(完整版)新视野大学英语视听说教程4第二版答案(含unit-test) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章(完整版)新视野大学英语视听说教程4第二版答案(含unit-test)更新完毕开始阅读e4c433162c3f5727a5e9856a561252d381eb201d

(14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) genuine

lifting out of rubbish mystery mysterious farmers catch appear landscape genuine

lifting out of rubbish mystery mysterious farmers catch appear landscape

Unit test


Your answer discovered eager died convincing writing Indians taught

Correct answer discovered eager died convincing writing Indians taught

The Easter Islanders lived on

The Easter Islanders lived on sweet

sweet potatoes they farmed. These

potatoes they farmed. These sweet

sweet potatoes came from the

potatoes came from the Americas

Americas Remember that the distances Remember that the distances involved involved were great, further than were great, further than the distance the distance from Europe to the from Europe to the closest place in the closest place in the Americas Americas a few American Indians could have a few American Indians could have reached Easter Island, because of reached Easter Island, because of a a storm, and brought the seeds of storm, and brought the seeds of sweet

sweet potatoes with them potatoes with them



Unit 7

Basic listening AADBC

Listening in > Task 1 DCAAB Task 2 DCAAB Task 3 rest Sunday

industrial revolution God

six-day work week late 19th and early 20th relaxation great boon consumer spending Second World War two days do not work religious activities

Let's talk Task 1 held back transport highest subsistence lower

2,000-kilometer minerals potential development number one tourism only two landscapes fascinating commuting tourist ruined history traditional mistakes

Further listening and speaking Further listening > Task 1 AABBB Task 2 CABBD Task 3 ABCDC

Viewing and speaking Task 1 book search engines real customers judge 250 pounds two days / 2 days partying click targeting

Unit 7 test


Your answer Correct answer