英语基础模块下册导学案(The Great Wall) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章英语基础模块下册导学案(The Great Wall)更新完毕开始阅读e5acdf9baa00b52acfc7cac5


9)We should study English.

10)Students must clean the classroom.

11)They can finish the job on time.

12) You may do the exercises tomorrow.

12) You have to do these exercises.

14) She has to throw it away.



1)You can look up the word in that old dictionary.


2)He lost his bike yesterday.

_________________________________________ 3)The teacher asked the students a strange question.

___________________________________________ 4)They were discussing the problem when I came in.

_____________________________________________ 5)She will invite him to her birthday I came in.

________________________________________________ 2、根据汉语补全下列句子。

1)A sports meeting (将举行)next week. 2)The program in this computer (已被改变了) 3)The house (正在被粉刷) when we arrived. 4)The room must (清扫) as soon as possible. 5)I can’t use my bike now. It (正在被修理). 四、课堂小结