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True or False?

1. In March 2002, President Bush imposed a tariff of up to 30 percent on steel imported into the United States.

2. The United Nations is responsible for overseeing the system of rules about international trade.

3. The International Labor Organization is effective in enforcing its core labor standards in developing countries.

4. About a quarter of all children in the poorest countries in the world work in the labor force.

5. As of 2002, twelve countries in Europe use the euro as their currency.

6. Argentina’s hyperinflation in the late 1980s was due to the government’s practice of printing currency in order to pay for government spending.

7. Argentina solved the hyperinflation of the late 1980s with dollarization.

8. In late 2000, the World Trade Organization provided Argentina with a $14 billion loan.

9. A common currency among neighboring countries can stimulate trade and reduce costs associated with changing currencies.

10. When per capita incomes in a country reach approximately $5000, child labor in the country becomes almost nonexistent.


What are typical reasons why MNCs expand internationally?

1.MNCs can capitalize on comparative advantage (such as a technology or cost of labor)that they have relative to firms in other countries,which allows them to penetrate those other countries’s markets.Given a world of imperfect markets,comparative advantages across countires are not freely transferable.Therefore,MNCs may be able to capitalize on comparative advantages.Many MNCS initially penetrate markets by exporting but ultimately establish a subsidiary in foreign markets and attempt to differentiate their products as other firms enter those markets.

(1) balance of payments (2) capital inflow

(3) merchandise trade balance (4) official international reserves (5) capital outflow

(6) goods and services balance

(7) goods, services, and income balance (8) current account balance (9) capital account balance (10)

direct investments

(11) net foreign investment (12) official settlements balance (13) international investment position


A) a systematic account of all the exchanges of value between residents of a country and the

rest of the world during a given period of time.

B) net credits minus net debits on merchandise

C) the change in a nation's foreign assets minus foreign liabilities

D) an increase in a nation's liabilities to foreign residents or a decrease in assets previously

obtained from other countries.

E) net income flows and net exports of goods and services. F) the net accumulation of foreign assets minus foreign liabilities.

G) any flow of lending to, or purchases of ownership in, a foreign enterprise that is largely

owned by residents of the investing country.

H) net credits minus debits on the flows of goods, services, income, and unilateral transfers. I) net exports of goods and services.

J) an increase in a nation's assets obtained from other countries or a decrease in its liabilities

to other countries.

K) the sum of the current account balance plus the private capital account balance L) money like assets such as gold that are generally recognized as official assets

M) net credits minus debits involving changes in private national residents' foreign financial

assets and liabilities.


1. balance of payments: a systematic account of all the exchanges of value between

residents of a country and the rest of the world during a given period of time. A) 2. capital inflow: an increase in a nation's assets obtained from other countries or a

decrease in its liabilities to other countries.J)

3. merchandise trade balance: net credits minus net debits on merchandise. B)

4. official international reserves: money like assets such as gold that are generally

recognized as official assets, L)

5. capital outflow: an increase in a nation's liabilities to foreign residents or a decrease in

assets previously obtained from other countries. D) 6. goods and services balance: net exports of goods and services. I)

7. goods, services, and income balance: net income flows and net exports of goods and

services. E) 8. current account balance: net credits minus debits on the flows of goods, services, income,

and unilateral transfers. H) 9. capital account balance: net credits minus debits involving changes in private national

residents' foreign financial assets and liabilities. M) 10. direct investments: any flow of lending to, or purchases of ownership in, a foreign

enterprise that is largely owned by residents of the investing country. G) 11. net foreign investment: the change in a nation's foreign assets minus foreign liabilities.

C) 12. official settlements balance :the sum of the current account balance plus the private

capital account balance K) 13. international investment position: the net accumulation of foreign assets minus foreign

liabilities. F)

2. True or false:

1.A country with a current account surplus is saving more than its domestic capital formation. 2. A country's international investment position shows the extent of official intervention in the

foreign exchange market.

3. A debit on the balance of payments represents a flow for which the country is paid. 4. If you receive a £300 check from your aunt in London, the value of that check will appear

in the unilateral transfers category of the U.S. balance of payments.

5.Over the last twenty years, the U.S. merchandise trade balance has tended to be further in deficit than the U.S. goods and services balance.




1.The U.S. current account does not include: A) net exports of goods

B) U.S. grants to foreign countries. C) the sale of U.S. bonds to foreigners

D) income receipts from foreigners.

2.Which is the following is entered as a credit in the U.S.balance of payments? A) A construction company in the U.S. imports $5 million steel from Japan B) Gold leaves the U.S. Treasury for another country

C) An American auto manufacturer exports $56 million in cars to Europe D) The United States grants $4 billion in aid to Russia.


Matching Quiz

1.foreign exchange: