外研版九年级英语上册教案Module 9 Unit 1(外研) 联系客服

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Module 9 Great inventions Unit 1 Will computers be used more

than books in the future?

◆ 教材分析 Module 9的主要内容为运用一般将来时的被动语态来描述伟大的发明,包括造纸和印刷术的发明,电脑的出现和网络的广泛使用。从全书来看,本模块承接上一模块对被动语态的学习和运用,着重一般将来时被动语态的使用,让同学们通过课堂活动来掌握其用法。 ◆ 教学目标 【Knowledge objective】 1.Words:borrow,website, mail, textbook, mainly, page, electronic, powerful, memory, full, fix, instructions, lend, properly 2. Expressions: put up, thousands of 【Ability objective】

1. To listen and read the materials about computer. 2. To make a dialogue about the wide use of the computer. 【Moral objective】

1. To arose Ss’ interest in great inventions.

2. To make Ss be proud of our great inventions in our country. 3. To make Ss love our country and study hard.

◆ 教学重难点 重点:能够读懂介绍伟大发明的短文,获取主旨大意及相关细节信息。能够熟练运用本单元重点单词和短语。


◆ 课前准备 ◆ PPT课件、挂图、录音机、课堂练习表格、奖品。

◆ 教学过程 Step 1 Warming up 1.Lead in Free talk:

Can you list the great inventions that are made by Chinese ancients? Step 2 Presentation

What are the Four Great Inventions of ancient China?

Teacher show the pictures and let Ss know them and read them aloud. Who invented them?

1.Ge Hong:Ge Hong invented gunpowder in his practice of alchemy (炼金术). 2.Bi Sheng:

Bi Sheng of the Northern Song Dynasty invented movable type printing (活字印刷)

in the 1040s.

3.Cai Lun: Cai Lun developed the paper-making technique in Han Dynasty. Then enjoy two pieces of video about the inventions of papermaking and printing. Step 3 Practice

1.Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

1. How have these inventions changed people’s lives? 2. Which one do you think is the most important?

3. What other important inventions can you think of? 2. Listen and complete the sentences.

1. Lingling loves her mobile phone because she can _____________. 2. All of Daming’s friends’ numbers are __________ in his phone.

3. Today’s cameras are better than old cameras because they do not _________ and the photos can __________.

4. Lingling thinks everything _________ by computers to some degree, so the computer is _____________ invention. 3.

Listen to the conversation between Tony and his dad. Then read the summary. Underline the

wrong information and correct it.

Find the sentences in the conversation which mean:

1. Changing the subject, can I get the camera?

Anyway, about the camera?

2. It is not a problem. I will use another memory card.

OK. That can be fixed. I’ve got an empty memory card. 3. I will do what you tell me to do.


Answer the questions.

4. How many pages does this book have?

5. Which website do you often go to when you get online? 6. What is an example of electronic technology?

7. When you lend something to someone, what do they have to do later? 8. What do you think is the most important invention in human history? Read and try to recite the conversations in 5-10 minutes. Role-play

Role play the conversation in front of the class Let’s see which group does the best. Step 4 Language points

1. They’ll be put up on the school website. 它们(照片)将被公布在学校的网站上。

put up的意思是“张贴;公布;挂起”。例如: You can put up the notice on the noticeboard. 你可以把同志贴在布告栏上。

We’ve put up some new curtains in the living room. 我们在客厅里挂了一些新窗帘。 2. Some were huge ones with thousands of pages. 有的书甚至有几千页厚。

thousands of 后接可数名词的复数形式,表示不确定的数字,意为“成千上万的;数以千计的”,不能和数词连用。例如:

Thousands of people lost their homes in the Ya’an earthquake. 在雅安地震中,成千上万的人失去了他们的家园。 单项选择。

______ trees were planted on the mountain last year. A. Thousands of B. Thousand of C. Five thousand of D. Five thousands

3. If you have to lend it to anyone, tell them to use it properly. 如果一定要借给其他人的话,你要告诉他们如何正确使用它。

lend作动词,意为“借给”,强调“借出”。常用短语lend sb. sth.相当于lend sth. to sb.,意为“把某物借给某人”。

Can you lend me your bike? = Can you lend your bike to me? 你能把你的自行车借给我吗?

其反义词borrow意为“借;借用”,强调“借入”。常用短语为borrow sth. from sb./sp.,意思是“从某人/某地借来某物”。例如:

Can I borrow a book from the library at weekends? 我周末可以从图书馆借本书吗?

— Peter, can you _______ twenty yuan ______ me? I want to buy a new pen. — Of course.

A. lends; from B. borrow; to