2002-2007年安徽专升本英语考试真题+答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2002-2007年安徽专升本英语考试真题+答案更新完毕开始阅读e391b580ec3a87c24028c4a7

B. the order of cause and effect

C. the order of importance D. the order of comparison and contrast 54. The author points out that____________.

A. damp climates preserve the past better than dry climates B. peat is created out of soil and water

C. the Egyptians left more records than any other civilization D. many people are familiar with the eruption of Mount Vesuvius

55. Which of the following sentences expresses the idea that even delicate objects can be pro

--tected by nature for many years?

A. Nature has a number of different ways of burying and thus preserving the past. B. In Egypt, drifting dry sands have preserved brittle records for thousands of years.

C. In Central America, the jungle buried and preserved some of the ancient cities of prehistoric Indian peoples.

D. This cover preserved the wooden houses, utensils, and weapons of the prehistoric Alpine lake dwellers.

Task 3(3 points each ,15 points in all)

Directions: This task is the same as Task 1w(No. 56 through No.60)

Unemployment rose from 7.5% in June, 1976, the highest rate since January of that year, the Labor Department reported. The main reason was a large increase—nearly 700,000 in the labor force , with a record 61.9% of the population over six-teen years of age working or actively seeking work .

That growth resulted largely from an increase in the number of women in the labor force , an increase partly because of a continuation of long---term and economic trends and partly because of a reflection of pressure on families to increase their incomes.

56. According to the report, which of the following statements is correct ? A. Unemployment in July was higher than it had been since January. B. Unemployment rose at a steady rate from January to July. C. Unemployment rose by about 7% from January to July. D. Unemployment rose above 7% for the first time in July.

57. Why did unemployment increase during the period discussed in the passage ? A. There are fewer jobs in summer.

B. Many companies had dismissed workers. C. The labor force had grown

D. Records have become more accurate.

58. According to the passage , the labor force has increased by A. 61.9 B. 700,000 C. 7.5% D. 7.8%

59. Which is said to be the main reason why more people are looking for work ? A. Teenagers start working younger.

B. Recent graduates have entered the labor market.

C. More people must have two jobs to make ends meet . D. More women have entered the job market.

60. It can be inferred that the labor force described in the passage is made up of _____.


A. persons whose jobs are not professional

B. persons who work at both permanent and full-time jobs C. those over 16 Years of age who are looking for work D. approximately 60% of the country‘s population

IV Translation (35 points)

(I)translate the following sentences from English into Chinese (4 points each for No. 66 through No. 68; 6 points for No. 69; 18 points in all)

66. Many students complained that readable books were rare those days .

67. In his opinion,success in life depends mainly on how we get along with other people.

68. The brain is the most complicated part of the human body , and yet less is known about it than any other part.

69. Do you want to know how to improve your grades without having to spend more time studying ? It sounds too good to be true.

(II)Translate the following sentences from Chinese Into English (4 points each for No.70though No,72; 5 points for No. 73; 17 points in all). 70那场雨使得我们不能去打篮球.

71. 由于城市太拥挤,粗多人准备搬到乡下去. 72,这座城市以优美的建筑而闻名.


V Writing (20 points)

Directions: write ONE of . the following two topics. You are supposed to follow the informa-tiongiven below.

1按照完整英文书信格式,邀请美匹兹堡大学Prof. Wiliams 参加一个学术(academic)会议.Puof. Williams 的地十是:

450 South Liberty Avenue,

Apartment 305,Pittsburgh University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213 USA 信的内容必须包括:

(1) 很荣幸邀请Prof. Williams. (2) 会议的主题.时间和地点等. (3) 盼望Prof. Williams早日答复.

2. 写一篇题为―On Good Study Habits‖ 的文章。要要求分三个段落,不少于100个单词。内容包括:


(2)从如下几个方面来阐述你的观点:学习时间的合理安排,充分利用上课的时间,养成定时复习的习惯等;并用具体的事例来支扭亏为盈你的论点。 (3)得出结论并总结全文。




1. 试卷共8页,用钢笔或圆珠笔将答案字直接写在答题纸上,写在试题上一律无效。 2. 答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。

I. Vocabulary and Structure (1 point each; 35 points in all)

Directions: For each of the following blanks, four choices are given. You are required to choose the most appropriate one and put the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. ( ) 1.Once you enter the society, you are mostly ________your own. A. in B. on C. of D. to ( ) 2.The chairman as well as many other people _________present. A. is B. are C. will D. should ( ) 3.I think that it is no use _______with this. A. to continue B. continue C. continuing D. continued ( ) 4.What did the teacher ________you to do at home? A. distribute B. assign C. divide D. point ( ) 5.It didn‘t take long for him to adjust _______his new job. A. to B. with C. for D. on ( ) 6.With his resolute determination, he is _________to win. A. possible B. likely C. like D. probable ( ) 7.When I saw her facial ________, I knew she was angry. A. appearance B. expression C. looking D. feeling ( ) 8.________is going to do the job there remains a question. A. Who B. That C. What D. When ( ) 9.The travelers ________300 miles a day by car when they were in Africa. A. passed B. took C. covered D. went ( ) 10.Sam most probably ___________her for another girl at the party. A. regarded B. viewed C. mistook D . looked ( ) 11. Whatever happens, this rule can be applied _________any case. A. on B. for C. in D. to ( ) 12.She earns a high __________as a doctor. A. salary B. wages C. money D. payment ( ) 13.It is necessary that the meeting _______at once. A. began B. begin C. begins D. will begin ( ) 14.Accrding to the doctor, the old lady was in a helpless________. A. place B. location C. space D. situation ( ) 15.At the age of eighteen, he decided to take politics as his_________. A. arrange B. task C. work D. career ( ) 16.Whenever needed Bob would _______for his father to come.. A. arrange B. require C. demand D. invite ( ) 17.Give up smoking, _________you will have a good health. A. or B. and C. so that D. otherwise


( ) 18.If you are mot careful enough, you may ________black with white. A. combine B. compare C. Confuse D. contact ( ) 19.You _______me about his illness yesterday. A. must tell B. had told C. ought to tell D. should have told ( ) 20.My brother is __________mine. A. five years more junior to B. five years junior than C. five years junior to D. five years more junior than ( ) 21.You _________me because I didn‘t say that. A. must have misunderstood B. must misunderstand C. must be understood D. had to misunderstand ( ) 22.Can machines perform the same tasks ________? A. that man does B. what man does C. must be understood D. as man does ( ) 23.It is the boy‘s laziness that _________ his failure in the exams. A. resulted from B. brought in C. resulted in D. led into ( ) 24.__________his wealth, he is not happy. A. Except for B. In spite of C. Hardier D. Besides ( ) 25.__________you work, the greater your progress will be. A. Harder B. The hardier C. Hardlier D. The harder ( ) 26.John and Sally _________all their problems cheerfully . A. coped with B. Handled with C. dealt in D. turned up ( ) 27.It was the training that he had _________made him such a good technician. A. has B. what C. later D. that ( ) 28.Some elderly people ________their beds at hospital . They need our help. A. confined to B. locked to C. tied with D. limited by ( ) 29.No sooner had the late-airport gentleman got to the airport _______the plane

took off.

A. when B .where C. while. D. than ( ) 30.If _________successfully, the plan will completely change the traffic A. carrying B. carried out C. to carry D. carry out ( ) 31.Within a few years he was _______from an ordinary clerk, to the manager of

the company.

A. promoted B .raised C. developed D. improved ( ) 32.Though they disliked the tone of his speech, they finally decided to _______

his suggestion for it sounded practical.

A. adapt B. adopt C. use D. receive ( ) 33.The paint is still wet._________! A. Be sure to not it B. Be sure not to touch it

C. As the diamond is hard D. Hard as the diamond is

( ) 34.________, it is quite easy to drill a hole on it with laser.