译林牛津版2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语第一次阶段考试试卷D卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期三 文章译林牛津版2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语第一次阶段考试试卷D卷更新完毕开始阅读e3cc9424988fcc22bcd126fff705cc1754275fed


一、 单选题(每小题1分,共15分) (共15题;共15分)

1. (1分)下列哪组字母的小写都占下两格?________ A . GPY B . AUZ C . FQV D . FJK

2. (1分)英语字母表中的第12个字母是 . A . P B . H C . L D . I

3. (1分)—Happy Thanksgiving Day. A . Thank you. B . That's all right. C . The same to you. D . You are welcome.

4. (1分)Sally is________art teacher. She teaches(教)art in a school. A . a B . the C . / D . an

5. (1分)一 She wears a pink skirt today.

一 Yes. beautiful she looks! The skirt is made A . What; of B . How; from C . How; of

6. (1分)—________ is that quilt? —It's white.

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A . How B . What color C . What's color D . What

7. (1分)— Is ________ your book? — No. ________ is my book there(那里). A . that; This B . this; That C . that; Those

8. (1分)________ things means one's own things. A . Personal B . Public C . The whole

9. (1分)Lee is new in Yangzhou. sightseeing. A . watch B . ticket C . map D . notebook

10. (1分)—_______do you go to the park? —Three times a week. A . How long B . When C . How many D . How often

11. (1分)—______ have you been playing ping-pong? — For five years. A . How often B . how far

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Maybe he needs a _____for

C . How long D . When

12. (1分)Mary and Gina are my cousins.________ father works(工作)in Dongfeng Company. A . Their B . They C . Them D . Theirs

13. (1分)—How's your school life going, Daming? —_________!

A . It's sunny B . It's on the bus C . Great D . It's raining

14. (1分)— Can you help me make lanterns? A . Yes, I am. B . No, I can. C . Yes, I do. D . Sorry, I can't.

15. (1分)Peter, honest boy, bought useful dictionary in the store yesterday.

A . a; a B . an; an C . a; an D . an; a

二、 完形填空(本大题共10小题,共15分) (共1题;共10分)

16. (10分)完型填空

My family came to America from China many years ago. I was born in Oakland in 1989. Many young Chinese Americans don't learn much1because our parents2us to learn English very well.

Chinese is a difficult language. If we don't speak it3, it's easy to forget. Writing is hard, too. We have to remember lots of words and thousands of characters (汉字). In English, there are only 26 4.

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At home, I5English with my family. But now, we speak some Cantonese (广东话) because we watch films 6 that language.

My mom has come to love F4, a Chinese boy band (组合). They are in the film Meteor Garden (《流星花园》). We all7the TV series, and we learn Cantonese8 saying some funny words from the TV series to each other.

It's fun to speak Cantonese with my Chinese friends. It 9funny because we can't say the words just right.

Young Chinese Americans know that our culture (文化) is getting lost, so we try to10something. (1)

A . Chinese B . English C . Cantonese D . Putonghua (2)

A . hope B . ask C . let D . want (3)

A . often B . hard C . quickly D . soon (4)

A . words B . letters C . languages D . characters (5)

A . tell

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