牛津译林版八年级下册8BUnit1- Unit4期中复习梳理 联系客服

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D. where to go

例2.An accident ____ on this road last week. A. has been happened B. was happened C. is happened D. happened

例3.She has had the bike for 5 years. (对划线部分提问) __________ __________ has she had the car?

例4.-- Have you ever ________ to Holland Flowers in Dafeng, Yancheng. --Yes. I ________ there with my family last April. A. gone; went B. been; went to C. been; went D. gone; was in


1.They are talking about how __________ (translate) the sentence into English.

2.--Hello. May I speak to Marry?

--Sorry, she _____ to the supermarket. May I take a message? A. has been B. has gone C. went D. goes

3.--How long can I ________ the book?

--For two weeks. And you mustn’t ________ it to others. A. borrow; keep B. keep; lend C. keep; borrow D. borrow; lend



1.How long can I keep the books? (P58) 这些书我可以保留多长时间? keep v. 保留 【辨析】

词汇辨析:borrow, lend和keep的区别:

____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

e.g.: Can you lend me your bike?

Who did you borrow the book from?


2.How many books can I borrow at a time? (P58) 我一次可以借多少书? 1) at a time 一次

e.g.: Giant pandas have only one baby at a time. 【搭配】

2) 与time有关的词或词组

① at times= sometimes= _______________ ② some time _______________ some times _______________ sometimes _______________ sometime _______________ e.g.:

I will invite you to see a film sometime next week. He sometimes goes swimming.

My parents stayed in Nanjing for some time. He has been to the park some times.

3.The first Harry Potter book was a great success in the very beginning. (P58) 在一开始,《哈利波特》第一本书获得了巨大的成功。

1) success un. 成功(抽象意义) cn. 成功的人或者事 e.g.: He is a great success as a writer. Failure is the mother of success. 【拓展】

① vt. succeed _____________________成功地做某事。 e.g.: He succeeded in swimming across the river. ② adj. _____________________成功的 e.g.: He is a successful writer.

③ adv. _____________________成功地 e.g.: He passed the exam successfully. 2) in the beginning 在……一开始 【搭配】

①in the beginning _____________________ e.g.: In the beginning, he wasn’t a boss.

②at the beginning _____________________ e.g.: At the beginning of the meeting, they sang a song together. ③ 相同的用法还有end in the end& at the end of…

4.I tried to pull one hand free and finally managed to break the ropes. (P51) 我试图空出一只手,最后设法解开了绳子。 【搭配】

manage to do sth. : _______________________,与_______________________同义;try to do sth. _______________________ 。

e.g.: I managed to see the writer.我设法见到了那个作家。

I try to open the door with the key. 我尽力用钥匙打开门。


try to do sth.倾向于努力做某事,有没有成功不确定

5.I did not know what to say either. (P51)我也不知道说什么。 【辨析】

可以表示“也”的单词或短语有also, too, as well与either均表示“也”,但有以下区别:____________________________________________________________

e.g.: He went there too. We didn't go there either.

I like you as well. You are also a good student.

6.I shouted at them-the loud noise made them all fall over. (P51)我冲着他们大声叫嚷——声音大得使他们所有人跌倒。

1) shout at意为“叫嚷”,一般表示因生气而对某人大喊大叫,带有感情色彩。同样的表达还有:_____________________ e.g.: Don't shout at the boy. He is afraid. 【辨析】

shout to意为____________________ e.g.: He shouted to the man on the other side of the street, “Come here.” 2) make v. 使 ____________________使某人做某事 e.g.: The mother made his son do housework everyday. 3) fall 的词组: 【搭配】

fall over____________; fall off____________; fall down____________; fall asleep ____________

7.After our ship crashed against the rocks, I swam as far as I could. (P50) 在我们的轮船触礁之后,我尽可能地游。 1) against【拓展】

①prep: __________________________ e.g.: I pushed against the door and the door opened at last.

② __________________________ e.g.: We all should fight against evil. ③ __________________________

e.g.: Don't drive against the traffic.不要逆向行车。 批注:①prep: 撞击,碰着,与…相撞:

② 相反;反对;违反;违背;逆:

③ 逆行,逆……方向,对着;跟……反方向:

2) as… as sb. can/ could= ________________________ as… as之间可以是副词,也可以是形容词。 e.g.: I open the door as soon as I can. = I open the door as soon as possible. It is not as difficult as I thought.

9.I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge. (P48) 我不得不用他们去够冰箱上的盒子。 reach 【拓展】

vt. 到达= ___________

e.g.: She will reach/ arrive at the school at 9:00 tomorrow. vt. 够得到

e.g.: He tried to pick the apples, but he can’t reach it.

10.It is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. (P47)它(英国)由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和爱尔兰组成。 be made of ….由……组成

e.g.: Our class is made up of 32 boys and 23 girls. 【搭配】

be made from… 由…… 制成(看不出原材料) be made of…由……制成(看出原材料) be made in… 在……制造

be made by… 由某人制造……

e.g.: The paper made from wood and the tie made of silk are both made by Mr. Smith and are both made in China.

11.--Thank you for your help. -- My pleasure. (P44) --谢谢你的帮助。--不客气。 pleasure n. 荣幸 【搭配】

① It’s one’s pleasure to do sth. 做某事时某人的荣幸。 e.g.: It’s my pleasure to help you. 【辨析】

② my pleasure & with pleasure区分

两者都是客气的回答方式,但是(it’s ) my pleasure通常用于对别人的感谢之词的回答,而with pleasure则是应允帮助别人的回答,即一个是对已经完成的事情的回答,另一个是未做的事情。 e.g.: