further it gets, the less

B 35. You’ll find this instrument ______ great value ______making certain kinds of measurements.

A) of ….of B) of …in C) for…of D) of…to B 36. Their products are frequently overpriced and ____ in quality.

A)influential B)inferior C)superior D)subordinate B 37. After hearing the story, I felt ________ puzzled.

A) some what B) somewhat C) anyway D) somehow C38. The neighborhood boys like to play basketball on that ____ lot.

A)valid B)vain C)vacant D)vague

B 39. We may have been looking at all these surveys and statistic upside down, maybe it’s just


A) one way around B) the other way around C) another way around D) other way around

A 40. These people once had fame and fortune; now ____ is left to them is utter poverty.

A)all that B)all what C)all which D)that all A 41. Words have come from Mr. Green ______ she could arrive on the Sunday following. A) about which B) that C) whether D) of which

D 42. The residents ____ had been damaged by the fire were given help by the Red Cross.

A)all of their homes B)all their homes C)whose all homes D)all of whose homes

C 43. Investigators agreed that passengers on the airliner ____ at the very moment of the crash. A)should have died B)must be dying C)must have died D)ought to die B 44. The energy ____ by the chain reaction is transformed into heat.

A)transferred B)released C)delivered D)conveyed C 45. ____ their work will give us a much better feel for the wide differences between the two schools of thought.

A)To have reviewed B)Having reviewed C)Reviewing D)Being reviewed A 46. Many people like white color as it is a ____ of purity.


A)symbol B)sign C)signal D)symptom C 47. During the process, great care has to be taken to protect the ____ silk from damage. A)sensitive B)tender C)delicate D)sensible

A 48. Although he has looked through all the reference materials on the subject, he still found

it hard to understand this point and her explanation only______ his confusion. A) added to B) added C) added up D) added up to

D 49. These tables below showing the ups and downs of the world economy in the 1980’s

were compiled ________careful observation and detailed studies.

A) at the bottom of B) in exchange for C) in the name of D) on the basis of C 50. The present ________ wasn’t really satisfactory to them.

A) attraction B) assassination C) arrangement D) inspection

B 51. Just as they must put aside their prejudices, _________we must be prepared to accept

their good faith.

A) thus B) so C) as D) like

C 52. Wherever there is matter, there is energy; all changes of matter _______changes in the

form of the energy.

A) retain B) include C) involve D) contain A 53. The falling inflation rate is ______ to a decrease in the amount of borrowing.

A) attributed B) referred C) subjected D) submitted

B 54. The Weather Bureau has repeatedly advised people to take every ______ against the

coming typhoon.

A) protection B) precaution C) prevention D) prediction D 55. I would never have ____ a court of law if I hadn't been so desperate.

A)sought for B)accounted for C)turned up D)resorted to A 56. The ring was _______ to her from her great grandmother.

A) handed down B) handed out C) handed around D) handed over B 57. The students are working hard for fear that they______ in the exams.

A) will fail B) should fail C) failed D) fails C58. Have you seen the glass walls with ______ fish behind?

A) huge tropical B) lovely tropical huge C) lovely huge tropical D) tropical lovely huge D 59. As a matter of fact, Saudi Arabia’s oil reserves ______ those of Kuwait.

A) come second following B) come second with C) is second only to D) are second only to

A 60. The fundamental ______which govern all physical process are also related to many

everyday occurrences.

A) principals B) principles C) rules D) regulations