Listen To This:1 初级听力Lesson 14 答案 联系客服

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Lesson 14 答案

Section 1 A. Dialogues Dialogue 1 : 1. Geneva. 2. By air.

3. Because he prefers morning flights. 4. 9:20. 5. 8:15. Dialogue 2 :

1. To have some more chicken. 2. She wants to be slimming. 3. A very small piece. Dialogue 3 : 1. A cup of tea. 2. Coffee.

3. He wants milky coffee without sugar. Dialogue 4 : 1. Black coffee.

2. Yes. A portion of strawberry tart. 3. Because they need her service. Dialogue 5 :

Steak and ice-cream. Dialogue 6 :

1. The hotel has a bank office on the ground floor which belongs to the International Bank.

2. The bank is open from Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. till 3:00 p.m. Dialogue 7 :

The speaker is afraid that he was late for breakfast. But he can just make it if he hurries because breakfast is served until 10:30. Dialogue 8 :

1. The woman’s plane is leaving at 5:30 tomorrow. 2. Her number is 577 and her name is Browning. 3. One is normally supposed to leave the hotel by 12:00 noon on the day of one’s departure. 4. The woman is allowed to keep the room till 3:00 p.m. Section 2

A. Telephone Conversation: No. No. called Caller’s No. Message 1 7896443 2748553 Mr. Henderson’s car will be ready by 6 p.m. Thursday. 2 2687435 7733298 Mr. Adams’ mother-in-law is 3 5754661 1234567 arriving on Thursday. The ad will be in Friday’s paper, 13th of the month. B. Shopping:

1. Complete the following chart: No. Food ordered Amount 1 baked beans 2 boxes 2 rice 3 boxes 3 spaghetti 5 boxes 4 tomato sauce 100 tins 5 tea 2 boxes 6 sugar 4 boxes 7 cat food 8 boxes 2. Answer the following questions briefly. (1) All her food is to be delivered to her house. (2) This afternoon. (3) Forty-eight tins.

(4) Because she wants to save the food for war. (5) Because she can’t stand fish.

Section 3 Dictation 1:

A sailor once went into a pub in a very dark street in Liverpool. He got very drunk there and staggered out around 11 p.m. Around midnight, one of his friends found him on his hands and knees in the gutter. \looking for my wallet. I think I lost it in that dark street down there,\you lost it in that street, why are you looking for it here?\sailor thought for a moment.\

Dictation 2:

A famous 85-year-old millionaire once gave a lecture at an American university. \going to tell you how to live a long, healthy life and how to get very rich at the same time,\he announced. \secret is very simple. All you have to do is avoid bad habits like drinking and smoking. But you have to get up early every morning, work at least 10 hours a day and save every penny, as well,\audience stood up. \the age of only 39. How do you explain that?\moment. \