2018-2019学年上海市进才中学高三上英语期中试卷(含答案) 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章2018-2019学年上海市进才中学高三上英语期中试卷(含答案)更新完毕开始阅读e74363e5ba68a98271fe910ef12d2af90342a8fe

II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A

U.S. resident Donald Trump announced on June 1, 2017, that the United States would exit the Paris

Agreement. Hours later, a broad group of governors and business leaders declared that they would support the climate deal anyway and continue tackling global warming on their own. To date, however, not enough (21)________ (do) to counteract the effects of the Trump administration’s quit on climate policy.

On September 8, tens of thousands of people took part in marches and other events across the U.S.,

(22)________ (demand) urgent action against climate change from (23)________ (elect) officials. They called for a rapid transition to renewable energy in order to keep off the various risks of climate change.

The “Rise for Climate” protest was headed up by (24)________ organizers called “the largest ever

climate march on the U.S. West Coast.” The march, (25)________ snaked through the heart of San Francisco, came ahead of a high-level conference named the Global Climate Action Summit in the city from Sept. 12 to 14. The gathering brought mayors and business leaders from around the world together to discuss ways that states, cities and businesses (26)________ work together to reduce their emissions.

Hundreds of other actions took place in roughly 90 countries around the world. As part of a

coordinated effort, those responses struck back at the dangerously regressive(倒退的) policies of the Trump administration. Those policies have sought to pull down the rules (27)________ (lower) greenhouse gas emissions.

“Today, people across the country are rising up for climate in their communities to fight back against

Trump’s toxic agenda. They are sending a message to every politician (28)________ the time for action is now,” said Michael Brune, director of (29)________ environmental organization in the U.S. “Families living in the shadows of industrial pollution and losing homes and livelihoods to wildfires and extreme weather are coming together (30)________ we know we don’t have time to waste.”

The protests were planned surrounding the summit in San Francisco for a week, with organizers

hoping to draw attention to air pollution. Section B

The impact of bullying behavior is not confined to geographic boundaries. Negative impacts and

lessons learned can be found across the world. To share the work being done outside the United States, StopBullying.gov is honored to highlight the work of Ditch(抛弃) the Label in the United Kingdom and its CEO Liam Hackett.

Imagine that you have just __31__ a young person bullying one of his peers. How would you respond?

Our __32__ is often to punish the ‘bully’ and to __33__ emotional support and reassurance to the ‘victim’. This is what has been used in many cases of bullying – punishment and reactive support.

What if I tell you that there are new and more effective ways of tackling the issue? Ways in which

bullying could be prevented from happening in the first place?

Firstly, I would like you to __34__ the words ‘bully’ and ‘victim’ from your vocabulary. At Ditch the

Label, we never use either of those words to describe somebody because bullying is a behavior and not an identity. Society has certain __35__ about those words that can be __36__ damaging and frequently discourage people from reaching out for help. We already know that those who are identified as being a ‘bully’ are twice as likely to engage in crime later on in life.

We __37__ 8,850 young people aged 12-25 in the United Kingdom and we know that people who

bully others are more likely to have difficulties at home, and probably have recently experienced something traumatic or __38__ and aren’t dealing with it in positive ways. As a result, their physical and mental health suffers, with 29% feeling constantly physically ill. The similarity with those who have been bullied is clear – 27% report feeling constantly physically ill.

Finally, the support for the person being bullied is __39__ and should never be ignored. But instead

of punishing the person doing the bullying, try to find the root issues and help them through. This takes time and patience, but by helping them overcome their issues, you are __40__ preventing numerous other people from being bullied.

III. Reading Comprehension Section A

A new Duke University-led study finds that more than 200 bird species in six rapidly developing

regions are at risk of extinction despite not being included on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List.

The study, __41__ in the peer-reviewed journal Science Advances, used remote sensing data to map recent land-use changes that are __42__ suitable habitat for more than 600 bird species in the Atlantic forest of Brazil, Central America, the western Andes of Colombia, Sumatra, Madagascar and Southeast Asia. Of the 600 species, only 108 are __43__ classified by the IUCN Red List as being at risk of extinction.

The new analysis, however, reveals that 210 of the species face __44__ risks of extinction and 189 of them should now be classified as threatened, based on the extent and pace of habitat loss documented by recent remote sensing.

“Good as it is, the Red List assessment process dates back 25 years and does not make use of __45__ in geospatial(地理空间) technologies,” said Stuart L. Pimm, Doris Duke Professor of Conservation Ecology at Duke’s Nicholas School of the Environment. “We have powerful new tools at our fingertips,

including vastly __46__ digital maps, regular global assessments of land use changes from satellite images, and maps showing which areas of the planet are __47__ by national parks.”

By not involving this type of modern geospatial data into its assessments, Pimm said, the Red List is __48__ the number of species at risk and causing scientists and policymakers to overlook __49__ areas for conservation.

For instance, while the Red List currently includes estimates of the size of a species’ geographical range in its assessment process, it __50__ to account for how much preferred habitat remains within that range, said Natalia Ocampo-Pe?uela, the new study’s lead author.

“Knowing how much of this preferred habitat remains -- and how much of it has been __51__ or degraded -- is vital for accurately assessing extinction risks, especially for species that have small geographical ranges to begin with. But it’s __52__ in the current Red List assessment process.”

“When these factors are accounted for, some species that are not currently considered at risk of extinction probably have ranges that are smaller than those that the Red List quite sensibly decides are at risk,” said study co-author Clinton Jenkins, who directs the biodiversity mapping site.

Added Ocampo-Pe?uela, “Natural habitats in the most biodiverse places on Earth are __53__, pushing species toward extinction a thousand times faster than their __54__ rates. Preventing these extinctions requires __55__ what species are at risk and where they live,” she said. “With better data we can make better decisions, and have a greater chance of saving species and protecting the places that matter.”

41. A. printed 42. A. reducing

B. published B. declining B. gradually B. decreased B. creations B. improved B. recognized B. undervaluing B. international B. fails

C. publicized C. collecting C. currently C. revised C. initials

D. pressed D. ignoring D. undoubtedly D. accelerated D. ideas D. changed D. protected D. overestimating D. superior D. sticks D. deserted

43. A. truthfully 44. A. reversed

45. A. advances 46. A. invented

C. approved C. appreciated

47. A. prohibited 48. A. miscounting 49. A. priority 50. A. manages

C. underestimating C. local C. tries

51. A. developed B. destroyed C. exploited