人教版七年级下册英语7-12单元话题书面表达写作范文 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期一 文章人教版七年级下册英语7-12单元话题书面表达写作范文更新完毕开始阅读e6ca3649cc22bcd126ff0ce3

该写作任务要求同学们根据表格内容介绍Sam昨天的活动,属于记叙文。首先,应仔细观察图片,了解Sam昨天的具体活动,然后按照时间顺序进行介绍。昨天属于过去的时间,因此应该用一般过去时态。 【思路点拨】

引出话题→It was Saturday yesterday. Sam was busy. ↓

介绍Sam的活动 →In the morning, he ... and then ... In the afternoon, he ... Then he ... In the evening, he ... After that, he ... 【范文展示】

Sam’s Saturday

It was Saturday yesterday. Sam was busy. In the morning, he got up very early. After breakfast, he cleaned his room and then he went to the library and borrowed some books. In the afternoon, he visited his good friend Mike. Then he played soccer with Mike. In the evening, he did his homework. After that, he watched TV. At about ten o’clock, he went to bed.